1. fractionation
- one or more parts are practiced separately
- A, A, B, B, C ,C ,D ,D
2. segmentation/chaining
- one part is practiced for a time, then second part is added, etc.
3. simplification
- complexity of some aspect of the skill is reduced
- usually via equipment
- object diffuculty
- speed
- sequencing skill progressions
- simulators and VR
- physical guidance
depends on the level of simulator fidelity
- degree to which surface features of a simulation and criterion task are identical
- degree to which behaviours in a simulator are identical to behaviours requested by criterion task
- learning new skills
- re learning movement patterns after injury
1. active-assist
- partial guidance
- learner shares effort to complete the action
2. passive guidance
- learner is not actively sending motor commands to execute movements
- guide moves the learner's passive limb
3. no guidance
- or informational guidance only
- learner completes action without any physical assistance
1. learner knows the look and feel of correct movement
2. reduces the risk of injury
3. the thought is that some errorless practice leads to errorless learning
no errors in guided movement, no opportunity for correction and detection
lack of transfer specificity across practive conditions because practice and test conditions are different
learner becomes over-dependent of guidance
1. enocourages engagement/prevents discouragement
2. gives some idea of goal movement
3. frees atention for other task components
4. safety
fade out of it; ideally as quickly as possible