means good news. in the New Testament, it refers to the announcement that Jesus has brought the reign of God to our world through his life, death, and resurrection from the dead.
The term good news is used in the gospel, to deliver the news of salvation, or liberation from sin, brokenness, and is strange from God, within the scriptures and using good news as a guide.
To emphasize the diversity of literary styles in the Bible
Context is everything understanding the context of the Bible passage can help make sure you get the right message from the author. Cautions, when interpreting is stripping the meaning of the context, investigating the original meaning of text in their historical and literary context, and Asking analytical questions about various areas of the text.
refers to the passion, death and resurrection, in ascension of Jesus Christ as an event that conveys the salvation of humanity. The passion mystery is a study of fulfillment. According to divine plan, there are many explicit, Old Testament, references and illusions in the New Testament show through covenants, relationships and more.
For the Forgiveness of sins
To demonstrate God's power love in the kingdom
The apostles, teaching fellowship, through the breaking of bread, in prayer. The sacraments behind us together into Jesus Christ baptism, which we gather at the church. Those believed worse together, sold their possessions and redistributed the prophets they made they praise God and continue to multiply in numbers.
The believers shared their possessions. They did not aim for private ownership over anything, and there's not a person in need am among them.