Crim 2p33 start-test 1
The Ubiquity of Laws
- The myth of a free society - the limits of our rights and freedoms are clearly defined by law (charter of rights and freedoms, COVID mask mandate
- Our entire life is regulated by law - what we eat, type of entertainment we can access etc
- Laws control every aspect of our lives because of our preoccupation with order
Social Contract Theory
The idea that governments have and wield legitimate authority, and that the consent of the people is the basis of the legitimacy of any government
Thomas Hobbes
English philosopher, book; the levithan
Focus: on the conditions necessitating the establishment of government (and of laws and other apparatuses of the state)
Summary of Hobbes' position
Human beings are naturally selfish; and if unrestricted, would pursure their own gratifications possible; and at the expense of others
- State of nature:
· Individuals enjoyed absolute personal freedom, with all its abuses and perils
· Need for a social contract and a “leviathan” (I.e. a common power/authority/government) to make and enforce rules; and thus, maintain order and security for all
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Criticized Hobbes' depiction of the state of nature as nasty and full of conflicts
- argues that man, rather, was a noble savage, uncivilized but naturally good and was living in peace with others
- This peaceful existence was disrupted by human advancement and private property
- need of government emerged
Objective of Laws in Society
- Ultimate objective of laws in society is social control
- The goal of social control is the maintenance of social order (as defined by the dominant class or group in society)
- Natures of laws go along with values
Civil Disobedience
- The concept of civil disobedience is often used to protect existing authority rather than express citizen morality and bring about necessary changes in government.
- Civil disobedience is not a collective action aimed at removing unjust conditions, but rather a moral stance against supporting the government's actions.
- There is a distinction between dissent (verbal expression of difference of opinion) and civil disobedience (refusal to obey government
Consensus Prospective
- Emphasizes social order, integration, stability and functionalism
- Laws promote and sustain social order/stability
- Law is created through value-consensus
- Law is impartial and protects us equally
- Laws promote public good, not private interest
* all summarized in social contract theory *
Conflict perspective
- Emphasizes conflicts, contradictions and dissensus (different groups with different values and interests, held together only through legal coercion
- Laws are used to enforce social inequality
- Powerful groups or class dictate that nature of laws
- Law is an instrument of coercion and repression
e.g. marxist, feminist legal theory, and critical race theory
Views of law as a social weapon (marx, fls, crt)
Marxist - law is an instrument of class struggle
Critical race theory - law is an instrument of racial domination
Feminist legal theory - law is a patriarchal instrument for the domination of women
- Law continues to be used as a tool of oppression, of social control
Social contract theory
John Locke
- Attempt to combat the dominant ideas of his time, the idea that the king has the right to rule the kingdom
- Governments exist for the mutual preservation of lives, liberties and estates
- In the absence of a government, the state of war may degenerate into a state of perpetual war
- Retaliation might become disproportionate
- Social contract is therefore necessary to manage conflicts
Why government is necessary (John Locke arguements)
- Disputes over property (private property)
- When one steals from another
- When one tries to ensalve another
The Racial Contract (Charles W. Mills)
- A critique of the social contract theory
- in contrast to social contract, state power derives from racial contract which privileges white people, legalizes their seizure of state power and permits them to oppress and exploit non-white populations
