what is protoplasm
what is cell without cell wall is called ?
1st dead cell was discovered by?
Robert hook
1at time living cell was discovered by ?
anton van leuwenhoek
1st living cell discovered was ?
a bacterial cell
nucleus was discovered by ?
Robert brown
cell theory was formulated by ?
Matthias scheilden & Theodore schwann
cell theory was deduced in
drawback of cell theory (1838,39)
the question of how new cells were formed
the outermost layer present in bacterial cell are?
what is the thick and tough layer and loose sheath layer of glycocalyx called ?
capsule , slime layer
how is mesosomes are formed ?
by the extensions of cell membrane into the cell
in cyanobacteria membrane extensions into the cytoplasm , which contains pigment is ?
what are the three parts of flagella -
filamemt , basal body and hook
beside flagella ______ and ______ are also surface structures but do not play a role in motility
pili and fimbriae
in prokaryores , ribosomes are atteches with
cell membrane
prokaryotic ribosomes are made of 2 subunites ---
50S and 30S together makes a 70S prokaryotic ribosomes
egs of reserve material or inclusion body in a prokaryotic cells are
phosphate granules , cyanophycean granules and glycogen granules
cell membrane of eukaryotes are mainly composed of
lipids ( major phospholipid ) , proteins , cholesterol and carbohydrates
in human being , composition of protein and lipids in erythrocytes are
52% - protein and 40% - lipids
fluid mosaic model was propsed by amd when ?
singer and nicolson ( 1972 )
in alage cell wall is made of -
cellulose , galactans , mannans and CaCO3
in plants , cell wall is made of
cellulose , hemicellulose , pectin and protein
middle lamellae is a layer of
mainly calcium pectate
connects the cytoplasm of neighbouring cells
endomembrane system includes
ER , golgi complex , lysosome and vacuoles
function of RER
synthesis of proteins
funtion of SER
synthesis of lipid and lipid like streoidal hormones ( in animals )
full form of PPLO
pleura neumonia like organism
diamter of erythrocytes
length of mycoplasma
largest isolated singe cell is
egg of an ostrich
fluid mosaic model was proposed in ? year and by whom
1972 , singer and nicolson
on the ease pf extraction protein ( membrane ) are of two types -
integral and peripheral
_____ nature of ______ enables the lateral movement of membrane protein within the ovwrall bilayer
quasi-fluid nature , lipid
fluid mosaic model is the structure of -
cell / plasme membrane
golgi apparatus was first observed by ?
camillo golgi ( in 1898 )
golgi complex is the main site for the formation of ?
glycoproteins and glycolipids
golgo apparatus is an important site for the formation of ?
glycoprotein and glycolipid
no of mitochondria per cell depends
on its physiological activities
shape of mitochondria
sausage shaped or cylindrical
diameter of mitochondria
0.2um - 1.0um ( average 0.5um )
length of mitochondria
inner membrane of mitochondria forms a no of infoldings called -
cristae ( towards the Matrix)
inner compartment of mitochondria is filled with a dence homogeneous substances called
on the basis of pigments platids are classified as
chloroplast, chromoplast and leucoplast
chloroplast consist pigments -
chlorophyll and carotenoids
chlorophyll and carotenoids are responsible for
traping light energy
chromoplast contains pigment
fat soluble carotenoids like carotenes and xanthophyll
carotene and xanthopyll are responsible
for providing some parts of the plant yellow red and orange colour
are colourless plastid and thier fuction?
leucoplast , to store nutrients
amyloplast stores
carbohydrates ( starch )
elaioplast stores
oils and fats
aleuroplast stores
matric of mitochondria contains
- single circular DNA, some ribosomes , few rna molecules and components requierd for protein synthesis
length and width of mesophyll cells
l ( 5-10um ) W ( 2.4um )
chloroplast are
double membrane bounded
space limited by inner membrane of chloroplast
atroma consist of no of organised flattened membranous sacs
thylakoids in a stack ot pile of coins are called
flat membranous tublues connects thylakoids of different grana
stroma lamellae
stroma of the chloroplast contains
single circular DNA, ribosomes and enzyme's required for synthesis of protein and carbohydrates
ribosomes were first observed by
George palade ( 1953 )
ribosomes are composed of
rna and protein
Quiz |
CGnö |
español |
amelie |
Napoleon plus Sverige under revolutionerna |
Key Words |
ecoulement sanguin/hemorragie |
Science-Chemistry |
anatomia |
Deribadas de una potencia |
biologia |
sports unit 3 - sports development |
Chapter 15 |
Vocabulary |
Verbe anglais |
Diritto CostituzionaleDEF: costituzione --> è l'atto normativo fondante che definisce la natura, la forma, la struttura, l'attività e le regole fondamentali di un'organizzazione, ovvero il vertice della gerarchia delle fon... |
Verbe en anglaiscarte de verbe en anglais, traduction en français |
traumatisme cranien |
mapeh |
Kapitel 8 sport, Freizeit und Ferien |
collapsus cardio vasculaire etat de choc |
Control de Transito Aéreo |
