the dependent emirate of damascus, the independent emirate or baghdad, the cordoba caliphate, the taifa kingdoms,the north african empires and the nasrid kingdom of granada
in Córdoba
756, emir of the caliphate
in 1085, it was alfonso vi
in 1212 in the battle of las navas de tolosa, it was alfonso viii
almoravids and almohads
conquered the whole almoravid empire
in the Battle of alarcos in 1195
where muslims took place its trade
muslims: arabs, berbers and muladies (converted to islam)
non-muslim: mozarabs (christians) and jews
muslim women that had to obey their father an husband
in 711in the battle of guadalete
charlemagne wanted to put a border but muslims dont want and defeated them in 778 in the battle of roncesvalles
pamplona: expelled the carolingians
aragon: separated the frankish kingdom
Barcelona: wilfredo the haitry took control of cataluña
pelayo did at the battle of covadonga in 722, they called it the kingdom of asturias
expand towards pamplona y galicia, invaded the valle del ebro
increase royal power, in 1164 became king
expanded until the valle del duero
fernan gonzalez
sancho iii
fernando i in 1065, he unified this kingdoms
1230 fernando iii, he avanced to the valle del guadalquivir
jaime i conquered mallorca and valencia an then in 1442 alfonso v conquered naples
1 stage: 8-10 centuries, presura system, reached the valle del duero
2 stage: 11-12 centuries, municipalities, valle del tajo and valle del ebro
3 stage: 13 century, valle del guardiana and valle del guadalquivir, redistribution system
privileged: didnt pay tax, own lands
unprivileged: pay tax
mudéjar: muslim living in a christian kingdom
jews: had royal protection and jewish quarters
malnutrition, black death, social conflicts, religious persecution
irmandiño: 1467-1469
war of remences: 1460 cataluña
biga vs busca, barcelona
pogroms: 1391 and 1473, christians attack the jewish quarters
mudjear: suffered attacks
both: expellen in the 15 and 16 centuries
asturian, mozarab and romanesque
8-10 centuries, poor materials, copy visigoth art, semicircular arches, barrel vaults, vasilica floor plan, painted freshcoes
10 century, muslim mix with christian, horsesarches, horseshoe vault, poor materials, barrel vaults and small with thik walls
11 century, 2 types
french: north peninsula
lombard: cataluña, icons, blind arches, bell towers and thick walls
educational, porticoes, paint on apses and vaults