Chapter 10 Muscle tissue
muscle plasma membrane
Skeletal muscle function
moves bones
skeletal muscle appearance
multi-nucleated, longitudinal, striated
Skeletal muscle control
Cardiac Muscle appearance
one nuclei, striated, branched, intercalated
Cardia Muscle function
pump blood
Cardia Muscle control
Visceral Muscle function
various functions ex: peristalsis
Visceral muscle location
various organs ex: GI tract
Visceral Muscle appearance
one nuclei, spindled-shaped, no striations
Visceral muscle control
Electrical excitability
ability to respond to certain stimuli by producing electrical signals called action potentials
ability to control and shorten in length when stimulated by an action potential
ability to stretch without damage
ability to return to its original shape and resting length after contraction or extension
dense sheet of C.T. that lines the body wall and limbs
supports and surrounds muscle and other organs
allows free movement of muscle and contains blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels
holds muscles with similar functions together
fine sheath of C.T. composed of reticular fibers surround each muscle fiber that extends from fascia to protect ans strengthen skeletal muscle
dense irregular C.T. that surrounds groups of muscle fibers called fascicles that extends from fascia to support and strengthen skeletal muscle
overcoat of dense irregular C.T. that surrounds the entire muscles and extends from fascia to protect and strengthen skeletal muscle
a rope-like band of tissue that connects muscle to bone
a broad flat sheet that atttaches sheet-like muscles needing a wide area of attachment
fusion of mesodernmal cells-once fused the muscle fibers cannot undergo cell division
Terminal Cisternae
dilated end sacs of the sarcoplasmic reticulum that butt against the T-tubules from both sides
where large amounts of calcium is stored
terminal cisternae
a tranverse tubule and two terminal cisternae on either side
protein in sarcoplasm that contains oxygen used by mitochondria for ATP production
filaments inside a myofibril that are arranged in functional units
extends from one Z disc to another
separated from one another by Z discs
Z discs
narrow plated-shaped regions of dense protein material
separates one sarcomere from the next one
Z discs
"A" band
dark, middle part of sacromere that extends entire length of thick filaments, contains thin filament that overlap thick filaments
"I" bands
lighter, less dense area of sarcomere, contains remainder of thin filaments
Z discs pass through center
"I" bands
contains no thick filaments
"I" bands
"H" zone
narrow region in center of "A" bands, contains thick filaments
has no thin filaments
"H" zone
"M" line
hold thick filaments together at center of sarcomere
center of "H" zone that contains proteins
"M" line
main protein component of thin filaments
a thin molecule join and twist into helix to form an action filament
has myosin binding sites
Contractile proteins
actin and myosin
main component of thick myofilament and acts like a motor protein
forms shaft of filament and shaped like golf clubs
has two binding sites: actin and ATP
blocked by tropomyosin in relaxed muscle and held in place by troponin molecules
regulatory protein that blocks myosin binding sites in relaxed muscles
Troponin molecules
hold myosin in place during relaxed muscles
changes shape when calcium ions attaches which pulls tropomysosin away so myosin can attach to actin
myosin pulls on actin causing thin filaments to slide inward and the Z discs move towards each other and sacromere shortens
sliding filament theory
Contracted Sarcomere
thin filament move inward, "H" and "I" narrow and dissappear in max contracted muscle
Contracted Sarcomere
width of "A" band and length on myofillaments dont change
Contracted Sarcomere
Z discs come together and makes sarcomere shorten
what the myosin is called when it attached to the actin
cross bridge
a muscle's action protential
sliding of the filaments
sequence of events that links excitation and contraction
Excitation-Contraction coupling
communication between 2 neurons or between a neuron and a target cell
Neuromuscular Juntion (NMJ)
a synapse between a somatic motor neuron and muscle fiber
Motor End Plate
region if the sarcolemma opposite the synaptic end bulbs which contains acetylcholine
always the neurotransmitter in somatic neurons that innervate skeletal muscles
molecules of a neurotransmitter found in synaotiv vesicles that are in synaptic end bulbs
Calcium (NMJ)
causes exocytosis of a neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft which diffuse across the synaptic cleft
Central fatigue
happens before muscle fatigue, when a person may feel tired and has desire to stop activity
occurs due to change in the central nervous system
Central fatigue
protective mechanism to stop exercise before structutal muscle damage occurs
Central fatigue
process where glucose gives rise to lactic acid when oxygen is absent or low in concentration
Anaerobic Glycolysis
Oxygen Debt
the extra oxygen over and above the resting oxygen consumption that is taken into the body after exercise
Extra O2 from O2 debt
replenishes CP stores, converts lactate into pyruvate ATP production in the heart, liver, kindeys, skeletal muscles, reloads O2 onto myoglobins
Motor unit
Consists of a somatic motor neuron and all skeletal muscle fibers in innervates, all fibers contract in unison
what determines the strength of contraction?
