- Communist party shapes family life
- one kid per family
-reward system and penalties
population growth is placing unsustainable demands with ou)r planets finite resources
- population growth is an issue stirred up by the developed world to keep LDC's in their underdeveloped condition
- need to control population growth
- need for sexual health care access
- resources to family planning contraception
- As long as population growth is not too fast it can stimulate innovation
- reliying on market mechanism
- Disease spread easily due to poor and weak health systems
- lacked rapid decision making
- didn't keep the government informed sufficiently enough
-poor remuneration and working conditions
-fragile states and personal security concern make health workers to migrate
-not sufficient tutors to train health professionals
- workers go to northern countries to get higher salaries
- High rates explained by high migration and trade
- small awareness about prevention in with the government
- questioned the usefulness of western medecine
- Financial constraints
- Higher education cannot be achieved due to illiteracy
- not enough education leads to child labour
- Corruption in education
World Declaration on Education For All