idviduals whose legitmaite opportunitys are blocked may turn to deviant subcultures as an alternative to gain status
it aries in professional criminal networks, selctects suitbale youths for an "apprenticeship" in ulturain crime & future criminal carrer
boundary maintance
social change
safety value
warning light
shared norms become weakened
society is bouned togther by shared norma and values, crime is inevitable not all indivaiduals are adequately socialised(up to the right level)
claims a certain ammount of crime is heslthy but dosent offer no way of knowing how much.
first to regonise crime can be positive function of society E.G reinforcing boundarys between right and wrong
innovation-accept goal find illegal ways of acheieving it.
ritualism-give up on success-dend end job.
retrealism-dropouts reject both goals and means- drug addicts, drunkyards.
rebellion-aim to change society- replace existing goals
blocked opportunites/unequal society means indivdiuals use more crime/illegitmate ways of acheieving success
explains pattern with statistics- most crime is property crime. working class crime rate is higher.
ignores the wealthy crime
overpredicts ammount of working class crime.
unequal structure of society root cause to crime
poverty may be so exterem only resort to survive is theft.
crime may be there only way they get goods they desire-theft.
fustration of inequality lead to fustraution resulting in crime E.G- vadalism.
pratice of having more than one husband or wife
man has two or more wives
woman has two or ore wives
58 countries- mostly muslim majority countries- some countries only allow it for musilms E.G malaysia , india
most counries. in uk crime of bigamy lead to 7years imprisoment or and fine
public opinion
position of women
sexual acts between one or both married person