a legally binding agreement between two or more people or business
a proposal to provide a good or service
means that all parties involved must agree to the terms of the contract
means that something of value must be promised in return
a person is legally able to enter into a binding agreement
regulates how contracts are written, executed, and enforced
when one or more parties do not follow the agreed terms of a contract without having a legitimate reason
list the goods or services provided by a business and the price the customer pays in exchange
a contract to rent something
describes the terms of employement between a business and an employee
most businesses are required to have for tax purposes. # assigned by IRS
the basic expectations of dair treatment of consumers
an order to remote or repair unsafe products in the market
rules of behavior based on a groups ideas about what is right and wrong
the honesty of a person's actions
are an individual's ideas of what is right and wrong
a document that dictates how business should be conducted
handbook that outlines expectations of employee behavior
means that specific information about a company or its employees is never shared, except with those who have clearance to receive it
any work created by company employees on the job that is owned by that company
it is confidential information a company needs to keep private and protect from theft
overstating the features and benefits of produce or making false claims about them
behaving with sensitivity to social, environmental, and economic issues
includes all the actions taken by a business to promote social goods
describes how the owners and employees of a company think, feel, and act as a business
promoting the welfare of others