history quiz
treaty of Versailles
An agreement applying to Germany, which required the surrender of all German overseas investments, to allied powers, payment of reparations and acceptance, and blame for the war.
what are the consequences of the treaty of Versailles?
Humiliation, unfairness, deep resentment grew in Germany German democratic government, had to pay enormous repair
what are the repercussions of the treaty of Versailles?
The repercussions are divided into military, territorial and economic. And import an articles are the war guild cause Germany must accept blame for causing the war damage and death. I'll say, and Lorraine were taken from France in 1871 and now returned was huge for Germany's economy, taking up their territory, and the coal industry, which affected them economically. The Rhineland region, which is a region that will be occupied by Allied forces in demilitarized. Germany not included in the new league of nations.
Paris, peace, conference
in January 1919 went to Paris to work out peace settlement. British France in the United States, dominated the negotiation, while Germany cannot send delegates, and had to agree to any terms decided. President Wilson, wanted fair Britain and France wanted to punish. Canada cannot vote with the two seats signed treaty. It was made to change conditions that started war and decide what to do with Germany, Austrian Hungary, and preserve peace, stability, trade and solve conflict with no violence and make sure Germany does not start a war.
Winnipeg General strike
Winnipeg General strike took place on May 1, 1919 members of Winnipeg building trade unions went on strike when the employees refused to negotiate a wage increase on May 15 Winnipeg trades and labour council called for citywide strike a total of 20,000 members of 94 unions were off the job within days and the numbers went up to 30,000 and caused the closing of factories stores and even stopped cars
workers unrest
Notion of unions after World War II gathered in Calgary believed, would increase bargaining power with the government and employers. Push for social reconstruction urge to bend together and resist ones who did not provide equitable treatment. Then on May 1, 1919 though worker union went on the Winnipeg General strike following Saturday with the violent crash that killed two caused by police later opposed by the citizens committee.
The government in the Winnipeg general strike
Federal government was afraid of the strike so supported committee fired employees who did not comply and deported immigrants on strikes some strikes once return force to sign contracts to not join a union. Immigrant union leaders were deported, lost their jobs jailed and union members dropped as an employment rose. Strike begin new error of political involvement, strike leaders like John queen, became fond of domestic politician.
All power and society should belong to the workers and violent revolution should be used to overthrow the rich. Communism features, nationwide, poverty, mass execution, and loss of personal freedom.
Russian revolution
Lead by Vladimir Lennon in 1915 he's the founding father of communist revolution over the capitalist
worker unions and communism
Afterward, they felt empowered to advocate and inspired from the success of the Russian revolution. Labour unions formed across Canada, wages, reduced put out of work women fired, led to Winnipeg, strike, led by labour unions.
Assembly lines
As the economy approved in the 1920s, Canadians began to change the way they lived. With more open job opportunities, industrialization, expand manufacturing and became more efficient and cheap overproduction. Begin in. Canadians had money to spare and could afford consumer goods at lower cost that became more available.
The radio
Prices dropped as technology improved broadcasted messages from Prime Minister, McKenzie King, to celebrate through the radio, beginning of news, broadcasted entertainment in homes
Hudson Bay launch new brand against American competitions called the beaver
1920s American movie industry was well established using Canadian actors such as Mary Pickford
The arts
Armed personal style after World War I with landscape into the group of seven
Car was sold for cheaper prices, and more affordable across Canada and became normal for the regular person
Phones were considered high luxury, but by 1927 was advertised as modern life
Treat diabetes with insulin and TV with vaccines in both one awards
Women suffrage move
Given the great sacrifices, women made in newfound confidence women were experiencing many women push the right to vote. Movement was so strong the government allowed women to vote in 1917 election
Young new era of women who defied the rules. Young women with short hair, dress smoke and drink in public, earned money and danced. Sexual liberation became more accepted by society fear this change.
