BIO 2102 Exam 2
Echinodermata Class
Asterodia, Echinodia, Holothuroidia, Crinordea, Ophiurodea
Echinoderm homologous traits
Podia, Water vacuole, reversion to radial symmetry, external reproduction
Class Asterodia (Sea stars)
Predators (bivalves, corals, barnacles), Reproduction (external, asexual reproduction)
Class Echinodia (sea urchin)
Herbivores with teeth, crawl or burrow using podia, reproduction (external)
Class Echinodia (sand dollar)
Suspension feeder, crawl or burrow using podia, reproduction (external)
Class Holothurodia (sea cucumbers)
Deposit feeder/herbivore, move with podia, reproduction (external and asexual)
Class Crinordea (feather star, sea lily)
Branched arms, simple vascular system, most ancestral
Class Ophiurodea (brittle star, basket star)
Sister to Asterodia, Use arms to move (no tube feet)
Chordata Synapomorphies
Pharyngeal gill slits
Gill slits
repeating segments in hemichordata and chordata, Filter feeding organ in awuatic organisms
Pharyngeal pouches in vertabrate
Infolding tissue at the pharynx, gills in fish/amphibians, in mammals; ear, thymus, parathyroid gland
Synapomorphy of Chordates
Notochord, Dorsal hollow neve chord, post anal muscular tail
Formed by mesoderm, present only in embryonic/larval, Lancelets have them as adults, stiff but flexible, Organizes vertabrae
Dorsal hollow nerve chord
Protected by notochord in lancelets, brain and spinal chord protected by spine in vertebrates
Post anal muscular tail
in apes and humans only present in embryos
Subphyla of Chordata
Cephalochordata, Urochordata, Vertebrata, Cyclostomes, Actinopterygii, Sarcopterygii
Invertabrate chordate, dont make vertebrae, notochord acts as an endoskeleton, all four traits are retained in adults
Invertabrate, notochord/nerve chord/tail all lost in adults, adults dont make vertebrae
Cranium; vertebrate/skull/well developed brain, no notochord in adults
Vertabrata Class
Cyclostomes (Myxinoidea (hagfish), Petromyzonoidea (Lampreys)), Chondrichthyes, Actnopterygii, Sacropterygii, Amphibia, Mammalia, Reptilia
No vertebrae, deposit feeder, cranium
Cranium, ectoparasite, cartiligous structure that is homologous with vertabrae
Cyclostomes (myxinoidea, petromyzonoidea)
Moves by swimming, external fertilization, circular mouths with hook like teeth
Vertabrate Innovation
Bone (v1.0), Bone (v2.0), jaws
Bone v1.0
Cellular matrix/blood vessels/CaPO4, First exoskeletons in ostracoderms, protection
Derived from chondrichthyes, more efficient feeding, modified gill arch (similar structure, genes, embryotic development)
Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays, skates)
certilaginous skeleton, paired fins (1st), mostly predators, some must swim to breathe, all internal fertilization)
Bone v2.0
Endoskeleton, Derived from actinopterygii, facilitates movement
Actinopterygii (rayfinned fish)
predators and herbivores, fins supported by bone in ray like, swim bladder allows for float, mostly external fertilization
Sarcopterygii (lobefinned fish and tetrapods) Classes
Actinista, Dipnoi
predators/omnivores, fins supported by linear bone array, swimming is more like walking, lung fish is animal with first true lungs
What is the Swim bladder?
Proccesses Oxygen and keeps bouyant
What evolved from the Swim bladder?
Lungs and Air sacs
How many lungs in lungfish?
First animal with true Lungs?
How many lungs in Tetrapods?
Vertebrate Innovation #4
Origin of limbs
From lobed fins->homologous trait, facilitates movement on land
Tetrapod class
Amphibia, Reptillia...
Class Amphibia
Aquatic and Terrestrial life cycle, breathe through lungs and skin, Mostly predators, First tetrapods, most go through metamorphosis
Who uses amniotic eggs
Every tetrapod but amphibians
Draw Amniotic egg (with and without placenta)
Amniotic egg structure
Protective leather or hard CaCO3
Inside Amniotic egg
Albumen (water), Amnion (embryo encased), Yolk sac (nutrients), Chorion (gas exchange)
Is the Placneta derived or ancestral?
