A variable quantity, such as force, that has magnitude and direction
A single vector, that is a combination of 2 or more vectors (magnitude + direction)
The velocity of a projectile immediately before striking the ground; the magnitude of impact velocity is impact speed
Determining components of a vector, usuallu at right angles to each other (horizontal and vertical components)
A depiction of the influence of a vector in a given direction
The angle at which a projectile is launched, with respect to the horizontal plane.
Horizontal = Ux = Ucos0
Verticao = Uy = Usin0
The acceleration of a body falling freely in a vacuum near the surface of an astronomical body in the local gravitational field
The horizontal displacement of a projectile upon impact
- Impct speed = Launch speed
- Horizontal component remains constant
- Vertical component: - launch velocity = impact velocity
- Vertical velocity is negative
- Vertical displacement is negative
- Same as same height
More time in the air