single nerve cell that conduct nerve impulses are electricaly excitable.connect all regions of the body to the brain and spinal cord through generation and conduct of nerve impulses
support,nourish insulate and protect neurouns
are receiving signals
does the processing,thinking,sorting,deciding
gets triggered
sends fibres,sends nervous impulses
wraps around the axon and insulates it
sends message to the next cell
receptors sences changes in internal/external environment
sensory(afferent) neurouns conduct sensory impulses from receptors into the CNS
analyse and store sensory information
make decisions regarding appropriate responces
respond to stimuli by initiating action
motor neurons conduct motor impulses from CNS to effectors
consists of neuronal cell bodies,dentrites,axon terminals,neuroglia
function: integration and processing
primarily consists of myelinated axons
Fuction:transmisson of impulses
physically support neuron,create the blood brain barrier,maintain the chemical environment for generation of nerve impilse
forms and maintain myelin sheath,use lipid protein cover to electrically insulate
function as a phagocytes to protect
help produce cerebrospinal fluid
form and maintain myelin sheath,use lipid protein cover to electrically insulate