Wk 12 Skin Cancers
People with actinic keratoses are more likely to develop:
Squamous cell carcinoma
Superficial basal cell carcinoma is:
Carcinoma that looks like eczema
Sclerosing basal cell carcinoma is:
Carcinoma that looks like a scar and often occurs in the forehead
True or False: The ABCDs of melanoma detection stand for asymmetry, border, change, and diameter.
Carcinomas that are ulcerated and have an indented center
ulcerative carcinomas
Simple superficial lesions are treated by:
Curettage and electrodessication
True or False: An area that repeatedly bleeds for no reason (such as a crusty lesion on the nose that bleeds all the time when blowing the nose) is a potential sign that their may be skin cancer there.
This skin cancer has melanocytes involved in the lesions and is dark in color:
pigmented basal cell carcinoma
True or False: Basal cell carcinoma rarely metastasizes or spreads to other organs.
True or False: Electrodessication and Curettage (ED & C) is a treatment for superficial cancers that are very quick and have little downtime. It is also known as scrape and char, scrape and char.
True or False: Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most frequently diagnosed skin cancer.
The most serious and deadly form of skin cancer
More advanced cases are treated by:
Moh's surgery
This skin cancer looks like eczema; red, flat, scaly, frequently misdiagnosed:
superficial basal cell carcinoma
Basal cell carcinoma is:
the most common and least severe type of skin cancer
What are signs of possible skin cancer?
all of the above are correct
True or False: Those with dysplastic nevi are more likely to get melanoma.
Basal cell carcinoma is most common in patients who are:
Over 40 years of age
Common form of skin cancer that originates in the basal layer
basal cell carcinoma
True or False: A trained or certified esthetician who knows the appearance of different skin cancers is able to help the client understand what type of skin cancer they might have and what types of treatments are available.
Those who have over 15 moles are more susceptible to melanoma.
This skin cancer is a pearl-like bump, flesh-colored or slightly pink, often with small capillaries running through it, generally painless:
nodulocystic basal cell carcinoma
True or False: If a melanoma has metastasized the lymph nodes may have to be removed.
True or False: Basal cell carcinoma is the number-one cancer among women aged 25-29.
True or False: All signs of melanoma indicated by the ABCDs checklist must be present for a lesion to be suspected as melanoma.
True or False: Squamous cell carcinoma is caused by cumulative sun damage, and to a lesser extent, by long-term exposure to industrial chemicals.
TRue or False: In Mohs surgery slivers of skin like an onion are removed and each layer is examined for cancer.
Melanoma is:
The most serious and deadly form of skin cancer
True or False: Mohs’ micrographic surgery is used on skin cancers where tissue preservation is important or when there is not much tissue below the lesion.
Basal cell carcinoma
Raised, crusty, or warty-looking carcinoma
Raised, crusty, or warty-looking carcinoma
squamous cell carcinoma
True or False: Melanocytes are the cells responsible for melanoma.
Pigmented basal cell carcinoma is:
Carcinoma that is dark and has melanocytes in the lesions
True or False: Squamous cell carcinoma can metastasize and spread to other organs.
Basal cell carcinoma is most common in Fitzpatrick skin types:
True or False: When looking at suspicious lesions an Esthetician should consider the client’s Fitzpatrick level, age group, and sun exposure particularly in the area of the lesion when recommending a client have it further looked at by a physician or dermatologist.
True or False: Tissue samples are analyzed and biopsied in a lab in a procedure called a Moh’s micrography.
Squamous cell carcinoma are usually:
All of the above
Recurrent/larger lesions are treated by:
Surgical excision followed by skin graft
Squamous cell Carcinoma is:
Raised, crusty, or warty-looking carcinoma
True or False: In advanced cases of melanoma chemotherapy may be used for treatment.
This skin cancer is ulcerated, with indented center
ulcerative basal cell carcinoma
True or False: Basal cell carcinoma is most common in Fitzpatrick skin types I, II and III.
This skin cancer looks like a scar, often occurs in forehead, may linger over time:
sclerosing basal cell carcinoma
True or False: Immune suppression due to health conditions or certain medications create a higher risk for skin cancer such as malignant melanoma.
Basal cell carcinoma:
often appears as light, pearly nodules
True or False: Electrodessication and Curettage is a subjective procedure so on deeper cancers it may not have as high a cure rate as other treatments that are able to biopsy the cancer. However, for superficial cancers treated with ED & C the cure rate is about 85 – 95%.
