Chnage in heritable traits in a population acrosd geberations based on their relation ships between speicies and their enviroment
scientifict explination of biological chage over time based on a large accumilation of evidance
13.8 billion yrs old
4.54 bullion yrs old
3.7 billoin years ago
cellular organization, ability to reproduce, growth and development, energy use, homeostasis, response to enviroment, ability to adapt
Desiccation, predation, starvation, disease
largets unit of time
unit of time shorter than an eon but lager than a period
wxtraordinary evolutionary innorvation, mass extinction events, profound influences of the speices of humans (conplex life)
orgine of life from abiotic factros
layers rocks
characteristic chaged so much from an ansestor that a new speicies is created
the population size sustanaiblity supported bu the resorces un an area
person studing plants and animals and how they live un nature(relationship between orgnanisb and their enviroment/change over time)
stufyed anatomy, theroy of chage(orgnagnisms must chnage over time as a resyly of their enviromant)
non-functional but is homologous to a functional structure un a closely related species
life changed iver time
common ansestor
theroy of acquired traits
founding father of paleontology
tgerory of catrophisim
scientific ebvestigation if prehistoruc life throgh the stufy of fossils
ancient remains, impressions or traces of an orgnanism or traces if it actuvity that have been presreved in rock or other minarel deposits in earths cryst
spiecis did not chabge but went extinct due to catastropic evebts and were replaced by new species
fatger of geology, hypothesised the opposite of catatrophism- uniformitarianism
geological changes are slow and gradual, natural laws and procceses have not cnhaged over time
theory of evolution by natural selection, wrote darwin for advice, biogeographer
branch in biology that deals with geographical distributions of plants and animals