it is designed to protect and empower people who lack metal capacity to make their own decisions about their care and treatment.
applies to people over 16.
covers decisions abour day to day things.
1. assume a person has capacity unless proven other wise
2. do not treat people as incapable of making decisions unless all practicable steps have been tried to help them.
3. a person should now be treated as incapable of making decisions because their decision may seem unwise.
4. always do things or take decisions for people without capacity in their best interests.
5. before doing something to someone or making a decision on their behalf, consider if the outcome could be achieved in a less restrictive way.
refers to making decisions or taking actions that are most advantageous or beneficial for someone, especially when that perosn is not able to make the decision themselves.
> do not discriminate.
> take into account all relevent circumstances
> if faced with difficulty or contenious decision, its recommended practioners adopt a 'balance sheet' aproach
> involve the individual as fully as possible
> take into account the individuals past and present wishes and feelings, any beleifs and values to have a bearing on the decision.
> consult as far and as widley as possible
>record best interest decisions, MCA requires evidence-based approach and you will have objective record should you be challenged later on
regaining capacity depends on the individual and their circumstances. its important to provide necessarysupport and treatment to help the person regain capacity
an IMCA is appionted to act on your behalf if you lack capacity to make certain decision. in england IMCAs are appionted by the local authority, and in wales they are appionted by a locla health board.
> visit in a care home, hospital, or other place.if appionted to help, they shold be able to speak to the patient in private.
> help collect relevent information about decisions that needs to be made about you
>consult with health professionals providing care and treatment, ifthe patient agrees