Carcinoma that is dark and has melanocytes in the lesions
pigmented basal cell carcinoma
Quiz |
gender schema theory |
tipos de células |
Wk 11 Rosacea |
gramatica hz4 |
bogovi - copy |
bogovi |
teoria geral da organizacao |
geo |
Bio for test |
L2 S2 : OJUE : Chapitre 3 : Contrôle : renvoi préjudiciel (9) |
Matematica. |
Indici di economia aziendaleIndici finanziari ed economici |
L2 S2 : OJUE : Chapitre 3 : Contrôle :Respect par EM : recours en manquement (8) |
Byggnadsmaterial_2_Lättbetong |
L2 S2 : OJUE : Chapitre 3 : Contrôle : Respect du droit par les organes (7) |
les vijf |
vocabulaire allemand |
L2 S2 : OJUE : Chapitre 3 : Contrôle : présentation juridictions (6) |
Números en inglés del 1 al 1000000 |
B2 Enzyme |
fr |
2eme guerre mondial |
vocabolario geografico |
B2 Cell Organisation |
Byggnadsmaterial_2_Betong |
BIO AW 3 |
Byggnadsmaterial_2_Stål |
les cellules musculaire |
mouvement volontaire |
reflexe myotatiquereflexe myotatique |
storia |
Foods |
Byggnadsmaterial_2_Värmeisoleringsmaterial |
storia lingua |
blok 2 kennistoets |
latijn les vier |
Unilever in IndiaPaper 2 |
Rice/Fish FarmingPaper 2 |
Almeria- Large Scale AgriculturePaper 2 |
BedZedPaper 2 |
London- Olympic ParkPaper 2 |
MumbaiPaper 2 |
Boscastle FloodPaper 1 |
Byggnadsmaterial_2_Trä |
The Holderness CoastPaper 1 |
The River TeesPaper 1 |
Thar DesertPaper 1 |
The Amazon RainforestPaper 1 |
histoire |
Beast from the EastPaper 1 |
Typhoon HaiyanPaper 1 |
Prepositions and directions 📚📍The prepositions are always used ending with 에. i. e 앞에: 공은 의자 앞에 있어요.
여기, 저기, 거기 are used as the subject of the sentence. i. e 여기는 학교 있어요. |
L2 S2 : OJUE : Chapitre 2 : Rapports avec les droits nationaux (5) |
Romeinse Rijk Tijdlijn |
Toxicologiaola |
Pharmaco.Antiagréants plaquettaires et les anticoagulants |
Pharmaco.antipyrétiques, analgésiques non opioïdes et les AINS (anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens) |
PSYB57 Final: Attention |
passive and active transport |
Cell membrane |
Enhancing cell understanding with microscopy |
Cell theaory |
232 Fat |
Cell orgnalles |
Engelska |
chapter 39behaviour |
Irregular verbsIrregular verbs |
Words |
Body |
chapter 7 |
catnip crew quiz - copiarlodeve studiare |
poslovice |
German |
allemand2 |
Samhälle vokabulär |
Japan #1 |
Economie |
Byggnadsmaterial_2_Övergripande |
Accounting igcse/ |
Ryggradens uppbyggnad - Columna vertebralisDe latinska och svenska namnen på ryggradens ben. |
Benen som utgör Cranium (skallen/kraniet)Hjälp till instudering av de latinska och svenska namnen på benen som utgör kraniet. |
New Zealand vs NepalPaper 1 |
mening |
Politics |
L2 S2 : OJUE : Chapitre 2 : Pouvoirs normatifs UE : Procédure législative (4) |
Accounting defintions |
present simpleteorico y práctico |
black jackj |
Colores caballo 🐴 |
parcial 2 |
Examen |
Metabolismo y sistema digestivo |
FCE vocabulary |
Terapeutica 2do parcial |
1 secundaria1-Secundaria |
Pharmaco.Les opioïdes |
segundo parcial |
Sistema Respiratorio y Circulatorio |
Fisiopatologia 2do examen de derma |
Système endocrinien |
merco. |
träna |
Neurotransmissores |
Chapter 11 - Organic Chemistry |
Transtorno Bipolar |
Ezquizofrenia |
Transtornos do Humor |
Transtornos de ansiedade |
Transtornos Mentais e o encéfalo |
psykologi |
PAC Nomenclatura |
Esthertodas las materias con preguntas de tercer grado de secundaria |
Kohlbergs theory |
Funcio 2do parcial |
Olexander |
Onderwijs en Ontwikkelingspsychologie |