Before 1920s they have few rights reviewed secondary strict social rules, but World War I change the perspective of themselves
person's case/famous five
In 1928 the Canadian Supreme Court ruled women aren't persons in eligible to become senators the famous five Emily Murphy, Irene Parley, Nelly McClung, Louis, McKinney, and Henrietta Edwards fault for women to be recognized as persons under law winning case at England, overruled by preview council
prohibition ban
The women's Christian temperance movement, promoted responsibility citizenship to end domestic violence, through prohibition laws, crimes related to drunkenness and domestic violence, decreased
consequences of prohibit
Provinces lost tax revenue, because alcohol was controlled by federal government. US was also introduced to prohibition which led to smuggling opportunities bracket secret bars, moonshine, species, or blind pigs bracket. Corruption and smuggling increased, and smugglers were bootleg and smuggling is called rum, running. Increased an organized crime through mafia crime groups like Rocco Perry.
canada's Econome
Canada's economy growth through the development of industries and infrastructure assembly lines, electrical power and resources, hydroelectric power, forestry, mining industries, etc.
trade with United States
Britain was Canada's main partner prior 1920 America economy grew stronger and decreased candidates ties with Britain. They became the chief trading partner benefitting Canadian economy by having good flow from US Canada Americas relied on Canada resources.
branch plants
Set up in Canada, but American owned to increase investments in cut transportation in terror. Argue that it created job investments, and opportunity, but harm companies and undermine their ability.
buying on credit
Credit loans became available for average person for first time since the 20s people took advantage of buying things and paying playing with the stock market with borrowed money. Many people in industry spent more money than they could ever make and people began to default loans in the 1920s.
Quiz |
Construction Solving looksfam |
HGE 1 |
Chapter 10 Muscle tissue |
Social Psychology |
history 2 |
SDR Objection handlingh |
Metod och statistik psykologi 2 |
Tarea para |
révision espagnol femme |
232 Changing Weight & Body CompositionWeek 10 |
Collection de joaillerie, rose des vents de la maison Christian Dior |
rose des vents dior joaillerie |
So-begrepp (12 sista) |
So-begrepp (12 första) |
spaans pww |
Evolution |
Begrepp |
functionalism |
roles, status & stereotypes |
sociology |
Glosor 2/4 |
chem test |
cours 7 semestre 2 droit civil |
competencias |
POH R22 |
Traitement du LE : modélisations et évaluation |
inglese giulia |
crpe |
cyber security 13 |
cyber security 12 |
cyber security 11 |
it management 8-9 |
232 HydrationWeek 9 lectures |
WW1 |
Transition metal ion colours |
lessico inglese |
Näringslära |
260 |
Engels Vocabulairy 1.1 t/m 1.4 - copy |
FAR Leases |
Filipino |
economie |
segnaliflashard segnali |
Cardiology Drugs |
Osteologia |
Biology Unit |
cardiovascular syatem |
health |
physical educ. |
Engels Vocabulairy 1.1 t/m 1.4 |
biologia |
American Gov Vocab |
artspls |
musicsir cassi f u |
english |
10 theories |
Romantismo Brasileiro |
Arcadismo |
Economia, política e religião da grécia antiga |
Economia persa, evolução política persa e religião persa |
Hebreus |
Fenícios |
Egito antigo |
Mesopotamia |
Período Neolítico |
Período Paleolítico |
anglais aeroportuaire |
International Appetizers |
Appetizers |
Definition of Terms |
Chaussant du pied diabetique |
Bio 112L Urinary System |
Latinska namn |
Income from other sources |
capital gain |
week 10-acne trts |
b |
Vocabulaire de la semaine 12 |
anglverbes irréguliers |
Modalities Final Theory Exam Review |
Modalities Midterm |
Acustica |
français |
Apparato Gastrointestinale |
crime and law modern studies national 5 |
modern studies national 5 |
Gs hs 4 |
Russian Revolution |
f 4 |
sam |
sammy |
módulo 1 Q |
french testi need to remember these words |
cyber security 12 |
cyber security 13 |
cyber security chapter 11 |
the geography of italy |
Hamletthe book 'hamlet' by shakespeare |
verifica storia 26/03fascismo in italia |