on the size of the motor units and number of activated at one time
Motor Unit Recruitment
process in which the number of active motor units increase, weakest recruited first followed by stronger motor units
Twitch Contraction
brief contractionof all muscle fibers in a motor unit in response to a single action potential
Wave summation
situation where stimuli arriving at different times causing larger contraction
comes after twitch contraction and refractory period
Wave Summation
Unfused (incomplete) tetanus
when a skeletal can only partially relax between stimuli at a rate 20 to 30 times per second
Fused (complete) tetanus
when the fibers is stimulated at 80 to 100 times per second, does not relax at all
Muscle Tone
skeletal muscle at rest exibiting a small amount of tension
established by weak alternating, involuntary activation of small groups of motor units in muscle
Muscle tone
keeps muscles firm but doesnt create a force strong enough to produce movement
Muscle tone
Isotonic Contraction
tension is constant while muscle length changes and movement occurs
Isotonic Contraction (Concentric)
muscle shortens and creates movement to reduce the angle to a joint
Isotonic Contraction (Eccentric)
muscle tension resists the load and muscle length increases
Isometric Contraction
Muscle contracts, does not change length and no movement occurs
important in maintaing posture and supporting objects in a fixed position
Isometric Contraction
important for stabilizing some joints while others move
Isometric contraction
Intercalated disc
irregular transverse thickening of the sarcolemma that connect cardiac muscle fibers to one another
found in cardiac muscles
intercalated discs
contains desmomes to hold fibers together and gap junctions that allow muscle action potentials to spread from one muscle fiber to another
intercalated discs
by the gap junctions connecting , an autorythmic signal can be transmitted to connecting fibers so that all can contract at on time
Smooth muscle
the act of visceral smooth muscle that squeezes substances through the organs by alternating contracting and relaxing
does NOT have T tubules
smooth muscle
has invaginations of plasma memebrane called caveolae containg Ca++
Smooth muscles
has thin filaments that attach to dense bodies, similar to Z discs
Smooth muscles
calmodulin is the regulatory protein
Smooth muscle
growth of skeletal tissues after birth is due to increase in the size of cells
increase in number of cells in skeletal and cardiac muscles
produces new smooth muscle fibers
stem cells found in association with blood capillaries and small capillaries
sudden involuntary contraction of a single muscle within a large group of muscles
involuntary muscle contractions
caused by inadequate blood flow to muscles such as dehydration, overuse and injury, and abnormal blood electrolyte levels
Cuestionario |
BIOLOGIA 6 "Trasporto attraverso il poro" |
Chapter 10 |
Chapter 12 Nervous Systems |
interwar years quiz |
BIOLOGIA 5 "L'evoluzione della cellula" |
BIOLOGIA 4 "Gli acidi nucleici" |
B2 Digestive System |
Wk 12 Skin Cancers |
gender schema theory |
tipos de células |
Wk 11 Rosacea |
gramatica hz4 |
bogovi - copy |
bogovi |
teoria geral da organizacao |
geo |
Bio for test |