- therefore racism is not accidental but is deliberately designed in the organization of state power, and in the normalization of white supremacy
4 Styles of Social Control
Penal style: seeks to exert punishment for violation of the law (crimes)
Compensatory style: seeks to remedy/compensate for a violated contractual obligation
Therapeutic style - seeks to provide therapy (treatment) to someone in conflict with the law… probably as a result of diminished responsibility (e.g. through the use of psychiatrists)
Conciliatory style - seeks to resolve conflict without consideration of who is right or wrong. E.g mediation for marital disputes/divorce
Power (Karl Marx)
- Determined by ones relationship to the means of production & distibution
- Embedded in the social structure (i.e. class structure)
- Invovles class conflict (not conflict between individuals)
- People who control the mechanisms of our lives have dominant control of things like politics and rules
Cuestionario |
PSYCH 333: Early Adulthood |
PSYCH 333: Adolescence |
Intervention |
korean |
Module 6- part 4 |
Criminal law- sexual offences |
Criminal Law- Robbery |
Bio Unit 0,3a,3b |
English NounsPeople = Personas |
Crim 2P33 2nd midterm-final class |
Economie |
tent |
Gov final |
2.2 History Review |
2.1 History Flashcards |
diritto internazionale |
initiation |
frans |
frans |
woorden |
L2 S1 : HDP Section 5 & 6 (Mr Hoarau) (7) |
EPA - Project Management |
L2 S1 : HDP : Des peines et des châtiments (Mr Hoarau) (6) |
L2 S1 : HDP La naissance et développement de la procédure laique (Mr Hoarau) (5) |
PSYCH 333: Early AdulthoodFinal exam on December 11 |
droit penal international |
PSYCH 333: Middle AdulthoodFinal exam on December 11 |
French |
Science test Prep 2 |
science |
french verbs |
New Religious Movements |
L2 S1 : HDP Section 1 : justice royale et 2 : sources (Mr Hoarau) (4) |
Life science |
Criminal Law- Duress |
Criminal law- Self-Defence |
Criminal law- Theft |
Chapter 13- STD's |
spanska till 5 December |
Psych exam! |
L2 S1 : HDP La peine dans le monde héllénistique antique (Mme Lault) (3) |
Module 6 part 3 final anatomy |
Chapter 12- Substance Use and Abuse |
Fegato |
the atomic structure |
Chapter 11- Cancer development |
Criminal, Civil or Administrative |
L2 S1 : HDP De la justice domestique à la justice publique (Mme Lault) (2) |
Chapter 10- Cardio disease |
L2 S1 : HDP Introduction (Mme Lault) (1) |
chap 13les sentiments |
chap 55time and calendar |
micro final |
zinnnen c franslet op interpunctie
groetjes juul |
Biology Revision Y8 2023 |
frans b |
Marie |
L2 S1 : FP La procédure du budget de l'Etat et son contrôle : Partie 5 (5) |
MusclesMuscles |
physics revision part 2 |
Bio lecture 28-30 slide 14 |
REC 230 |
physics revision part 1 |
Climate change |
anatomy 3 |
Labo des nerfs |
L2 S1 : FP La procédure lois de finances/ budget : Partie 3 & 4 (4) |
motion |
energy |
space |
electricity |
sound |
forces |
geschiedenis blad |
L2 S1 : FP La loi de finances : Partie 2 (3) |
bio lec 6 |
bio lec 5 |
Weather Abbreviations |
unit 4 higher vocab 2 |
french |
19 gedragsproblematiek |
maths conversions |
crime 1.4 |
franska viktiga verb |
franska grammatik |
Nederlands woordenschatwoorden en spreekwoorden |
la comida |
frans a |
crime 1.3 |
3x3 bld |
SOC109 Theories |
Prebiotic earth |
Cell Types |
geo quiz unit 3 |
fnce 3 |
tobom final |
Ento. 4 |
Sociology 100 Exam (Chapters 4 & 5) |
labo - 7 et 8 - muscle |
geo |
All Quiet on the Western Front List B |
fnce 2 |
biolec 4 |
bio120 |
ecosystems |
health |
reproduction |
cells |
organs |
theater |
Exam |
espagnol 2 |
espagnol 1 |
Spanish |
Dutch board game - copyPJ |
Dutch prepositions - copyPJ |
Dutch vocabulary - copyPJ |
French DL - Units 1-3 - copyPJ |
French Unit 1 Revision - copyPJ |
french body parts - copyPJ |
French (les verbes- family) - copyPJ |
French infinitive words and endings - copyPJ |
French language - copyPJ |
Les verbes pronominaux & hobbies (french) - copyPJ |
french weather - copyPJ |
L2 S1 : FP LOLF 2024 (à part) |
