Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes which carry our DNA. Biological sex is determined by the sex chromosome which is the 23rd pair. Females have the combinations of XX and males have the combination of XY.
A gene called SRY which causes the sex gland testes to develop. XY chromosome is developed. XX chromosome causes the sex gland ovaries to develop.
this hormone is due to the XY chromsome which controls puberty. The affects could be in a boy is a deeper voice and developing facial hair. The hormone is also related to spatial awareness and male type behaviours
oestrogen happens due to the sex chromosome being XX and is released by the ovaries. the hormone also controls puberty in girls which is linked to breast development and regulation of the mentrual cycle and is also associated with female type behaviours
adrenal gland in both sex release small amounts of the hormones testosterone and oestrogen.
oxytocin is produced by the pituitary gland and women produce more than men. It helps stimulating the milk when women are breast feeding. It is also associated with female characteristics such as caring
s-van did a research on rats where he injected antagonist of oxytocin into female rats shortly after they had given birth. The inhib of oxytocin caused the rats to show a delay in maternal behaviour however normal maternal behaviour was shown when the anatgonist wore off however this contains anthromorphism so you cannot generalise.
s- Wang did a study on male hypogonadism where a mans testes fail to produce the normal amount of testosterone. Wang gave 200 men testosterone therape for 180 days, their body shaped change muscle strength increases. However in a double blind placebo study done by O'connor, he increased testosterone in healthy young men and how changes was found
S- david reimers case study: david was born biologically male however he underwent a sex change in which his penis was removed. His parents tried to raise him as a girl but failed which proved how biological factors play a role for instance high testosterone levels and XY chromosome however case study.
s-pratical applications- goving oxytocin in child birth has led to reduce the chance of bleeding and mum or baby dying. there are health benefits. However issue of researching the role of hormones in sex and gender that all methods are invasive
when an individual has less than or more than 2 sex chromosomes and this can occur during the fusion of the egg and sperm
this happens approximately 1 in 600 males where they have two X sex chromsomes and one Y sex chromosome (XXY). this can lead to being less muscular, less hairy, being taller, being infertile and developing breast tissue. Some psychological affects could also be poor language skills and a risk of depression
this affects women and its when they have only 1 X chromosome which can be describes as XO. Their physical appearance would be shorter, webbed neck, infertality, underdevloped ovaries and not getting periods. some psychological affects would be above average verbal ability, below average maths ability and difficulty making friends. Turner syndome occurs 1 in every 5000 females at birth
S-diagnosed prenatally as in majority of cases turner and klinefelters syndrome can be tested during pregnancy so it allows parents to be more educated and prepared however this is unethical as when parents recieve the news of their child they may not want to carry on with the pregnancy
s- Turner syndrome sufferers may have the chance to become pregnant in the future. This is due to research has proven taking the eggs from a girl who has yet started puberty allows them to be pregnant in the future. however, taking eggs from a young girl can be extremely invasive and unethical as it is informed consent