closed production system, where resources are reused and kept in a loop of production and usage, generating more value and for a longer period.
Through value network and costumer value proposition and interface
defines the implementation of the circulairity concept in proposing value to costumers and how it determins the positioning of companies against competitors.
Defines the ways through which companies interact with their suppliers and reorganize their own internal acitivies.
linear, down, upstream and full circular
Marketing to costumers about use or reuse of products. Internal not much circular.
Internal adoption of circular practices. They dont show it to costumers.
Internal and external adoption of circular practices.
take make and disposal, a traditional open-ended economy model developed with no built-in tendency to recycle, enviroment is a waste reservoir.
1. Switch from pay per own to pay per use.
2. Higher degree of cooperation between costumer and companie.
3. Revenue is mainly from pay per use and pay per result.
Reverse supply chain acitivities and higher degree of cooperation with actors in the supply chain.