final vocab |
Geschiedenis hoofdstuk 11.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 |
ELA: Government |
math multiplacationmath is number 1# |
chapter-2 |
chapter-9 Human Resource Management |
chapter-11 Duplicate |
chapter-11 Risk Management |
chapter-10 Communication Management |
chapter-13 DONT NEED TO STUDY |
chapter-12 edited |
chapter-8 edited |
chapter-7 edited |
chapter-6 duplicate |
chapter-6 edited |
chapter-5 edited |
chapter-4 edited |
chapter-3 edited |
Sociology 100 Final Exam (Chapters 2 & 3) |
blood spatter terminology |
Travel- Exta info i didn't add |
Italian Pizzas |
Traditional Pizzas |
Lower Limb Muscles Origin Insertion and Action |
Un frere penible |
History 106 Exam |
Spanish 101 Exam |
Humanities 110 Exam |
Business 121 Exam |
Religion 110 Exam |
sexual reproduction in animals |
reproduction in animals |
diabetic foot |
Diabetes |
Material tenta |
13 gezondheidseducatie en bewegingsactiviteiten |
stems list 8 |
PhysicsPhysics [Waves] |
Bio 105 Lecture 9 |
Biological molecules |
georgia national real estate exam |
georgia real estate laws and pratices |
Biological molecules |
Intro to Canadian Justice Final |
🌎 📜wrld hstryjiba
jiba |
TDM, Toxicology, Vitamins, and Tumor Markers |
SOC109 Final |
Psychological Dirosders |
psychology disorders |
Strat Comm Exam 3 |
Unit 14: Key Terms |
OPTA 222 (respiratory) |
Unit 13: Key Terms |
Ses chap 3 |
aadrijkskunde 2.1 tot 2.3 (3 havo)Ak 3 havo so (juno) |
L2 S1 : FP Les grands principes budgétaires : Partie 1 (2) |
Spanish vocab test reading |
Bio quiz 1 |
Mental Health and Learning Disability |
Science |
CompTIA A+ 1101/1102 Acronyms A-E -copy |
chap 36town cites town life |
Pasapalabra |
Real Estates |
sciencecharge |
American Lit Writing Peices |
vocab ch 13 |
8 parts of speech |
8 parts of speech |
science |
Drama test (Personal). |
French infinitive words and endingshelp for those who are in need of revision for French, especially, for infinitive endings |
Week 9 - Skin Care 1 -AHA Exfoliation, Masks and Sun Screen |
Week 6 - Skin Care 1 - History of Esthetics - A Journey through Time: Then and Now |
Week 8 - Skin Care 1 - Skin Analysis & Toners |
BCS Foundation |
Latin 2nd Declension |
Latin nouns revisionLatin nouns revision: noun cases and their meanings, 1st declension and 2nd declension endings singular and plural. |
Ordslista fysisk stridsvärde |
Biology Unit 3: Evolution |
main scene in romeo and juliet |
romeo and juliet epithets |
Module 3 Psych |
aadrijkskunde 2 |
french |
NE klas 1 periode 2 toets |
Theory Comm Exam 3 |
jordy |
737 |
AI |
Sociology changing patterns of partnership |
italiano |
camel |
GA laws & practices |
All Quiet on the Western Front List A |
FNCE 1 |
Jr proficiency |
Chapter 7- Alkyl Halides |
Kin module 3 quiz |
OPTA 222 (endocrine system) |
Chirurgie générale - Orale |
farm animal ocular exam |
yo mamayuh |
maw |
IAL Exam |
Franskafranska |
L2 S1 : FP Introduction (1) |
no ekologi |
geography |
bio se2 |
l'économie |
Youth trends and personal identity (les verbes) |
French (les verbes- family) |
health and social |
L'industrie |
vocab 12 |
history vocab quiz |
science |
Japanese Unit 5 |
Bio 111L Skull |
Fnce |
bio |
gcse biology paper 2 |
Families |
Business- Booklet E Breakeven |
Business- Booklet E Cashflow Forecast |
Business |
Kin module 2 quiz |
Kin module 1 |
belangrijke begrippen |
Kollen |
Emergency Equipment Practical |
canin crew exam |
klimaat zones |
Labo - 5 et 6 |
Box Office |
Emergency Equipment - copy 1 |
Science test |
Kinesiology and Pathologies |
Kinesiology Shoulder and ArmKey Concepts |
Romeo and Juliet (Act 3, 4, and 5) |
FSC 360 final |
Emergency Equipment |
histoire |
radiationalpha , beta ,gamma rays |
S |
f |
biologie |
Lecture 5 |
H3 formules |
Lecture 4 |
german 11 |
japanese |
media theorists |
Doctor Who |
PSYCH 333: AdolescenceFinal on December 11 |
Renal Medicine |
chem lab examchem lab exam prep |
Periodic Table (Pre-IB SC 9) |
Compounds (Pre-IB SC 9) |
Aqiedah les 6 |
Spreekwoorden |
Endocrinology |
stofwisselingen en voedingstoffen |
Aqieda les 5 |