adipose cells of the yellow marrow
shaft or body of a long bone that is long, cylindrical, and main portion of the bone
the proximal and distal ends of the long bone
support, protect internal organs, assist in movement, mineral homeostasis, blood cell reproduction, stores triglycerides
80 bones (cranium-8, face-14, hyoid bone-1, auditory ossicles-6, vertebral column-26, thorax(sternum-1, ribs-24)
126 bones, pectoral(clavicle-2, scapula-2), upper limbs( humerus-2, ulna-2, radius-2, carpals16, metacarpals-10, phalanges-28), pelvic(coxal bone-2), lower limbs(femur-2, patella-2, fibula-2, tibia-2, tarsals-14, metatarsals-10, phalanges-28)
greater in length than width
thin layers of parallel plates
complex shape
shaped like a sesame seed
region between the diaphysis and epiphyses, contains growth plate during growing ages then it becomes the epiphyses line
thin hyaline cartilage that covers the part of the epiphysis that forms an articulation with another bone
articular cartilage
hollo, cylindrical space in the diaphysis that contains fatty yellow bone marrow and numerous blood vessels in the adult
thin membrane that lines the medulla cavity containing a single layer osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and connective tissue
tough, connective tissue sheath and blood supply that surrounds the bone surface where it is NOT covered by cartilage
outer fibrous layer of dense irregular connective tisse, inner layer of osteogenic of cells
in between the trabeculae of the spongy bone in the adipose tissue
crystallized mineral salts
collagen fibers
epiphyseal plate
the epiphyseal plate is replaced with bone and then the epipyseal line is made
calcium phosphate
when the mineral salts and collagen fibers harden in the bone that is initated by osteoblasts
extracellar matrix, calcium phosphate, calcium hydroxide, magnesium, fluoride, potassium, sulfate
Periosteal arteries and nerves enter diaphysis thru Volluman's canal and are accompanied by periosteal vein
have own blood supply that enters along circular band between the growth plate and joint plate
they supply the superficial layer of cortex and connect w/ nutrient artery-if obstruction of artery, the vein can meet needs to both systems
osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts, ostesclasts, osteocytes
osteoprogenator cell
inner portion of periosteum, the endosteum, and bone canals that have blood vessels
to build the matrix, they synthesize collagen fibers and other organic components
when osteoblasts become surrounded by extracellar matrix and trapped in their own secretions
has lysomal enzyme and acids that digest protein and mineral components of the matrix
breakdown of extracellar matrix that releases calcium from bone
the large cell comes from a fusion of monocytes
mature bone cells, maintains bones daily homeostasis, main cell in bone tissue
compact bone
parallel lines to length of diaphysis
from concentric lamellae that surround a network of nerves and blood vessels called central canal
few spaces, strongest bone tissue, provides protection and support, resists stress cause by wt and movement. beneath peristeum, makes up most of diaphysis
rings of calcified matrix that surround a network of nerves and blood vessels called central (osteonic) canals and forms osteons
network of nerves and blood vessels
small spaces between the concentric lamellae and contains osteocytes
tiny channels that are filed with extracellar fluid that radiates out from the lacuna and provides routes for nutrients and oxygen and removes wastes
areas between osteons and contains fragments of older osteons
where blood vessels and nerves penetrate the bone
lines the medullary cavity
lies deep to the periosteum and are connected to periosteum by perforating (Sharpey's) fibers
interior of short, flat, seasmoid, and irregular bones, covered by compact bone
core of the epiphysea of long bone
spongy bone
osteons, epiphyses, diaphysis
red bone marrow that produce RBC or yellow marrow in adipose tissue
increase deposition of mineral salts and increase in collage fibers, production occurs and bone will remodel itself to become stronger
mechanical stress
pull of skeletal bones and pull of gravity
stimulates activity of osteoblasts
collagen synthesis and its the main bone protein
increase absorption of calcium
production of proteins; essential for blood clotting factors
osteoblast function; RBC production
process of bone formation
embryological and fetal developement, bone growth before adulthood, bone remodel, healing of fracture