Geschiedenis begrippen |
Filologia e linguistica romanza |
אִמָא |
droit constitu5eme republique |
chimizoui |
Ken |
Memoria |
L2 S2 : OJUE : Chapitre 2 : pouvoir normatif de l'UE : sources (3) |
AnatomilistaLista på anatomi |
Vetenskapsteori |
Skador, förebyggande vård och anatomiI den här Quizen har jag försökt täcka de viktigaste frågorna i utbildningen som tar upp skador och förebyggande vård. |
L2 S2 : OJUE : Chapitre 1 : Compétences de l'UE (2) |
levensbeschouwing hoofdstuk 2 |
Vocabulary Building |
escuela exegeticacontesta todo con sinceridad |
morfo 2do parcial |
microbiología |
Alteraciones de Leucocitos |
marketing sensorial - copia |
marketing sensorialjuego de la maestra Miriam |
PSYB57 Final: Visual Imagery |
psicologia social e a historia do trabalho |
Eosinofilos |
Precursores de Neutrofilos |
Derecho Económico |
Quimica |
NSGD2147-Final |
introduction to business |
Leucocitos generalidades |
Nelson Flashcards - copy - copy |
Nelson Flashcards - copy |
verbos en ingles |
BrianSuerte |
Nelson Flashcards |
recu lengua t2 |
Bio |
droit de la famille |
psicologia social e preconceitos |
psicologia social e preconceitos |
politique comparée |
Latijn les 11 |
sino numbers |
allemandallemand |
漢字 |
allemand |
freud e a psicologia social ? |
latin chapters 12-16 |
le stress |
o que é psicologia social ? |
stati europei con ordinamento statostai europei con ordinamento stato con capitali |
H1 Procesmanagement |
5VH2 |
Espagnol vocabulaire L1S2 |
etruschi |
thyroïde |
Examen 1 |
random french i need to know for end of year exam |
Polislagen |
verbs irréguliers 1 |
topics 11 and 12 |
topics 9 and 10 |
English media quiz |
spanish fuckijg shitfuck this shit imma fail and i care alot |
HP6 L |
verbos irregulares 1 |
topics 7 and 8 |
GD AW 3 |
toucan |
Español |
beatriz |
max |
science-physics paper 1-energy
-particle model of matter
- atomic structure |
Biologyincludes the days, hormones, glands, controception |
Sensorialité foetale à la 1er relation sociale |
Atc kortprov |
sarah |
psicologia |
earth layers |
persian |
socially sensitive research |
Svenska-Satsdelar |
svenska- Frastyper |
Organisatie kunde H2 |
allemand 4 |
effort musculaire et adaptation |
Définitions |
handboek organisatie en management |
commerce yr 10 |
allemand |
Vocabulaire |
Les different pièces d'échecs |
week 11-12 |
Bvt begrippen aw 3 |
verbi |
BVT AW 3 |
Immunologia |
engels |
vin françaisles vignobles, cépages, cycle de végétation, appellations françaises |
português |
svenska- ordklasser |
sentiments allemand |
articulations quiz |
Piaget |
Les méthode d'étude de psydev |
CC 1-10 |
Begrepp handgranat |
l'insuline est ses amis |
organisatie kunde deel 1 |
Handgranater |
장소 🏠🏛️⛪️🏫 |
axe somatotrope |
lära idag |
💼Lavorare |
PSYB57 Final: Perception |
FRENCH animals |
Geography quiz |
unit 12 vocab |
211: Augmented Feedback |
politik |
Les relations intergroupes (chap11) |
Catégories sociales / préjugés / stéréotypes (chap10) |
Psychological Disorders |
sc |
Le groupe sociale (chap9) |
Medicina II🫀 |
Arménien |
Ljud och ljus |
Chem |
SOC109 |
chemistry |
Chapter 1 |
bonus criminel |
L'agression (chap8) |
sc.hum quiz 3 |
Vacios Humanos |
Arrêts droit administratif S4 |
Sanitair |
L'attraction interpersonnelle (chap 7) |
Englisch |
Externredovisning 2 |
latin chapters 6-11 |
🧮Contare e calcolare |
micronutrimentj'espère que y a pas de faute |
Verbos en aleman |
💳Il denaro p. 101 |
K number |
topics 5 and 6 |
physics equations |