Chapter 15
Somatic Nervous System
receives sensory input from neurons that convey sensory info for somatic senses or special senses
Autonomic Nervouse System
receives input from interocepts that monitor the internal environment
regulates cardiac muscle, smooth muscles, and glands
motor neurons functions by either increasing or decreasing activities; involuntary
always contracted when stimulated; voluntary control
sensory receptors found in blood vessels, visceral organs, muscles, and areas of nervous systems that monitor internal environments
location of ganglion
close to CNS and distant from visceral effectors
Vagus nerve (ANS)
mood, immune response, digestion, and heart rate; crucial bodily function
Neurotransmitter (sympathetic)
preganglion neurons release acetylcholine, postganglion neurons release nonepinephrine
Parasympathetic Neurotransmitter
preganglion neurons release ACh; postgaglion neurons release ACh
Cholingeric location
proteins in postsynatpic plasma; activated by ACh
Nicotinic Recep (skeletal muscle)
loc: sarcolemma of skeletal muscle fibers; effect: excitation then contraction
Nicotinic recep (adrenal medulla)
loc: chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla; effect: epinephrine and nonepinephrine secretion
Nicotinic recep (plasma membrane)
loc: membrane of postganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons; effect: excitation to impulse in postganglion neurons
sweat glands
innervated by sympathetic postganglion neurons
increase in salvation, lacrimation, urination, digestion, defecation
decrease in HR, airway diameter, pupil constriction
Sympathetic response last longer than parasympathetic...
sympathetic postganglion neurons diverge more extensively
Sympathetic response last longer than parasympathetic...
Nonepinephrine stays in synaptic cleft for longer time
Sympathetic response last longer than parasympathetic...
nonepinephrine and epinephrine intensify and prolonged effect
"resting and digestion"
slows down most body activity and conserve and restore body energy
Sympathetic innervation
sweat glands, arrector pili, kidenys, spleen, blood vessels, and adrenal medulla
Sympathetic (Thoracolumbar)
distribute to a wide region, spinal cord T1-L2, thoracolumbar outflow, close to CNS, short axons synapse w/ many postganglionic neurons w/ long axons
Parasympathetic (craniosacral)
head, thorax, abdomen and pelvis; S2-S4; within walls of visceral effectors, preganglion neurons w/ long axons, post gang w/ short axons
Muscarinic (sweat glands)
innervated by cholingeric sympathetic postgang neurons; increase sweating
Muscarinic (skeletal muscle)
innervated cholinegeric sympath; inhibition then relaxation then vasodilation
Adrengic receptors
integral proteins in postsynaptic membrane
a1 Andrenergic Recep
loc: smooth muscle fibers in blood vessels; excitation to contraction
A2 Andrenergic Receptor
loc: smooth muscle fibers in some vessels; inhibition to relaxation to vasodilation
b1 Andrengeric Recep
loc: cardiac muscle fiber; effect: excitation to increase force and rate of contraction
b2 Andrengic receptors
loc: airway, heart vessels, skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, liver
inhibition to relaxation; cause dilation of airways, vasodilation and relaxtion or organ walls
excitation to contraction; vasoconstriction, dilation of pupil, and closing of sphincters
Sympathetic System
"fight or flight"
stimulation leads to increased alertness and metabolism to be ready for emergency
Sympathetic division
sympathetic responses
dilation, kidney and GI blood vessels constrict, BP increase, liver brkdwn glycogen and adipose tissue brkdwn triglycerides
Autonomic Tone
balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic; regulated by hypothalamus
Autonomic Plexus
celiac, superior and inferior mesenteric, renal, hypogastric
major control and integration center of the ANS
Autonomic Reflex Arc (in order)
sensory receptor, sensory neuron, integrating center, motor neurons, effector
Sensory Receptor
conducts nerve impulses from sensory receptors to CNS
Integrating Center
relay signals from sensory neurons to motor neurons with most centers in hypothalamus and brain stem
Motor Neuron
conduct nerve impulses from integrating center to effectors
are smooth muscles, cardiac muscles or glands
Autonomic Dysreflexia
exaggerated response of the SNS; severe vasoconstriction, increase parasym and decrease sympath
Raynaud Phenomenon
excessive sympathetic stimulatin of the aterioles of digit
Quiz |
Vocabulary |
Verbe anglais |
Diritto CostituzionaleDEF: costituzione --> è l'atto normativo fondante che definisce la natura, la forma, la struttura, l'attività e le regole fondamentali di un'organizzazione, ovvero il vertice della gerarchia delle fon... |
Verbe en anglaiscarte de verbe en anglais, traduction en français |
traumatisme cranien |
mapeh |
Kapitel 8 sport, Freizeit und Ferien |
collapsus cardio vasculaire etat de choc |
Control de Transito Aéreo |
la photosynthese |
Nature of Research |
Källvärdering, underrättelse |
extra till prov |
