The effective efficent communication between the eyes and the hands to copy
- Visual skill foundation:visual perceptual skills, functional visual skills, eye-hand coordination
- Motor skills foundation: shoulder girdle stability, fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination
-eye/hand; eyes to visually guid the movement; ex unable to start and stop pencil in a given space
-VMI: to correctly perceive to correctly replicate; ex unable to form letters or copy drawings
-our capacity to change: our ability to learn and remember, Allows us to compensate for loss
-Longstanding knowledge: the brain “is plastic”: Newer knowledge: the actual mechanism for how the brain adapts, Newer knowledge: the effect that rehabilitation has on the neuroplasticity process
- Changes in behavior
- Veiwing brain processing changes: imaging, MRI
- Looking at micro changes in cellular reorganization
“Reorganizing or reweighting of functional interactions within an existing network of brain regions” Zoltan (2006)
-Damaged axons can regenerate and form new connections that were the same as previous and/or they can form new connections with neighbouring areas
-Axons or dendrites can grow
-Research has shown that a neighbouring neuron may compensate for the loss of a different neuron by increasing the size and connections that the dendrites make
“Creation of new circuits” Zoltan (2006)
-Forming new connections among remaining neurons
-Creating new neurons
-Sometimes the brain recruits new areas into the affected network or uses an alternate network not normally used
“Involves the plasticity of the areas surrounding the damaged areas” Zoltan (2006)
-Sensorimotor area takes over other areas of the brain to accomplish a function that has been compromised
-The restructuring or rewiring of the brain is known to be strongly influenced by sensory and motor experiences.
-Learning experiences strongly impact neuroplasticity by enhancing neural reorganization and regeneration
-Variations in experience to damaged neural circuits will shape synaptic interconnections and influence recovery
neuro network not being used are repurposed for something else
changes in the dendrite of cell that improve communication
training on specific things
Repeating something until you can do it with ease
do something frequently to acheive results
When is the best time to work, its usually immediatly
Easier to do something you like than to do something you hate
usually younger brains are easier and take shorter time to learn
refers to rehab in building behavoir and acquire abilitys through training, and how dose the traing relate.
developing bad habits