il barone rampante dal capitolo 20 al 30 |
irish orals 26-31 |
irish orals 14-2514-25 |
Comportamentos Éticos e Compliance |
Salud |
Besöksnäring-Turism |
equazioni e disequazioni logaritmiche |
Signes cliniques des aphasies, grands tableaux sémiologiques |
irish orals 1-13question 1- 13 |
Déf et étiologies des aphasies |
Neuroanatomie fonctionnelle du langage et voies de ttt du langage |
hoofdstuk 3 |
Personen en begrippen HC 4 nieuwe tijd 1 |
Biologia 1 |
✩・:*German ⭒✩・: |
직업 👮♀️👨🏫🧑🔬 |
cyber security 10 |
it management chapter 7 |
cyber security chapter 9 |
farmacocinética aplicadaa odonto |
biologi prov genetik |
Anthro week 10-11 |
Matemática Financeira |
préposition des verbes |
Koine Greek Ch. 25 Imperative Mood |
English |
Noções de Probabilidade e Estatística |
vocabulary 1 |
Anglais |
집 🏠🛋️🪑 |
교실 👩🏫📚📝 |
módulo 1 B |
BABY BOOMERSAtividade de Cargo e Salário |
Fatores bioticos e abioticosPerguntas sobre oq é biotico e oq é abiotico |
digestão |
Biologi |
Engels Unit 3 Vocabulairy 3.1 t/m 3.4 + Phrases - copy |
Spaans: Zomervakantie |
attack on the queen |
vicab |
ss |
Hur Sverige styrs |
Ethics |
GSS35L |
Osteoporose |
gs |
hl bio test pt. 2ha |
communicazione interculturale UD 2 |
bio hl test -- dnahh |
L2 S2 : Relations internationales |
history |
hp morfem + suffix |
Biologia 5 |
Teste de inglêsisso é um flashcard
tudo está no livro
prestem atenção
n ligem pro nome do grupo "história" |
Comportamento do consumidor |
Laís |
Teste de históriaisso e um flashcard
Teste de história
prestem atençao
essa perguntas estão n
o livro |
help |
SRA Principles |
indicateurs de temps |
féminin ou masculin |
Discours direct et indirect |
Hypothèses |
redes urbanas |
définition stss |
english |
Modalities Week 9-11 Flashcards |
biggest countries in the world |
upper flags of us |
english exam |
FAR Impairments |
disegno |
atendimento bancario |
biologie: stofwisseling |
Personen en begrippen HC 3 Nieuwe tijd 1 |
HISTÓRIA GERAL Primeira Guerra Mundial. O nazifascismo e a Segunda GuerHISTÓRIA GERAL
Primeira Guerra Mundial.
O nazifascismo e a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
A Guerra Fria.
Globalização e as políticas neoliberais.
A Revolução de 1930 e a Era Vargas... |
All kanji |
Distinção entre direito federal e direito dos estados |
März-April |
Sudorese |
teste |
av2 |
América e África regionalizações e organizações internacionais |
Evolução biológica |
Reprodução assexuada, mitose e meiose |
Reprodução assexuada, mitose e meiose |
FAR Intengible Asset |
week 13 |
latn 8 |
módulo 1 M |
practical lab 4 |
DP-203 |
kanjikanji p4 |
Processo Civil |
funções da linguagem |
ARTE - copy |
easter |
compTIA security |
reino plantae |
biologia |
Esôfago |
Cadeia Carbônica |
redes urbanas |
Inglês Nivel 1 e 2 |
biological explanations for schiz |
droit notarial exam 1 |
wiskundekwadraten t/m 25 |
poliktik och demokrati |
duits schrit 1 (4) |
duits schrit 1 (3) |
duits shrit 1 (2) |
duits schrit 1 |
Intangible Assets |
verbs e questions |
AS BUSINESS | Unit 2 exam revision |
spanska |
C1-C2 level italian vocabulary |
B1 B2 level italian vocabulary |
important and hard italian vocabulary |
italian vocabulary |
plant ID week 4 |
anatomy bio |
Biologydigestion |
Week 8- Skin Care2: Treating Hyperpigmentation |
Wk 8 - skincare 2 Intro to Chemical Exfoliation |
tutorial lab 3 |
Week 7- Skin care 2: UV & Pigmentation |
Week 6- Skin Care 2: Serums & MLD |
examen 1 |
9.1 |
bio 112L digestive |
Bio 112 L stomach digestive ahhh |
Опорно-рухова система людини |
Skogsbrandhund |
Nervos CranianosOrdem
Responsabilidade |
Cardio |
philosophy |
vetenskapliga perspektivinför tenta |
spagnolo |
Computer |
Analise de documentos |
saldaçoes |
fisiologia |
Entre os estudos iniciais em Psicologia do Esporte encontra-se o de Fitz (1897), |
Religion |
swedish hjälp verbndnxnx |
JobsRevise jobs studied |
german 21 |
Art B1 Midterm Study |
PathologieLa douleur |
introduction |
metabolismo |
Quiz 2 (Lessons 7-12) |
celler |
Vocabulaire de la semaine 11 |
Presentation 6 |
Economie H14/15/16 Formules |
försvarsmekanismer |
kommunikation |
GI Drugs |
primeira guerra |
Preposotions of PlacePrepositions of place describe the location of people or objects in relation to other things. |