they challenged kohlbergs theory and said that children imitate same gender models as soon as they learn gender identity
children acquire an understanding of gender through constructing gender schemas. Gender schemas influence children behaviour
when the child is in the gender identity stage, the child will search the environment for information that makes their schema. Children learn schemas from their interactions of adults and as well as media.
an ingroup is a group of people with whom we feel we belong to and indentify and an out group is a group of people we differ from and feel like we dont belong with
Campbell (2000) did an oberservational study where he observed young children and compared the amount of time children spent watching the same gender and the opposite gender. Infants watched longer of the same gender. children imitate same gender before gender constancy
showed pictures of gender appropiate behvaiour, eg woman nurse then showed gender innapropiate behaviour, eg woman fixing a car. When they got tested a week later, the children we more likely to remeber the pictures of people behaving to ender sterotypes and this provides evidence that our memory is biased by gender schemas
s- the theory supports why childrens attitudes towards behaviour are long lasting and rigid as it supports the idea that children focus only on things that confirm their schemas however when a child performs a behaviour that is not stereotypical for their gender they adjust their thinking this is a weakness as the theory suggesta childs behaviour is affected by their thinking and not their thinking is affected by their behvaiour
w-emergence of social media can influence gender schemas . lacks temporal validity as it cannot be generalised onto everyone due to time difference. stereotypes changes overtime