- people who don't think they need it
- culture
- finances
- clinical availability
- beliefs
- stigma around psychotherapy
- transportation
- drugs, electroconvulsive and psychosurgery
- Medications to regulate our neurotransmitters
- treating the symptoms, not the cause
--> increases the amount of or function of GABA
--> switches amygala off
--> think: Adivan
--> very addictive, can develop a tolerance
- SSRI's
--> increases the amount of seratonin in the synapse
--> reduces the reuptake of seratoin
- Monoamine oxidase inhibiters
--> stops neurottransmitters from being broken down
--> increases amount of seratonin in the body
- Tricyclics
--> stops reuptake of norepinephrine and seratonin
-->broad range of side effects
- SSRI's
--> works specifically on seratonin
--> takes 2 weeks/months to start working
--> reduced sex drive, weight gain nausea
- SNRI's
--> Seratonin and Norepinephrine reptake inhibitors
- Mood stabilizers
--> lithium
--> helps regulate signals across the neuron
------> think: mania, thinking too fast; lithium slows down
--> only works in 1/3 of the population
mesolimbic and mesocortical pathways
antipsychotics - block dopamine, reduces positive symptoms
--> mesolimbic
--> can show the side effect: Tardive Dyskinesia
Atypical antipsychotics
--> focuses on negative symptoms by regulating seratonin and dopamine pathways
- Freudian
--> psychological dysfunction is the result of childhood trauma
Free association:
--> Resistance: ego's hesitation to talk about certain topics; coming late to sessions
Dream Analysis:
--> id says what it's allowed to say, superego puts a weird twist on it
can take years
- 3-6
up to 4-5 sessions per week
- potential for human growth
- focuses on current relationships and conscious processes
Nondirective therapy - therapist does not provide feedback or advice
Person comes to their own realizations
Active listening:
- Acknowledges, restates, paraphrases, clarifies what client is saying
- Listens with empathy with unconditional positive regard
--> client does not feel judge
both are insight therapies
behaviours are learned and can be unlearned (counter conditioning)
Aversive conditioning and exposure therapy
Base assumption: how you think determines how you act
change how we think
change how we act
combination of cognitive and behavioural therapy
Therapy combined with medication is the most effective form of treatment
CBT gold standard
humanism is also chill
same with modern psychoanalysis