L2 S2 : OJUE : Chapitre 3 : Contrôle : renvoi préjudiciel (9) |
Matematica. |
Indici di economia aziendaleIndici finanziari ed economici |
L2 S2 : OJUE : Chapitre 3 : Contrôle :Respect par EM : recours en manquement (8) |
Byggnadsmaterial_2_Lättbetong |
L2 S2 : OJUE : Chapitre 3 : Contrôle : Respect du droit par les organes (7) |
les vijf |
vocabulaire allemand |
L2 S2 : OJUE : Chapitre 3 : Contrôle : présentation juridictions (6) |
Números en inglés del 1 al 1000000 |
B2 Enzyme |
fr |
2eme guerre mondial |
vocabolario geografico |
B2 Cell Organisation |
Byggnadsmaterial_2_Betong |
BIO AW 3 |
Byggnadsmaterial_2_Stål |
les cellules musculaire |
mouvement volontaire |
reflexe myotatiquereflexe myotatique |
storia |
Foods |
Byggnadsmaterial_2_Värmeisoleringsmaterial |
storia lingua |
blok 2 kennistoets |
latijn les vier |
Unilever in IndiaPaper 2 |
Rice/Fish FarmingPaper 2 |
Almeria- Large Scale AgriculturePaper 2 |
BedZedPaper 2 |
London- Olympic ParkPaper 2 |
MumbaiPaper 2 |
Boscastle FloodPaper 1 |
Byggnadsmaterial_2_Trä |
The Holderness CoastPaper 1 |
The River TeesPaper 1 |
Thar DesertPaper 1 |
The Amazon RainforestPaper 1 |
histoire |
Beast from the EastPaper 1 |
Typhoon HaiyanPaper 1 |
Prepositions and directions 📚📍The prepositions are always used ending with 에. i. e 앞에: 공은 의자 앞에 있어요.
여기, 저기, 거기 are used as the subject of the sentence. i. e 여기는 학교 있어요. |
L2 S2 : OJUE : Chapitre 2 : Rapports avec les droits nationaux (5) |
Romeinse Rijk Tijdlijn |
Toxicologiaola |
Pharmaco.Antiagréants plaquettaires et les anticoagulants |
Pharmaco.antipyrétiques, analgésiques non opioïdes et les AINS (anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens) |
PSYB57 Final: Attention |
passive and active transport |
Cell membrane |
Enhancing cell understanding with microscopy |
Cell theaory |
232 Fat |
Cell orgnalles |
Engelska |
chapter 39behaviour |
Irregular verbsIrregular verbs |
Words |
Body |
chapter 7 |
catnip crew quiz - copiarlodeve studiare |
poslovice |
German |
allemand2 |
Samhälle vokabulär |
Japan #1 |
Economie |
Byggnadsmaterial_2_Övergripande |
Accounting igcse/ |
Ryggradens uppbyggnad - Columna vertebralisDe latinska och svenska namnen på ryggradens ben. |
Benen som utgör Cranium (skallen/kraniet)Hjälp till instudering av de latinska och svenska namnen på benen som utgör kraniet. |
New Zealand vs NepalPaper 1 |
mening |
Politics |
L2 S2 : OJUE : Chapitre 2 : Pouvoirs normatifs UE : Procédure législative (4) |
Accounting defintions |
present simpleteorico y práctico |
black jackj |
Colores caballo 🐴 |
parcial 2 |
Examen |
Metabolismo y sistema digestivo |
FCE vocabulary |
Terapeutica 2do parcial |
1 secundaria1-Secundaria |
Pharmaco.Les opioïdes |
segundo parcial |
Sistema Respiratorio y Circulatorio |
Fisiopatologia 2do examen de derma |
Système endocrinien |
merco. |
träna |
Neurotransmissores |
Chapter 11 - Organic Chemistry |
Transtorno Bipolar |
Ezquizofrenia |
Transtornos do Humor |
Transtornos de ansiedade |
Transtornos Mentais e o encéfalo |
psykologi |
PAC Nomenclatura |
Esthertodas las materias con preguntas de tercer grado de secundaria |
Kohlbergs theory |
Funcio 2do parcial |
Olexander |
Onderwijs en Ontwikkelingspsychologie |
Geschiedenis begrippen |
Filologia e linguistica romanza |
אִמָא |