ph and molecules |
homeostasis |
informatica |
Islam |
organelles |
Membrane |
body cavities |
Fragebogen Allgemeinwissen |
Introduction to Research in Tourism |
9 regions |
anatomical |
body systems |
scienze |
Micro minerales macro y oligo elementos |
Vitaminas |
Alcohol drogas |
Elementos naturales y Sintéticos |
Metodos de separación |
Materias, sustancias y mezclas |
Psicología 1er Parcial |
Sistema ventricular |
preposiciones |
manual uzo de la fuerza |
MeningesAnatomía bloque 4 |
Hidrostática |
Drenaje del cerebroAnatomía, bloque 4 |
derechoquiz para examen derecho |
IrrigaciónAnatomia. Bloque 4 |
Operaciones |
Yamileth |
islam |
Vías del dolor |
Patología de Intestino delgado y Colon |
Vías del dolor |
examen preventiva departamental |
Histoire 3Évalue mes connaissances a l'aide de question |
Sistema Nerviosoinformación del sistema nervioso |
words |
kana |
Imagen 2do parcial |
recepción del Derecho Romano |
anatomia |
Overview of Body |
nomenglatura inorgánica |
compuestos inorgánicos |
técnicas de intervenção policial |
unit 11 |
históriaola |
English vocabulary 2 |
Spanish |
tenta |
anato |
Análisis de estados financieros-Parcial II |
v17 |
Geschichte GrenzeGeschichte zu Deutschland und der Grenze nach dem 2. Weltkrieg. |
VíasAnatomia. Bloque 4 |
Y7 Speaking Checkpoint |
vacacionesplanificación de las vacaciones de verano |
Sustancia blancaAnatomía bloque 4. |
Aardrijskunde H3 Paragraaf 2,3,4,5,7 (van Dautsen) |
date Naissance Empire Colonial |
Anatomia |
date Naissance d'un Regime |
Objetivos básicos II |
Aeronaves y Motores |
termodinâmica |
fracture compliquée ( fracture du coccyx/sacrum/rachis dorso lombaire) |
epilepsie |
cell wall |
Glosor v. 18 |
tedescoverben |
Glosor v. 17 |
tedescoSubstantive |
tedescoAdjektive und Adverbien |
Lezioni storia medievale |
Martina |
L'accouchement |
central europa |
nec 2020 chapters |
vocabolario italiano |
Fisiologia del ejercicio |
Proyecto de Vida |
Before interview practiceBefore interview practice |
sopa de letras |
tipos de suelo |
Redacción |
Biología |
Aerodinámica |
Corteza cerebralAnatomía bloque 4 |
Kayla Juliet |
Ciencias de la comunicación |
Núcleos de la baseAnatomía bloque 4 |
attori, film, cantanti, geografia, sport, scienze |
Columna dorsal Columna lumbar Ligamentos Músculos de la pelvis Costillas Múscul |
DiencefaloAnatomía Bloque 4 |
Navegacion Aérea |
Cerebelo |
evelyn-lpz999 |
vocabulario en inglés (partes del cuerpo)poner palabras en ingles y español |
Tallo cerebralAnatomia bloque 4 |
didactica |
Urgence cardio vasculaire et vasculaire |
Key financial ratios |
Galdem |
L'Ellenismo e Alessandro Magno |
Reactions allergique |
edition |
Medula espinal |
Italian wordsItalian vocab |
Italian gender |
El verbo doler |
¿Te duele algo? |
hh |
grammatik |
ارقام السورة |
fysiologi |
pronomen |
Oregelbundna verb |
Zoo and Exotic Animal Husbandry |
English vocabulary 1 |
Le diabete |
Memoria |
Aportaciones de Darwin para explicar la evolución de los seres vivos |
URNActivo y Pasivo |
BiologíaPara estudiar |
all topics |
drinkar |
Chapter 12 : Experiments |
Tricky questionsTricky questions |
12 Time series data |
Comunicaciones |
Reglamento de la Ley de Aviacion Civil |
Ley de Aviacion Civil |
minerais - macrominerais |
vitaminas |
Math and Art final |
11 Panel data |
Fractures simple//immobilisation membre inferieur |
Formulario |
Verb to be |
les fractures simples// immobilisation membre superieur |
Vocabulaire Arabisch |
Reino Visigodo en España |
Reino Visigodo en España |
conservación de la energía y sus interacciones con la materia |
Mouvements des EL 1 à 16 |
basic first aid procedures |
Projet de lecture des EL 1 à 16 |
bio |
exercicies for up |
Ve Republique |
Mistral |
vocab from book |
Types of Cuts |
Figuras retóricasso |
Teoria de la Constituciónestudia!!! |
fracciones operaciones de primer grado |
17 |
derivadas de una potencia |
Domande per la patente (1^ Fase) |
Interview PrepInterview Prep |
mercado de trabajo |
Globalización |
Module 9 Test |
Humanidades |
spanish vocab |
5.3. La Crisis del Régimen. |
Voting, Money, and Elections Review (4/18) |
present simple and present continous |
5.2. El Desarrollo Económico y sus Efectos en la Sociedad. |
5.1. La Construcción del Régimen. |
guia analisispreguntas para el examen |
Reglamentación Aérea |
Derechond |
pistolesi |
naturvetenskap |
Sao Roque |
Grundläggande Anatomi & fysiolgi |
Skeletal System |
Funcio 1er examen |
Muscular system |
so |
mezzi audiovisivi |
pronoms |
biología |
cálculo integral |
advice |
history |
german words |
passagers sous drogue/alcool |
Delprov - kopia |
hyperventilation, tetanie |
monet matters |
Glosor |
vocabulario empresarial |
indigestion |
terminologie |
Le sommeil |
key terms 3 |
coreano |
Aerocinetose |
math |
les brulures |
Anglais |
corps etranger |
hemorragie |
oposiciones administrativo Navarrahola |
plaies et blessures |
igcse biology topic 1 to 21 |
Spärrfärd fortsättn. 2 |
appareil cardio-vasculaire |
ia |
preposition of place |
economía |
examen 2 gestion |
hematologia |
Gène |
gestión |
Redacción profesional |