Material, spaatial, temporal, idelational, polticial
casaulity, contingency,comparison
horizontal structures that link different human, a structure of connections
Low productivity and slow communications
Very little wealth
Slow communication- ideas would take a long time to spread.
Essentially your village or tiny community is your world for your entire life
Population in the agrarian era was low and scattered
No middle class, there were only the elites and the commoners with distinction of wealth and status
Limited goods and transport created and political good embarked this exchange of such good occurred logically
Pyramid as an aragrain state worked because of the network that led to the hierarchies and no middle class, the shift was slow and essentially wouldn't happen
Mass democracies were impossible.
The main job of being an elite was building these systems and keeping them happy
Next generation of workers
both halves of the pyramid is crucial.
frame and screen
Ideas considers natural, or morally unquestionable
Elite culture was connected through there
Non elite culture remained oral because the education was afforded by the elites
Networks and hierarchies coexisted every community had its own internal organisation as well as link to internal communities
creative tension, conflict, cooperation, and coercion
rulers and elites guarded positions that justified were forgiven goods and ideas of the merchant, Agrarian elites mistrusted them
merchants, officials, and travellers
Private ownership of capital
Division of capital and labour
Profits accrue to owners of capital
Agrarian hierarchies responded with elite power and decline with peasant power
Late mediaeval England did this, the lord of manners tried to restore order and mobilise the remaining tenets, parliament passed a statute of labour.
More diverse economic
Urban merchant society
Formed a tumour
Much of the cultural shift took place where old nobility kept their distance from those new aristocrats.
commerical revolution
silk, textiles
those who pray
they were just ignored.
Built their hierarchy was making more money
as the middle of the world, kings to show china's superiority
militarised law saw possession to prove their strength
Militarised trade in China that lacked made the European countries feel stronger.
tensions in community rise, science became competing and state intervention to support scientific t research
with their subject, more production and profit threatened the hierarchical control
depicted nature as female entity lifted and penetrated, didn’t question inequalities, women were refused scientific communities but there was expectations, often rich white women
natural science used to examine all aspects of life, nothing should be accepted on faith alone
Second method in enlightenment
discover laws of thinking
it was possible to create better societies and people during the economic and social life in eighteenth century
Production and consumption of books grew
talented and wealthy french women, encouraged observations in sciences and philosophy.
everyone else
ideal gaining enough wealth, retire and move purchasing noble positions and move into the next state and were aggressive capitalist
Montagrdad vs Girondins
Rebels and enemies of the nation were executed or died and severa, hundred thousand were arrested
Reactionary period, extended political reign of terror and Robespierre wiped out many of his collaborators
Thermidorian reaction recalled early day of the rev
helps with the movement of abolishment of slavery
Campaign to abolish slavery, biggest movement political wise to help and stop something like this from the general public
Banned the slave Atlantic trade in Britain and its empires but slavery itself and contraband trading continued in the British colonies and the America for years
France tried to retake Haiti! Jefferson refused to recognize Haiti wanted to protect their economic interest for the sake of freedom and e so;mic freedom for all
Profit driven competition in market economy leads to periods of expansions eventually expansion becomes over as the markets saturates
Comp reduce new opportunities rise boom and bust visible from the beginning of history of Industrialization
more than rural, business cycle major factor in economy
social saftey nets or adjusting the moneyy supply
sphere and dotted lines because middle class now exists and there is fluidity when it comes to the growth comapred to the pyramid which was solid stuck in their rules.
no because its connected to both state and society
irst emerged in Britain , spread of industrial meant spread of the model
opened for the shaping of values to a certain degree
network heiracrhy why intersections tense and conflicted in Agrarian era because of network and hierarchy values
driving factor of Professionalization of the state, Enables the growth of state power
Most industrial states are secular but they don’t sanction rulers
Nationalism dominate reform which is ethnocentrism
free trade,semi soverign enclaves, indirect rule, direct rule
Invested in local infrastructure and banking
Segments in those societies profited those capitalist industrial corporations
Individual counties negation agreements for the trading zone and would have the law trading zone
Foreign merchants confided to certain ports in China, after the opium wars
Like free trade imperialism extraterritoriality imported with the industrial power corporate sphere
Through cooperative local partners
Local hierarchies small and weak, could take advantage of the local rivalries
Most common form of imperialism
Berlin conference-
State run
Resembled other forms of Imperialism
Imperial power dominated the cultural frame
Common in west and east Africa
Cash economy small or non existent
Forced peasants to row cash crops so they can pay the taxes, made them more dependent on the imperialist control and dependency
Market success was acquired with western education, fostered rivalries between the traditional elites and the new ones
1890 rubber and copper extractions in Congo were profitable through rebuttal forced labour
Conditions in rubber system bad investigated, Leopold forced to give up Congo and became a colony of Belgium in 1908
South Africa and Kenya
Mining required major force
Man taken out of large parts of the year to work for European ownerships of the
Traditional policy could be obliterated through military
At times best path u seen corporation for the security in the colonial administration
Recreated the new merchant capitalist tumour
Industrial cultural challenges
Traditionalist resistance