occurs in flat bones when a connective tissue membrane is replaced by bone
replaces cartilage with bone in developing embryo and fetus
continual chondrocytes cell division and secretion of the cartilage extracellar matrix resulting in increase in length
occurs when chondroblasts in perichondrium deposit extracellar matrix on surface of cartilage model resulting in growth of cartilage in width
loss of calcium and other minerals from matrix
caused by decrease in rate of protein synthesis
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
causes negative feedback by inhibiting PTH, by inhibiting the action of osteoclasts which decrease blood calcium and blood phosphate levels
anchors epiphyseal plate to emphysis bone, does NOT participate in cell growth, lies next to epiphysis and consists of scattered chondrocytes
larger chondrocytes stacked like coins that divide and secrete matrix-these chondrocytes replace those that died at diaphyseal side of epiphyseal plate
consists of large, maturing chondrocytes arranged in columns
calcified cartilage
osteoclasts dissolve calcified cartilage, osteoblasts lay down bone matrix replacing th calcified cartilage
calcified cartilage becomes the "new diaphysis" attached to the rest of to diaphysis of the bone
Zone of Calcified Cartilage
cells die resulting in swellling and inflammation, phagocytes (neutrophils and macrophanges) and osteaocytes begin to removed dead and damage tissue
reactive phase
fibroblast produce collage fibers at fractue site, cells form chrondoblasts and form fibrocartilage and collage fibers form to bridge broken bone ends, osteogenitator develop to osteoblasts which begin to produce spongy bone trabeculae that join living and dead sections of bone, fibrocartilage is converted to spongy bone and callus which is called bony callus
last step-bony callus is remodeled, dead sections are resorbed osteoblasts, compact bone replaces spongy bone
degeneration of articular cartilage so bones end touch causing friction of bones which worsens the condition, common in the elderly
bone resorption outpaces bone deposit, cause due to calcium lost in urine, feces and sweat is more than calcium absorbed in diet. tx calcium and vitamin D, wt bearing exercise, hormone therapy, bone building meds
adult form of rickets, new bone formed in remodeling does NOT calcify, bone fractures commone. tx vitamin D and sun exposure
inadequate calcification of bone matrix due to deficiency in Vit D, occurs in children, soft rubbery bones, causes bowed legs and deformities in pelvis. tx vit D and sun exposure
infection of bone caused by Staph aureos, usually from surgeries, open fractures, penetrating wounds, UTIs, upper resp infection, adjacent tissue infection(diabetics) tx antibiotics, surgery
produce liver and bone tissue
promotes genera body growth including bones
stimulate osteoblasts
increase synthesis of bone proteins
promotes growth spurts, makes femine/masculine characteristics in bones, induces epiphyseal plate closure, ends longitude bone growth
allows no movement
allows little movement
freely movable
fibrous joints
types of fibrous joints
between skull bones
synostoses (separate cranial bones fused as one)
synarthrosis(immovable) and amphiathrosis (slightly movable)
amphiarthrosis (slightly movable)
ligament between two bones ex: anterior tibiofibular ligament
sheet of dense irregular connective tissue between long bones and allows slight movement ex: between tibia and fibula
peg-in-socket; dense irregular connective tissue between tooth adn alveolus called periodontal ligament ex: between tooth adn alveolar socket of mandinble and maxilla
firbous and cartilage joints
articulating bones held together with hyaline or fibrous cartilage connective tissue
permits little to no movement
connecting material is hyaline cartilage ex: between first rib and manubrium
synarthrosis (immovable) and amphiarthrosis (slightly movable)
hyaline cartilage growth plate-not associated with movements ex: epihyseal plate
articulations covered with hyaline cartilage but connecting material is broad, flat disc of fibrocartilage-occurs midline of body ex: pubis symphysis and intervertebral joints
amphiarthrosis(slightly movable)
synovial cavity
synovial cavity
synovial cavity
synovial cavity
synovial cavity
covers surfaces of bones, creates smooth slippery surfaces which reduces friction and helps absorb shock
encloses the synovial cavity and joint articulating bones-containes an outer fibrous layer and an inner synovial membrane
thickened continuation of the periosteum of articulating bones composed of irregular C.T.
