Unit 5: Key Terms
Cutaneous membrane (skin)
two main components (epidermis, dermis)
superficial layer, keratinized stratified squamous epithelium resting on basement membrane
deep to epidermis and basement membrane, loose connective tissue and dense irregular connective tissue
Arrector pili muscles
small bonds of smooth muscle associated with hair
subcutaneous fat, deep to the dermis, not part of the skin, made of loose connective and adipose tissues
Functions of integumentary system
protection, glands, sensation, thermoregulation, excretion, vitamin D systhesis
make up about 95% of the epidermis, make the epidermis stronger and less susceptive to mechanical trauma, manufacture keratin
Stratum corneum
outermost layer, dead keratinized cells
Stratum lucidum
only in thick skin, palms, soles
Stratum granulosum
flattened/ granular
Stratum spinosum
looks spiny under a microscope
Stratum basale
deepest, mitotic layer
Keratinocyte life cycle
stratum corneum continuously sheds dead cells, must be replaced to maintain integrity of epidermis, replaced by mitosis
Dendritic cells
in stratum spinosum, phagocytes of immune system, protect skin and deeper tissues from pathogens
Merkel cells
oval cells scattered throughout stratum basale, sensory receptors associated with small neurons in dermis, found in finger tips, lips, base of hairs
in stratum basale, produce melanin
protein pigment ranging from orange-red to brown-black
Thick skin
about as thick as a paper towel, all 5 epidermal layers, very thick stratum corneum, no hair follicles, many sweat glands
Thin skin
covers areas of body not subjected to as much mechanical stress, about as thick as a sheet of printer paper, only 4 layers (no stratum lucidum), numerous hairs, sweat glands, sebaceous glands present
additional layers of stratum corneum, forms in either thick or thin skin in response to repetitive pressure
high vascular layer deep to epidermis, provides blood supply, contains sensory receptors, anchors epidermis in place, 2 distinct layers, 2 types of connective tissue
Papillary Layer
thinner, most superficial of 2 layers
Dermal papillae
tiny projections at surface of papillary layer
tiny blood vessels
Tactile (Meissner) corpuscles
in dermal papillae, sensory receptors, respond to light touch stimuli, more numerous where sensation is primary function
Reticular layer
deep, thicker layer, separates dermis from hypodermis, mostly dense irregular connective tissue, largely irregularly arranged collagen bundles
Lamellated (Pacinian) corpuscles
sensory receptors embedded within reticular layer, respond mainly to changes in pressure and vibration
Dermal ridges
areas where dermal papillae are most prominent due to presence of thick collagen bundles
Epidermal ridges
indent overlying epidermis to create this, enhance gripping ability of hands and feet
produced by melanocyte in stratum basale, determines skin color
protects keratinocyte DNA from mutations induced by UV radiation
Melanin synthesis
increases with exposure to natural or artificial UV radiation, lead to tanning
darkening of skin pigmentation
small area of increased pigmentation, increased melanin production in local spot
area od increased pigmentation, caused by local proliferation of melanocytes, not an increase in melanin production
lack of melanin, results in a lack of skin pigmentation and a greatly increased risk of keratinocyte DNA damage from UV radiation
Accessory structures or appendages
include hair, nails, and glands, derived from epithelium only, assist in overall function of system
Hair (pili)
small filamentous structures, protrude from surface of skin over entire body except in regions with thick skin, lips, and parts of external genitalia
Hair structure
composed of 2 main parts, made of stratified squamous keratinized epithelial cells
portion of hair projecting from skins surface, made of columns of dead keratinized epithelial cells
segment of hair embedded in dermis
Hair papilla
indented at base by blood vessels from dermis
Hair bulb
root and hair papilla
small number of keratinocytes at base of root , actively divide
Hair follicle
the root is embedded in this, infolding of epidermis extents deep into dermis
Inner medulla
soft core, only found in thick hair (head), soft keratin
Middle Cortex
keratinocytes containing hard keratin, provides strength
Outermost cuticle
overlapping keratinocytes containing hard keratin, provides strength
Dermal root sheath
surrounds epithelial root, consists of connective tissue
Arrector Pili muscles
small bonds of smooth muscle, contraction causes hair to stand up gives skin dimpled appearance, "goosebumps"
hard accessory structures at the ends of digits, composed of stratified squamous epithelium filled with hard keratin
Nail Plate
most visible component of nail, on top of underlying epidermal nail bed, divided into nail body and nail root
Nail body
visible portion of nail plate
Nail root
portion of plate under the skin, location of nail matrix containing actively dividing cells
half-moon shaped region of proximal nail plate
two basic types in skin, derived from epidermal cells, deeper in dermis
Sweat (sudoriferous) glands
produce sweat
Sebaceous glands
produce oily sebum
type of sweat gland, most prevalent, simple coiled tubular glands in dermis, sweat contains mostly water, waste products, and electrolytes, exists from duct through sweat pore onto epidermal surface
found in specific regions of the body such as axillae, large glands release protein-rich secretion into hair follicles, secretions become odoriferous once skin bacteria metabolize contents
modified apocrine glands, release thick secretion called cerumen (ear wax) into hair follicles in ear
Mammary glands
highly specialized sweat glands, produce modified sweat (milk)
Sebaceous glands cout.
