studies is which there a potential harm or implications, either directly to the particpants or society or the individuals that are represented in the research
the research question, treatment of participant and interpretation and application of findings
research questions can damage a paticular group because it appears to add scientfic credibility of prevailing prejudice
Biggest concern is confidentiality, If confidentiality of a person is not kept it can lead to them being ashamed and causing them harm
researchers should consider of their findings can be interpretated and applied in a harmful way
raine et al; conducted brain scans of violent criminals and examined them. he found that damaged in front lobes and suggested that this is what are in violent criminals. He suggested for everyone to get their children scanned.
w- by not researching on contraversial topics it mean we could be missing out on important information. sieber and stanley said pyshcologist have the right to study taboo topics as it could lead to new groundbreaking information however this could promote greater sensitivity
s- to overcome wrong findings and interprations of findings could be by researchers talking to the media and describing in depth their study for not allowing any misunderstandings happen across the public