secretes synovial fluid and composed fo areolar C.T. compose of collagen and elastic fibers
provide oxygen and nutrients
remove carbon dioxide, wastes and removes microbes and devris via phagocytes
reduces friction by lubricating joints and absorbs shock
secreted by cells of synovial membrane of the articular capsule
vicous, clear fluid containg hyaluronic acid and interstitial fluid from blood plasma
sac-like structures fillned with synovial fluid that cushion movement of one body part over another
tube-like bursae that wraps around tendons subjected to a great deal of friction ex: tendons that pass through tunnels and over bony prominences
the end result of inflammed synovial joint thickens into pannus (abnormal layer of fibrovascular or granulation tissue) that errodes cartilage, scar tissue forms, and articulating bone ends connect which produces bent, deformed fingers and toes
painful, disorder of supporting structures of the body such as bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments-not caused by infection/injury
a form of rheumatism in which the joints are swollen, stiff and painful
outside the articular capsule
inside the articular capsule but excluded from cavity by folds of synovial membrane
crescent-shaped pads of fibrocartilage between surfaces of the articulating bones and attached to fibrous capsule-seen in knees
shock absorption, creates better fit for bones, adaptable surfaces for movements, allow greater distribution of wt and synovial fluid
ring-like fibrous cartilage lip extending from circumference of the joint socket, helps deepen joint socket, increase contract between socket and head of bone, important in ball socket joints of shoulder and hips
movement of flat bone surface, back n forth, side to side over one another
increase or decrease in angle between bones
decrease n angle between articulating bones ex: bending arm up to touch same sided shoulder
moving of trunk in frontal plane ex: swaying side to side
increase in angle between articulating bones ex: taking hand off from same side shoulder and putting arm down to the side
extension beyond anatomical position ex: moving leg backwards while standing in place
movement of bone away from midline ex:lifting arm straight out to the side
movement of bone towards midline ex: lowering arm stretched out to the side down to the side of body
flexion, abduction, extension, adduction and rotate in succession ex: moving one leg in a circle while standing in place
movement of bone around longitudinal axis ex: shaking your head "no"
superior movement of body part ex lifting up
inferior movement of body part ex: lowering
anterior movement of body part in transverse plane
posterior movement of body part in tranverse plane
medial movement of sole
lateral movement of sole
bending foot in direction of dorsum ex: bending the ankle so the toes are pointing up
bending foot in direction of sole ex: sole of ground
movement of forearm that turns palm anteriorly ex: arm straight out with palm up
movement of forearm that turns posteriorly ex: arm straight out to front with palm down
movement of thumbs across palm to touch fingertips on same hand
determines how closely the bones can fit which determines their type of movement
muscle tension reinforces the restraint on a joint by its ligaments and thus restricts movement
point where one body surface contacts another may limit movement and also may be restricted by the presence of adipose tissue
relaxin increases flexibility of pubis symphysis cartilage and loosend various ligaments at end of pregnancy which allows expansion of pelvic
decrease in movement if not used in a period of time; maybe caused by muscle atrophy around the joint or decrease of synovial joint fluid
articulated surfaces flat or slightly curved ex: intercarpal, intertarsal, vertebracostal, sternocostal
convex surface fits in a concave surface ex: knee, elbow ankle, interphalangeal joints
rounded or pointed surface fits into ring formed partly by bone and partly ligament ex: alanto-axis radioulnar joints
oval shaped projection fits into oval shaped depression ex: radiocarpal and metacorpophalangeal joint
articular surface of one bone is saddled shape and the other articular surface of the bone "sits" in the saddel ex: thumb
ball like surface fits into cup like depression ex: shoulder and him joints
forceable twistinf of a joint that tears a ligament but doesn't dislocate bones tx PRICE (protection, rest, ice, compression, elevation)
stretched or partially torn muscle or muscle and tendon, often occurs when muscle contracts suddenly and powerfully
inflammationof tendons, tendons sheaths, and synovial membrane, tenderness and pain, usually follows trauma, sprain, or excessive exercise
most common arthritis
slow and irreversible
related to normal aging and AKA "wear and tear" arthritis
increase in production of metalloproteinase enzyme that breaks down cartilage, exposed bone ends thickened, enlarged, form bones spurs and restrict movement
affects women more than med
chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune disease
exacerbations and remission
begins with synovitis of afftected joint, inflammatory chemicals are inappropriately released, inflammatory blood cells migrate to joint and increase swelling
aspirin, ABT, PT, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressants, Enbrel
deposits of uric acid crystals in joint and soft tissues, inflammation response
cause is excess of intake of purine containing foods or inablilty to remove extra uric acid tx: colchine, nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drugs, decrease in seafood and alcohol intake, glucorticoids
untreated leads to bone ends fuse and immbolizes joint