How states interact (war and peace)
How states govern themselves (global cooperation)
How power is distributed globally (economics)
How issues can be transboundary (cross-border)
Balance of power
Comparative advantage
Misperception and miscalculation
Social construction
NATO security alliance, created in the wake of the beginning of the Cold War and the perceived Soviet threat.
Making sure that people involved in global conflict face consequences for their crimes
Making sure that people are held accountable for certain very heinous crimes
ICC an example of procedural justice in a global context.
The court steps in when a party to the treaty establishing the court is unwilling or unable to prosecute an applicable crime.
Social Justice – United Nations (UN) Declaration on Human Rights declared in 1948
The goal was to codify human rights following the Second World War
Both producers and social- truth and reconciliation
Revolution in military affairs
– Precision-guided munitions can hit targets with great accuracy, which reduces: The cost of war; Collateral damage in war, and; The mass (troops) required to wage a war. Air power now the most important
Fourth generation warfare new wars are against criminal enterprises, terrorists and non-state fighters using guerrilla war techniques and irregular tactics. Light infantry; Intelligence; Winning the support of the people. Are the keys to successes
Hybrid warfare Enemies will combine traditional warfare with crime, regime destabilisation, terrorism, cyberattacks, economic sanctions and psychological attacks.
After the Second World War, states formed the United Nations.
three types of peacekeeping missions: Observer missions, Peacekeeping missions, Peace enforcement missions.
Nuclear proliferation remains a problem.
Treaties vs. customary law (customary norm, treaties formal bodies of law)
States comply with international law for three reasons: order, avoids punishment (sanctions, reprisals) and hope for reciprocity
The law of the sea example of international law
Causes of poverty through the world system theory (colonialism)
The exploitation continues today as rich countries rely on poorer countries for resources (for example, lumber production in China).
The West defines itself as better, or superior, the rest of the world. – Example = schooling. The things we consider to be human rights are things that are “western.”
A conflict rooted in group politics, in which one ethnic, racial or cultural group is at odds with another ethnic, racial or cultural group.
Ethnic conflict occurs when belief of superiority of one group against another group (holocaust) or Fear of minority impacting the power of the majority group (uyghur)
Greater interconnectedness across borders (economically, politically, socially, etc.)
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organisation.
Encourages free trade; members work toward freer trade in the future.
Increasing nationalism could be a response to globalization
Governments spend more than $70 billion a year on preventing cyberattacks.
There has never been a pandemic on the scale of COVID-19 due to international travel
Something something about the world and covid being involved with politics because of the borders and countries blaming china because they did not report the cases quick enough to contain and stop the spreading of the virus in the other countries