branched with clusters of secretory cells (acini) surrounded by small ducts, converge to form a central duct that empties into hair follicle
waxy, oily mixture of mostly lipids
Cuestionario |
OPTA 222 (SCI) |
OPTA 222 (ALS and MS) |
OPTA 222( nervous system) |
Psykodynamiskt och behavorismpsykodynamisk och behaviorism |
psykodynamiskt och behaviorism (begrepp)Psykodynamisk och behaviorstisk psykologi. |
Anatomie examen 1Mudule 3 |
Modes alternatifs de règlement des conflits |
Motorik |
nail phisology |
Anatomie examen 1Module 2 |
Korean Studies (Beginning/Basics) |
Wilja |
motståndaren |
kognitiv neurovetenskap |
hörselnedsättning |
org |
First third of Geol quiz |
enivro 200 - test 3 |
Peuple et culture examen 1Révision |
Thoelogy review |
week2 |
French 3 |
Aerdynamics midtermmidterm |
french |
Latin Leson IV |
Citizenship |
Chase science |
Unit 4: Key Terms A and P |
UE6: science politique séance 1 |
English |
blandat |
svensk manöverkrigsföring |
Manöverkrigsföring |
UE6: économie |
Italian Terms |
french lexique 1d |
french lexique 1c |
french lexique 1B |
french lexique 1a |
4. Hundraser 7 stHundraser |
spanska tro- ta det försiktigtsuckaden |
UE6: droit partie 1 |
3. Hundraser 7 stHundraser |
Hundraser |
2. Hundraser 7 stHundraser |
1. Hundraser 7 stHundraser |
hair cuttingwhat are the five form in haircutting |
english |
engels |
farmakologiom läkemedel |
jknk, |
reumatologi |
ortopedi |
Vocabulaire del 2 |
Holly WilkinsonProject Managment |
engelska glosor |
Politiska system |
intro droit privé cours 3 |
engelska v.39 |
german vocab 4 |
spanska glosor vecka 39nom |
Multicellular Organisms 4 |
chapter 1 vocab wordsgreat gatsby chap 1 vocab |
principes of design |
German |
Biology |
french |
Engelska begrepp |
Multicellular Organisms 3Biology, Semester 2, TERM 3 |
kemiska formler |
Other latin nhs |
Latin rhs terms |
Quiz question pre test chapter 2 |
Multicellular Organisms 2Semester 2, Term 3 |
Hörförståelse |
spanish |
faux amiscc |
Multicellular OrganismsSemester 2, Term 3 Biology
Topics: 1, 2,3 |
Psykologi |
Biology chapter 2chapter 2 |
Exotic Animals |
week 2 |
Åk 4 Religion 1 |
OPTA 215 (Speech and Language Acquisition and Pediatric Speech and Language Disorders) |
Paris Métro |
Ten commandments Flash cards |
Command Words |
English Vocabulary in Use (Unit 11) |
WW1For the test on Tues |
OPTA 222 (Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis) |
Sociology key terms |
german vocab 3 |
Révision L3 - Procédure pénale |
engelska glosor v.38oregelbundna verb |
Word Homework September 26th |
Glosor 26 Settembre |
tyska glosor v.38glosor |
Ap psych voacb quiz Unit 2 |
Brain |
Action potential |
week1 |
neuron quiz |
Lvl 1 gentetics |
6 ord 20 sep |
Musiktermer |
Bio 2 |
hispano- se pruducen |
glosor |
Spanska glosor |
2023-09-20 Korsord |
droit constit cours 2 |
engelska glosorglosor |
french vocab & grammar |
vårdhygien och smittskydd del 9 |
vårdhygien och smittskydd del 8 |
engelska glosor |
amino acids |
week 1pharmacy drugs |
5 ord 19 sep |
Svenska |
French 2 |
läxa 1 |
re y 9 t1 |
Révision L2 - Droit administratif partie 2 |
anglais voc |
Révision L2 - Droit administratif partie 1 |
History Notes |
musikmusik ord och begrepp |
waves 2 + quantam physics |
vårdhygien och smittskydd del 7 |
anatatomi dp8frågor om anatomi delprov 8, högskolan Kristianstad |
Digital Marketing |
abdul |
