ahisma (non violence)
satya (thruthfullnes)
brahmachariyaya (beheersing van seksuele energie, not giving your soul away)
aparighara (non desires for luxury or what people have)
Saucha (cleanness; shower, brush your theet, etc
Santosha (contentment/tevreden with what you have, focus on what you can change
Tapas; discipline go for uncomfortable situation to creat more selfpower (vasting, study, no luxery)
svadhyaha: selfstudy (reflecting learning phylosophy
isvara pranidhana; surrender to the one above you, worship, hummble
movement, postures (now sitting in a comfy posture)
consciousness breathing
focus goes within. Preparation for dharana and Dhyana
Time and effort to go to mediation state
almost become one with the object, but still a feeling of switching between meditater and object
absorption you become one with the object. enlightment
the controller, a special soul free from the influence of affliction (vrij van negatieve invloeden), action inside, free from the karma cycle, niet meer gebonden aan de effecten van hun verleden, volledig bevrijd
volledige bevrijding (liberation
the foundational text of Yoga written by Patanjali