6th and 9th august 1945
yalta-feb 1945 churchill,roosevelt and stalin, potsdam july 1945 atlee, truman and stalin
stalin wanted it to be communist,and wanted to use it as a buffer zone , the west wanted it to be a democracy
power, secrecy and involvment in the war in japan
germany would be divided up into 4 zones of occupation (yalta).Reparations and disarmament at potsdam
the iron curtain speech
a policy to limit the spead of communism throughout the world through rollback and appeasement.
$17 billion
the uk 26%
dollar imperialism
the molotov plan,comecon,comiform
24th june 1948 and the 12th may 1949
every 3 minutes
nato 1949 and the warsaw pact 1955
august 1949