OPTA 204(Neroplasticity, Neuromotor, Developement and Visual Motor Integration |
sv |
100 spanska vanliga ord (Del 2) |
Révision L3 - La procédure civilePetit quiz en matière de procédure civile |
HPNya ord SV och ENG |
Glosor 20 Settembre |
Business 1.1 |
Ord till låttext "Adois Amor" |
pivvat juridik |
Naturkunskap kapitel 2 och 3 |
Svenska |
Tidigare tentafrågor |
Psykologi 1 Tentatenta |
Begrepp |
elements of art |
chemistry chapter 2 |
French Vocab |
how well do you know me |
Dental Nursing |
La Nourriture |
Garden ident |
Vocabulaire de la semaine |
Unit 3: Key Terms A and P |
Tree ident |
Unit 2: Key terms A and P |
firewየተሻለውን መልስ ምረጡ |
Rocc Study |
ROCC Abbreviations |
Musklerna |
StrukturperspektivetTenta |
Skelettet |
Svenska v.38 |
Was machst du sehr gern |
Meine HobbysHobbys |
Skull |
butterbees server assessment |
Unit 1: Key Terms for A and P |
chemistry |
scripture |
Verbe irréguliers anglaisa connaitre |
intro droit privé cours 2 |
World war 2 |
world war 2 |
Inspera tentaInspera tenta, sep 2023 hösttermin |
german vocab 2 |
OPTA 215(Anatomy and Physiology of speech, language, and voice production) |
intro droit privé cours 1 |
intro Droit constitutionnel cours1 |
Tenta |
Project Management |
Tyska glosor v.37 |
engelska läxa v 37 |
biology |
definitions |
English Vocab quiz ( novel real) |
Biology |
Chem 1poopee |
Anatomy 101 chapter 1 |
Tenta SH GE |
english 6quiz for me |
Ser |
Music Appreciation: Ch 2 - Exam 1 |
Frågor om språkutveckling |
vårdhygien och smittskydd del 6 |
Gustar |
Tener |
Reproduction |
Science Skills |
Révisions de droit - Première année |
les professions |
french irregular verbsavoir, etre, aller, faire |
andra till bokstavdonde han estado? |
Makro Alger |
Svampar |
mushrooms from swedish to latin |
English story 1 |
COSD 202 |
Hundraser prov. |
Study Group Guess Who |
plays |
OPTA 222(Burns) |
OPTA 222 (Skin Conditions) |
CKA *Chapter 16-20) |
English |
Chemistry Definitions |
1.1.1 structure and function of processor |
100 spanska vanliga ord (del 1) |
spanska ord - 12 sep |
spanska ord - 11 sep |
grundämnen |
hkk glosor |
Thema 17 |
Thema 4 |
Market Intelligence |
endocrine systemendokrina systemet |
Latin1 |
Muskler |
little rock nine |
formell engelska del 2del 2 |
Engelska 13/9 |
formell engelska del 1del 1 |
Spanska glosor |
French 1 |
CKA (Chapters 11-15) |
CKA (Chapter 6-10) |
OTA 205 (Safty) |
läxa v.37 |
OPTA 215 (Articulatory Stystem and Phonetics) |
OPTA 204 vision and visual processing skills |
E-handelEn potentiell kund som har visat intresse för en podukt eller tjänst. |
trender inom e-handel |
SO massmedia begreppSo massmedia begrepp 9/11-23 |
vårdhygien och smittskydd del 2 |
vårdhygien och smittskydd del 1 |
Vårdhygien och smittskydd del 5 |
vårdhygien och smittskydd del 4 |
v37 |
Vårdhygien och smittskydd del 3 |
tenta |
Engelska glosor |
Kamerateknik/Bildutsnitt/Ljud/Ljus |
Pre- och postoperativ vård |
ehhh random igrandom questions for you to answer when ur bored! |
Mikrobiologi, Immunologi och vårdhygien |
Anatomi → RIKTNINGARträningslära |
OPTA 222 (Dementia) |
Thema 2 |
Thema 1 |
Thema 12 |
Thema 28 |
Thema 25 |
beste freunde 2 |
30 word ko |
v:37 Vocabulaire |
Prov |
Begrepp produktion, transport och handel |
tenta begrepp |
elements and symbolsnecessary elements for college chem ch. 1 |
CKA (Chp 1-5) |
engelska glossor v36sa23c engelska |
Kända artister |
Element för lönsam e-handel |