droit constitu5eme republique |
chimizoui |
Ken |
Memoria |
L2 S2 : OJUE : Chapitre 2 : pouvoir normatif de l'UE : sources (3) |
AnatomilistaLista på anatomi |
Vetenskapsteori |
Skador, förebyggande vård och anatomiI den här Quizen har jag försökt täcka de viktigaste frågorna i utbildningen som tar upp skador och förebyggande vård. |
L2 S2 : OJUE : Chapitre 1 : Compétences de l'UE (2) |
levensbeschouwing hoofdstuk 2 |
Vocabulary Building |
escuela exegeticacontesta todo con sinceridad |
morfo 2do parcial |
microbiología |
Alteraciones de Leucocitos |
marketing sensorial - copia |
marketing sensorialjuego de la maestra Miriam |
PSYB57 Final: Visual Imagery |
psicologia social e a historia do trabalho |
Eosinofilos |
Precursores de Neutrofilos |
Derecho Económico |
Quimica |
NSGD2147-Final |
introduction to business |
Leucocitos generalidades |
Nelson Flashcards - copy - copy |
Nelson Flashcards - copy |
verbos en ingles |
BrianSuerte |
Nelson Flashcards |
recu lengua t2 |
Bio |
droit de la famille |
psicologia social e preconceitos |
psicologia social e preconceitos |
politique comparée |
Latijn les 11 |
sino numbers |
allemandallemand |
漢字 |
allemand |
freud e a psicologia social ? |
latin chapters 12-16 |
le stress |
o que é psicologia social ? |
stati europei con ordinamento statostai europei con ordinamento stato con capitali |
H1 Procesmanagement |
5VH2 |
Espagnol vocabulaire L1S2 |
etruschi |
thyroïde |
Examen 1 |
random french i need to know for end of year exam |
Polislagen |
verbs irréguliers 1 |
topics 11 and 12 |
topics 9 and 10 |
English media quiz |
spanish fuckijg shitfuck this shit imma fail and i care alot |
HP6 L |
verbos irregulares 1 |
topics 7 and 8 |
GD AW 3 |
toucan |
Español |
beatriz |
max |
science-physics paper 1-energy
-particle model of matter
- atomic structure |
Biologyincludes the days, hormones, glands, controception |
Sensorialité foetale à la 1er relation sociale |
Atc kortprov |
sarah |
psicologia |
earth layers |
persian |
socially sensitive research |
Svenska-Satsdelar |
svenska- Frastyper |
Organisatie kunde H2 |
allemand 4 |
effort musculaire et adaptation |
Définitions |
handboek organisatie en management |
commerce yr 10 |
allemand |
Vocabulaire |
Les different pièces d'échecs |
week 11-12 |
Bvt begrippen aw 3 |
verbi |
BVT AW 3 |
Immunologia |
engels |
vin françaisles vignobles, cépages, cycle de végétation, appellations françaises |
português |
svenska- ordklasser |
sentiments allemand |
articulations quiz |
Piaget |
Les méthode d'étude de psydev |
CC 1-10 |
Begrepp handgranat |
l'insuline est ses amis |
organisatie kunde deel 1 |
Handgranater |
장소 🏠🏛️⛪️🏫 |
axe somatotrope |
lära idag |
💼Lavorare |
PSYB57 Final: Perception |
FRENCH animals |
Geography quiz |
unit 12 vocab |
211: Augmented Feedback |
politik |
Les relations intergroupes (chap11) |
Catégories sociales / préjugés / stéréotypes (chap10) |
Psychological Disorders |
sc |
Le groupe sociale (chap9) |
Medicina II🫀 |
Arménien |
Ljud och ljus |
Chem |
SOC109 |
chemistry |
Chapter 1 |
bonus criminel |
L'agression (chap8) |
sc.hum quiz 3 |
Vacios Humanos |
Arrêts droit administratif S4 |
Sanitair |
L'attraction interpersonnelle (chap 7) |
Englisch |
Externredovisning 2 |
latin chapters 6-11 |
🧮Contare e calcolare |