Define 'Electrical Current'
The rate of flow of charge
Define a coulomb
The flow of charge in a time of 1 second
What is the elementary charge of an electron
1.6 * 10^-19 coulombs
what is conventional current
The rate of flow of charge from the positive terminal to the negative terminal
What is electron flow
The flow of electrons from negative to positive
State Kirchoff's first law
The sum of the current entering a node is equal to the sum of the current exiting that node
Define mean drift velocity
The average velocity of electrons as they travel down a wire, colliding with positive metal ions
Give the formula for charge (Using the mean drift velocity)
I = nAve
n = Density of the material(no, of free e- per unit of volume)
A = Cross-Sectional area of the wire
v = mean drift velocity
e - Electron charge
What is the difference between insulators and conductors (in terms of density)
conductors have high densities
insulators have smaller values
semiconductors have inbetween values
Define 'Potential Difference'
The energy transferred per unit of charge where energy is transformed from electrical into other forms
define a volt
1 joule of energy transferred per coulombs
Define 'EMF'
The energy transferred per unit of charge where energy is transferred from a power supply into electrical energy
Define 'Resistance'
The potential differnce across a component divided by the current in the component
Define an ohm
1 volt per unit ampere
State Ohm's law
For a metallic conductor kept at a constant temperature, the courrent of a wire is directly proportional to the potential difference across it
Give the formula for resistivity
- RA/l
R - Resistance (Ωm)
A - Cross-Sectional Area
l - length
What is the link between resistance and resistivity
They're directly proportional
Give the formula for total no of electrons
Charge / e(electron charge)
Give the 3 formulae for Power
P = W/T
P = VI
P = 1²R
P = V²/R
W - Work Done
V - Voltage
I = Current
T - Time
Define 'Electrical Power'
The work done per unit of time
State Kirchoff's Second law
In any circuit the sum of the EMF is equal to the sum of the potential difference in a closed loop
A source of emf has internal resistance, what does this means
Not all energy transferred to the charge carriers are available to the circuit as some is transferred to the internal resistance of the cell
Define 'lost volts'
The difference between the measured potential difference across terminals of the power supply, and the actual EMF of the cell
What does kirchoffs first law demonstrate
Conservation of charge
What is the resistivity of a material
The physical property of the material
Give the formula for voltage (in a potential divider circuit)
V(out) = [R2/(R1+R2)] * V(in)
In an LED, what features change if you use an LED of a higher frequency
The threshold voltage (voltage needed to emit light) increases
What does forward bias & reverse bias mean?
Forwards bias - Where current flows in the direction of the arrowhead symbol on the diode
Reverse bias - Where current cannot flow as the arrowhead is in the opposite direction the current is meant to flow
Give 2 purposes of a potential divider circuit
- To provide a variable potential difference
- To allow a specific potential difference to be chosen
Quiz |
racines grecques |
anna |
svår |
acid bases and salts |
UE7- histoire illustrée de l'anatomie: une science et un art |
skeletal muscles are stimulated to contract by nerves and act as effectors |
Viollet le Duc |
Anatomie Ademhaling |
Matte 3C Regler |
Unit 6 del 3 |
Strategie H3 |
hydrocarbures |
Geography |
Exan ReviewChapters 1-7 Exam Review |
BIO 3 |
Presentation 2 |
differential association theory and psychdynamic explain |
chapter 26colonization of land |
kap 15 |
Navy shit |
reversible reactions and equilibrium |
spaans zinnen hz3 |
Vocabulaire de LORE |
p |
Anatomi och Fysiologi CNS |
r |
Chapter 4 - Tissues |
Computer Science1.2.1 |
Geo Unit 1 (Interrelationships, Pattersn + Trends, SEEP) |
instuderingsfrågorna |
module 3 study guide |
UE7-l'image du coprs au fil du temps |
rate of reaction |
energy changes in reactions |
Zone 4 Lecco |
Zone 3 Lecco |
Zone 2 Lecco |
Zone 1 Lecco |
sun |
latn. 6 |
ekonomi |
work |
chapter 25origin and diversification of eukaryotes |
chapter 24early life and the diversification of prokaryotes |
anatomy |
chapter 23broad patterns of evolution |
Finska 50 ord 1 |
istalacion aire acondicionado |
science |
Bio Diversity Quiz - copy |
Chemistry chp 1Names of significant discoveries and who discovered them |
Bio Diversity QuizAnswer the following questions.g |
MichaelaHistory unit one test memorization |
Mesocorticolimbic System |
key terms 12.2 |
berlin |
plant id week 1plant ID flashcards |
Ballet Terms |
french mardu gras |
chapter 22speciation |
les inégalités sesles inégalités |
church historyidk |
ses l'ecolechap sur l'école |
Frans être & faire |
provsjukvård |
chapter 21evolution of populations |
polish |
vocab |
Quiz 6 |
Revenue Recognition IFRS 15 |
géographie définitionsgéographie définitions G4 G5 |
electricity and chemical change |
