socialisation is the process of learning norms and values of a particular culture
agencies of socialisation are institutions and people that influence our norms and values. there are primary and secondary agents
the family, parents
education,religion,media,our peers and the workplace
imitation is copying or mirroring the behaviour of others. imitation plays a big part in learning the norms, values and language of a culture
this is when people follow the example of those who they respect and are of a higher status. role models tend to be the same gender.
canalisation is when boys and gurls are channelled into "appropriate" activities to reinforce gender stereotypes.
for example, boys may be given nerf guns and lego to encourage aggression, whereas girls may be given babydolls to encourage caregiving
sanctions socially control our behaviour by discouraging deviance
naughty step, time out, phone ban etc.
detention, work etc.
getting fired, reduced shifts