Placenta amniote structure
Reduced or absent yolk sac, Nutrients from placenta
Placenta advantages
Large offspring, Well equipped for enviroment
Placenta Disadvantages
Costs energy, less offspring, risky
Water to land
Lung Development, Limbs made of bone, Amniotic egg
Class Reptilia traits
Body covered in scales (keratin), Well developed lungs, mostly on four limbs, Most carnivores but some herbivores, most oviparous
Reptilia subclasses
Testudines (turtle/tortise), Lepidosauria (snakes/lizards), Crocodillia (Crocodiles and Alligators), Aves (birds)
Unique Bird Traits
One of two endoderms, flight (feathers/hollow bones), Large keeled breast bone and breast muscle.
Arthropoda Subphylum
Myriapoda, Chelicerata, Insecta, Crustecea
Chordata Subphylum
Urchordata, Cephalochordata, Vertebrata
Mammalia Subclass
Monotremes, Marsupials, Eutherians
Primates (Order)->Strepsirrhni/Haplorhini (suborder)->Anthropoid(infraorder)->Hominid(Family)->Hominin (subfamily)
Synapomorphy of Arthropods
Jointed legs
Synapomorphy of all Dueterostomes
Anus forms first
Echinoderms synpomorphy
reversion to radial symmetry, Water vascular system, Hard CaCO3 skeleton made of plates
What is the water vascular system
Water moves along inner cillia, in one chamber out the other chamber
Class Mammalia
Endotherms, Fur/hair, Mammary gland
Monotremes (platypus/echidna)
Only mammal egg layers
Marsupials (pouched animals)
viviparous, born young and poorly developed, Do have placenta, Superficially very similar to nonmarsupials
Eutharians (placental animals)
viviparous, Most succesful and diverse lineage, Much diversification based on teeth/skulls/limbs
Order Primates
built on mammalia plan, Made for tree living (aboreal), Prehension (to grab), stereoscopic vision, Short snout, Nails, large brain relative to body size, extensive parental care
Strepsirrhini (wet nose)
Lorrises and lemurs, Arboreal, Nocturnal
Haplorhini (Dry nose)
Anrthopodia (opposable thumbs)
Family Hominidae (Great apes=long arms)
Orangutang (fist), Gorilla (knuckle)
Subfamily Hominin (Bipedal)
increased brain case volume, increased ability to work with tools, bipedalism, decreased facial angle
Linear Bones/True Lungs
Jaws, Paired Fins, derived from Choanchthyes
Paired Lungs and 2 pairs of limbs
What provides the signal for the dorsal hollow nerve chord to make the vertebrae
Cuestionario |
mac |
Detresse respiratoire |
Clinical ChemistryQuiz |
Ny |
revisionchp 8 revision ( biology) |
CGnö |
español |
amelie |
Napoleon plus Sverige under revolutionerna |
Key Words |
ecoulement sanguin/hemorragie |
Science-Chemistry |
anatomia |
Deribadas de una potencia |
biologia |
sports unit 3 - sports development |
Chapter 15 |
Vocabulary |
Verbe anglais |
Diritto CostituzionaleDEF: costituzione --> è l'atto normativo fondante che definisce la natura, la forma, la struttura, l'attività e le regole fondamentali di un'organizzazione, ovvero il vertice della gerarchia delle fon... |
Verbe en anglaiscarte de verbe en anglais, traduction en français |
traumatisme cranien |
mapeh |
Kapitel 8 sport, Freizeit und Ferien |
collapsus cardio vasculaire etat de choc |
Control de Transito Aéreo |
la photosynthese |
Nature of Research |
Källvärdering, underrättelse |
extra till prov |
ph and molecules |
homeostasis |
informatica |
Islam |
organelles |
Membrane |
body cavities |
Fragebogen Allgemeinwissen |
Introduction to Research in Tourism |
9 regions |
anatomical |
body systems |
scienze |
Micro minerales macro y oligo elementos |
Vitaminas |
Alcohol drogas |
Elementos naturales y Sintéticos |
Metodos de separación |
Materias, sustancias y mezclas |
Psicología 1er Parcial |
Sistema ventricular |
preposiciones |
manual uzo de la fuerza |
MeningesAnatomía bloque 4 |
Hidrostática |
Drenaje del cerebroAnatomía, bloque 4 |
derechoquiz para examen derecho |
IrrigaciónAnatomia. Bloque 4 |
Operaciones |
Yamileth |
islam |
Vías del dolor |
Patología de Intestino delgado y Colon |
Vías del dolor |
examen preventiva departamental |
Histoire 3Évalue mes connaissances a l'aide de question |