Revision - Christian Teachings and Beliefs |
hairlove |
Gramatische Grundbegriffe |
redox reactions |
anat générale |
Quiz 5 |
embryo |
bio cell |
Latin Chapter 4 Vocab - copy - copy |
Physical Geography: Case studies |
Latin Chapter 4 Vocab |
memory chaleng |
dates histoiredates h3 a h6 histoire |
histoiredéfinition h3 a h6 |
Strategie H2 |
duits schritt 12 tot schrit 16german |
Judendomen |
consonants |
Survey of Philippine Literature |
Medical Terminology |
unit d - digestive system |
russian Vocablery |
Russian Vocab |
Système digestif |
devoir |
chapter 20evidence for evolution |
servir |
partir |
sentir |
Sortir |
using moles |
Dormir |
Pouvoir |
vouloir |
Midterm Practice Day 1I am choosing 6 questions per chapter of the testbank. |
KINE1102- midterm lecture 7 |
Quiz 4 |
reacting masses and chemical equations |
Système respiratoire |
Quiz 3 |
KINE1102- mideterm lecture 6 |
Quiz 2 |
Conceptual Underpinings |
Strategie H1 |
Quiz |
chapter VI A Deductions |
HaloalkanesCFC's |
iil |
Room Categories |
Formes Taekwon-do |
KINE1102- midterm lecture 5 |
neymar |
anatomi |
KINE 1102- midterm lecture 4 |
chapter 19darwin and his theories |
spelling words |
spelling words eli |
Metabolism |
KINE1102- midterm lecture 3 |
biologie: planten |
6003 OS & Appl Security Week 7 Service Security Conceptsexam Practice |
adjectives - JPN |
Blood quiz - copy |
Español Examen |
Literary Terms C |
tj judet onsdag |
maths revison |
Science-Biology |
UE7-la vaccination toute une histoire |
compounds mixtures and chemical change |
introduction to elements |
Presentation 1 |
psychological explanations for offending behaviour |
lärande och utveckling 3 |
Imunoimuno |
Blood quiz |
Name the formulas |
Set 5 Vocab |
Nonfiction text features |
6003 OS & Appl Security week 7 Windows ServicesExam Study |
1.1 Nature of Economics |
sciencebb |
Physical science quiz |
chapter 1history if life, evolution, typological and population thinking |
states of matter |
no |
KINE1102 midterm lecture 2 |
Latin |
WHF 2 |
4.8 (Frans naar Nederlands)Als ik spelfouten heb gemaakt, laat maar weten.
p.s. je hoeft er niet bij te zetten of woorden mannelijk of vrouwelijk zijn als er les, of l' staat. :) |
KINE1102 midterm |
home work |
4.6 (Frans naar Nederlands)Als ik spelfouten heb gemaakt, laat maar weten.
p.s. je hoeft er niet bij te zetten of woorden mannelijk of vrouwelijk zijn als er les, of l' staat. :) |
öva mera på |
4.4 (Frans naar Nederlands)Als ik spelfouten heb gemaakt, laat maar weten.
p.s. je hoeft er niet bij te zetten of woorden mannelijk of vrouwelijk zijn als er les, of l' staat. :) |
4.2 (Frans naar Nederlands)Als ik spelfouten heb gemaakt, laat maar weten.
p.s. je hoeft er niet bij te zetten of woorden mannelijk of vrouwelijk zijn als er les, of l' staat. :) |
nytt mag o tarm glosor test 4 |
French and British Fur Trade: Chapter 4squiggle |
social feb 22 |
Computer Science1..4.2 |
UE7-Paléoanthropologie: aux origines de l'Humanité |
Franska prepositioner |
4.1 (Frans naar Nederlands)Als ik spelfouten heb gemaakt, laat maar weten.
p.s. je hoeft er niet bij te zetten of woorden mannelijk of vrouwelijk zijn als er les, of l' staat. :) |
Computer Science1.4.1 |
Cell Biology 25 (Manual flashcards) |
Cell Biology 25 |
Computer Science1.1.2 |
Philo |
Apah africa people-artworks |
temptations |
missouri laws |
B1 |
A321-200 |
Katakana Combination QuizKatakana combinations sounds to practise |
anouk |
4 kirja |
french |
science review A |
W&S |
Socio |
Les vêtement Par Sylvia Duckworth |
marketing |
Vocab |
Cognition 2 |
Quiz - système lymphatique et immunitaire |
Quiz au sujet du sang et le coeur |
EXPH exam 2 |
Elliot Sokoloski |
espagnol |
bb |
Ali |
Nk |
gabby |
history in gaza |
history conflict in gaza |
komparerade adjektiv |
Chapter 12- The Heart |
adjektiv B |
adjektiv A |
Chapter 4 health science |
deklination 4 |
grupp 15 nominativ singular till genitiv singular |
deklination 3 grupp 15 |
deklination 3 grupp 9 |
deklination 3 grupp 8 |
deklination 3 grupp 7 |
deklination 3 grupp 4 |
deklination 3 grupp 3 |
deklination 3 grupp 1 |
fortsättning deklaration 2 |
deklination 2 |
Macbeth quotes |
deklination 1 |
chapter 4+5 |
Biologie lab 2 |
Othello's character |
Desdemona / Othello |
Psychology Midterm |
Biologie Lab 1 |
Allotropes of CarbonAllotropes are different structural forms of the same element in 5he same physical stats. |
Unit 2 Animal Diversity |
unit d - macromolecules |
Test 1 |
révision France: une nouv place dans le monde |
jannelle monae - turntables |
fluently |
provflflf |
M.T. |
Test your knowledge |
Molecules with Hydrogen (Memorize) - type answer |
Molecules with Hydrogen (Memorize) |
Au XVe et XVle siècle, les européens organisent plusieurs expéditions pour explo |
Knowledge Test NJ - Advanced |
Anthro Quiz |
Lab Equipment |
Gut Brain Axis |
Digestive System |
glossary 2 |
Spanish M2- travel |
history 6 |
David |
En la ciudad |
mmpm |
it mangaement 4-6 |
Computational and Systems Neuroscience |
actors |
german 18 |
A330-300 - copy |
Dugga |
Unit 6 del 2 |
Rullmat Lus6 |
90 Day words |
Spanish |
m2 |
Unit 6 del 1 |
Spaans: beroepen |