Spinal cord funct
Spinal cord funct
Spinal cord funct
quick, automatic response-only involves spinal cord and spinal nerves
graded potential produce when neurotransmitter interact at synapse with receptors in spinal cord-gray matter of spinal cord
white matter of the spinal cord contains motor and sensory input to the brain and motor output from the brain to muscle and other effectors
between the arachnoid and pia matter filled with cerebospinal fluid which provide some shock absorption
nerves of the upper extremities emerge
nerves to the lower extremities emerge
an extension of the pia mater arising from the conus medullaris that fuses with the arachnoid and dura maters to anchor the spinal cord to the coccyx
contains axons of motor neurons that conduct impulses from the CNS to effector
contains only sensory neurons conducting impulses from sensory receptors in the skin, muscles, and internal organs to the CNS
Posterior (dorsal) root/rootlets
Cauda equina
nerve roots that angle inferiorly along the filum terminale
connect the two sides of gray matter
small space in the gray commisure that contains cerebrospinal fluid
divided on either side of spinal cord into regions
sensory neurons
motor neurons
autonomic motor nuclei
White matter region
White matter region
White matter region
spinal nerve because it contains both sensory and motor axons
surrrounds each axon within a nerve, whether its myelinated or unmyelinated
groups of axons are bundled into fasicles which are surrounded by the perineurium connective sheath
surrounds entire nerve
where the spinal cord terminates inferiorly to the lumbar enlargement and ends at the intervertebrae disc L1 and L2
Conus Medullans
serves deep muscles and skin of posterior trunk
serves muscles/structures of upper and lower limbs and skin of anterior and lateral trunk
reenters vertebral cavity and supplies vertebrae, meninges and vertebral ligaments
component of the ANS
segments of the skin that are supplied by spinal nerves that carry somatic sensory nerve imulses to the brain
from the spinal cord to skeletal muscles involves somativ motor neurons of the anterior gray horn
anterior rami of spinal nerves T2-T12; doesnt form plexus
Intercoastal (thoracic) nerves
networks with anterior rami adjacent nerves
supplies the skin and muscles of the head and neck, superior portion of shoulders and chest, diaphragm
provides almost the entire nerve supply to the shoulder and upper limbs
supplies the anterclateral abdominal wall, external genitalia, and part of the lower limbs
supplies the buttocks, perineum, and lower limbs
convey impluses from cerebral cortex of brain to cause voluntary movements of skeletal muscles
convey impulses from the brain stem of the brain to cause autonomic movements and help the body coordinate body movements with visual stimuli
pathway which nerve impulse follows to produce reflex
responds to a stimulus by producing a generator or receptor potential
axon conducts impulses from receptorto integrating center
one or more regions within CNS that relay impulses from sensory to motor neurons
axon conduct impulses from integrating center to effector
muscle or gland that responds to motor impulses
neural circuit when one muscle contracts and its antagonist relaxes at the same time
acute infections of the nervous system cause by herpes zoster (chicken pox), lays in posterior root ganlion, occurs when immune sytem is weakened
can cause paralysis due to virus destroying cell bodies of motor neurons
causes relaxation of the muscle attached to the stimulated tendon
Tendon reflex