Sistema Nerviosoinformación del sistema nervioso |
words |
kana |
Imagen 2do parcial |
recepción del Derecho Romano |
anatomia |
Overview of Body |
nomenglatura inorgánica |
compuestos inorgánicos |
técnicas de intervenção policial |
unit 11 |
históriaola |
English vocabulary 2 |
Spanish |
tenta |
anato |
Análisis de estados financieros-Parcial II |
v17 |
Geschichte GrenzeGeschichte zu Deutschland und der Grenze nach dem 2. Weltkrieg. |
VíasAnatomia. Bloque 4 |
Y7 Speaking Checkpoint |
vacacionesplanificación de las vacaciones de verano |
Sustancia blancaAnatomía bloque 4. |
Aardrijskunde H3 Paragraaf 2,3,4,5,7 (van Dautsen) |
date Naissance Empire Colonial |
Anatomia |
date Naissance d'un Regime |
Objetivos básicos II |
Aeronaves y Motores |
termodinâmica |
fracture compliquée ( fracture du coccyx/sacrum/rachis dorso lombaire) |
epilepsie |
cell wall |
Glosor v. 18 |
tedescoverben |
Glosor v. 17 |
tedescoSubstantive |
tedescoAdjektive und Adverbien |
Lezioni storia medievale |
Martina |
L'accouchement |
central europa |
nec 2020 chapters |
vocabolario italiano |
Fisiologia del ejercicio |
Proyecto de Vida |
Before interview practiceBefore interview practice |
sopa de letras |
tipos de suelo |
Redacción |
Biología |
Aerodinámica |
Corteza cerebralAnatomía bloque 4 |
Kayla Juliet |
Ciencias de la comunicación |
Núcleos de la baseAnatomía bloque 4 |
attori, film, cantanti, geografia, sport, scienze |
Columna dorsal Columna lumbar Ligamentos Músculos de la pelvis Costillas Múscul |
DiencefaloAnatomía Bloque 4 |
Navegacion Aérea |
Cerebelo |
evelyn-lpz999 |
vocabulario en inglés (partes del cuerpo)poner palabras en ingles y español |
Tallo cerebralAnatomia bloque 4 |
didactica |
Urgence cardio vasculaire et vasculaire |
Key financial ratios |
Galdem |
L'Ellenismo e Alessandro Magno |
Reactions allergique |
edition |
Medula espinal |
Italian wordsItalian vocab |
Italian gender |
El verbo doler |
¿Te duele algo? |
hh |
grammatik |
ارقام السورة |
fysiologi |
pronomen |
Oregelbundna verb |
Zoo and Exotic Animal Husbandry |
English vocabulary 1 |
Le diabete |
Memoria |
Aportaciones de Darwin para explicar la evolución de los seres vivos |
URNActivo y Pasivo |
BiologíaPara estudiar |
all topics |
drinkar |
Chapter 12 : Experiments |
Tricky questionsTricky questions |
12 Time series data |
Comunicaciones |
Reglamento de la Ley de Aviacion Civil |
Ley de Aviacion Civil |
minerais - macrominerais |
vitaminas |
Math and Art final |
11 Panel data |
Fractures simple//immobilisation membre inferieur |
Formulario |
Verb to be |
les fractures simples// immobilisation membre superieur |
Vocabulaire Arabisch |
Reino Visigodo en España |
Reino Visigodo en España |
conservación de la energía y sus interacciones con la materia |
Mouvements des EL 1 à 16 |
basic first aid procedures |
Projet de lecture des EL 1 à 16 |
bio |
exercicies for up |
Ve Republique |
Mistral |
vocab from book |
Types of Cuts |
Figuras retóricasso |
Teoria de la Constituciónestudia!!! |
fracciones operaciones de primer grado |
17 |
derivadas de una potencia |
Domande per la patente (1^ Fase) |
Interview PrepInterview Prep |
mercado de trabajo |
Globalización |
Module 9 Test |
Humanidades |
spanish vocab |
5.3. La Crisis del Régimen. |
Voting, Money, and Elections Review (4/18) |
present simple and present continous |
5.2. El Desarrollo Económico y sus Efectos en la Sociedad. |
5.1. La Construcción del Régimen. |
guia analisispreguntas para el examen |
Reglamentación Aérea |
Derechond |
pistolesi |
naturvetenskap |
Sao Roque |
Grundläggande Anatomi & fysiolgi |
Skeletal System |
Funcio 1er examen |
Muscular system |
so |
mezzi audiovisivi |
pronoms |
biología |
cálculo integral |
advice |
history |
german words |
passagers sous drogue/alcool |
Delprov - kopia |
hyperventilation, tetanie |
monet matters |
Glosor |
vocabulario empresarial |
indigestion |
terminologie |
Le sommeil |
key terms 3 |
coreano |
Aerocinetose |
math |
les brulures |
Anglais |
corps etranger |
hemorragie |
oposiciones administrativo Navarrahola |
plaies et blessures |