helps regulate muscle tone, alerts the cortex to incoming sensory signals, and is responsible for maintaining conciousness and awakening from sleep
Reticular Formation
darkly pigmented nuclei areas that release dopamine which helps control subconscious activity
Substantia Nigra
network of capillaries in the walls of ventricles that produce CSF
produced by the ependymal cells of the ventricles
lies between the spinal cord adn diencephalon
a bridges that connects parts of the brain with each other
formed by corticospinal tracts that control voluntrary movements of trunk and limbs
where the right and left tracts cross above where the spinal cord and medulla meet
instructs the cerebellum to make adjustments to muscle activity as new motor skills are learned
Inferior Olivary nucleus
2 hemispheres-each contain 3 lobes; anterior, posterior and flocculonodular
coordinates body movements
adjust posture for balance
coordination of skeletal muscle contraction and in maintenance of normal muscle tone, posture, and balance
major regulators of homeostasis, control of ANS, production of hormones, control of body temp, control secretions of hormones from anterior portion of pituitray gland
secretes melatonin and helps regulate circadian rhythm
broad band of white matter that connect the cerebral hemisphere
divides the cerebrum into right and left halves
conduct impulses between gyri of the same hemisphere
Limbic System
primary role in promoting arrange of emotions
deals with anger, danger, and fear responses
plays a role in expressing emotions via gestures and resolves mental conflict
memory function
relay station for olfactory pathways
provides the ability to read, write, speak, make calcaulations, compose music, remember the past, plan for the future, and imagine thing that never existed
transmits info from cerebellum and basal nuclei to the primary motor area of the cerebrum
forms the rim the cerebrum
folds of gray matter; cerebral cortex
shallow grroves between the fold; cerebral cortex
deeper grooves between the folds
regulate initiation and termination of movement and suppress unwanted movements
Basal nuclei
Basal nuclei
each hemisphere specializing in performing certain unique fuctions
Cranial nerves involved in eye functions
only cranial nerve that serves structures below the head and neck
caused when circulation to brain is blocked and tissue dies
Cranial nerve involve with taste