the study of the body structures
is the study of body function
forms external body covering,regulates tempereture( skin,nails,hair)
regulates movemnts,protect and supports organs(bones,joints)
partcipates in skeletal system to facilitate movement and maitain posture( smooth muscle,cardiac muscle,skeletal muscle)
sences and responds to internal and external changes (brain,spinal cord,nerves)
regulates the body through chemical mechanics by realising hormones into the blood( hormone producing cells)
carioes oxygen,carbon dioxide,nutients and waste- regulates body temp and water balance(heart,blood vessels)
protects against diseases( lympatic nodes, lympatic fluid)
the physical and chemical breakdown of food and removes waste (smal/big intestine, esopagus,stomach,liver)
filters the blood and excretes waste products in urine and the regulation of fluid(kidneys,bladder)
reproduce new individuals