la photosynthese |
Nature of Research |
Källvärdering, underrättelse |
extra till prov |
ph and molecules |
homeostasis |
informatica |
Islam |
organelles |
Membrane |
body cavities |
Fragebogen Allgemeinwissen |
Introduction to Research in Tourism |
9 regions |
anatomical |
body systems |
scienze |
Micro minerales macro y oligo elementos |
Vitaminas |
Alcohol drogas |
Elementos naturales y Sintéticos |
Metodos de separación |
Materias, sustancias y mezclas |
Psicología 1er Parcial |
Sistema ventricular |
preposiciones |
manual uzo de la fuerza |
MeningesAnatomía bloque 4 |
Hidrostática |
Drenaje del cerebroAnatomía, bloque 4 |
derechoquiz para examen derecho |
IrrigaciónAnatomia. Bloque 4 |
Operaciones |
Yamileth |
islam |
Vías del dolor |
Patología de Intestino delgado y Colon |
Vías del dolor |
examen preventiva departamental |
Histoire 3Évalue mes connaissances a l'aide de question |
Sistema Nerviosoinformación del sistema nervioso |
words |
kana |
Imagen 2do parcial |
recepción del Derecho Romano |
anatomia |
Overview of Body |
nomenglatura inorgánica |
compuestos inorgánicos |
técnicas de intervenção policial |
unit 11 |
históriaola |
English vocabulary 2 |
Spanish |
tenta |
anato |
Análisis de estados financieros-Parcial II |
v17 |
Geschichte GrenzeGeschichte zu Deutschland und der Grenze nach dem 2. Weltkrieg. |
VíasAnatomia. Bloque 4 |
Y7 Speaking Checkpoint |
vacacionesplanificación de las vacaciones de verano |
Sustancia blancaAnatomía bloque 4. |
Aardrijskunde H3 Paragraaf 2,3,4,5,7 (van Dautsen) |
date Naissance Empire Colonial |
Anatomia |
date Naissance d'un Regime |
Objetivos básicos II |
Aeronaves y Motores |
termodinâmica |
fracture compliquée ( fracture du coccyx/sacrum/rachis dorso lombaire) |
epilepsie |
cell wall |
Glosor v. 18 |
tedescoverben |
Glosor v. 17 |
tedescoSubstantive |
tedescoAdjektive und Adverbien |
Lezioni storia medievale |
Martina |
L'accouchement |
central europa |
nec 2020 chapters |
vocabolario italiano |
Fisiologia del ejercicio |
Proyecto de Vida |
Before interview practiceBefore interview practice |
sopa de letras |
tipos de suelo |
Redacción |
Biología |
Aerodinámica |
Corteza cerebralAnatomía bloque 4 |
Kayla Juliet |
Ciencias de la comunicación |
Núcleos de la baseAnatomía bloque 4 |
attori, film, cantanti, geografia, sport, scienze |
Columna dorsal Columna lumbar Ligamentos Músculos de la pelvis Costillas Múscul |
DiencefaloAnatomía Bloque 4 |
Navegacion Aérea |
Cerebelo |
evelyn-lpz999 |
vocabulario en inglés (partes del cuerpo)poner palabras en ingles y español |
Tallo cerebralAnatomia bloque 4 |
didactica |
Urgence cardio vasculaire et vasculaire |
Key financial ratios |
Galdem |
L'Ellenismo e Alessandro Magno |
Reactions allergique |
edition |
Medula espinal |
Italian wordsItalian vocab |
Italian gender |
El verbo doler |
¿Te duele algo? |
hh |
grammatik |
ارقام السورة |
fysiologi |
pronomen |
Oregelbundna verb |
Zoo and Exotic Animal Husbandry |
English vocabulary 1 |
Le diabete |
Memoria |
Aportaciones de Darwin para explicar la evolución de los seres vivos |
URNActivo y Pasivo |
BiologíaPara estudiar |
all topics |
drinkar |
Chapter 12 : Experiments |
Tricky questionsTricky questions |
12 Time series data |
Comunicaciones |
Reglamento de la Ley de Aviacion Civil |
Ley de Aviacion Civil |
minerais - macrominerais |
vitaminas |
Math and Art final |
11 Panel data |
Fractures simple//immobilisation membre inferieur |
Formulario |
Verb to be |
les fractures simples// immobilisation membre superieur |
Vocabulaire Arabisch |
Reino Visigodo en España |
Reino Visigodo en España |
conservación de la energía y sus interacciones con la materia |
Mouvements des EL 1 à 16 |
basic first aid procedures |
Projet de lecture des EL 1 à 16 |
bio |
exercicies for up |
Ve Republique |
Mistral |
vocab from book |
Types of Cuts |
Figuras retóricasso |
Teoria de la Constituciónestudia!!! |
fracciones operaciones de primer grado |
17 |
derivadas de una potencia |
Domande per la patente (1^ Fase) |
Interview PrepInterview Prep |
mercado de trabajo |
Globalización |
Module 9 Test |
Humanidades |
spanish vocab |
5.3. La Crisis del Régimen. |
Voting, Money, and Elections Review (4/18) |
present simple and present continous |
5.2. El Desarrollo Económico y sus Efectos en la Sociedad. |
5.1. La Construcción del Régimen. |
guia analisispreguntas para el examen |
Reglamentación Aérea |
Derechond |
pistolesi |
naturvetenskap |
Sao Roque |
Grundläggande Anatomi & fysiolgi |
Skeletal System |
Funcio 1er examen |
Muscular system |
so |
mezzi audiovisivi |
pronoms |
biología |
cálculo integral |
advice |
history |
german words |
passagers sous drogue/alcool |
Delprov - kopia |
hyperventilation, tetanie |
monet matters |
Glosor |
vocabulario empresarial |
indigestion |
terminologie |
Le sommeil |
key terms 3 |
coreano |
Aerocinetose |
math |
les brulures |
Anglais |
corps etranger |
hemorragie |
oposiciones administrativo Navarrahola |
plaies et blessures |
igcse biology topic 1 to 21 |
Spärrfärd fortsättn. 2 |
appareil cardio-vasculaire |
ia |
preposition of place |