Psychology Midterm
the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes
Individual Differences
an approach to psychology that investigates variations in behavior from one person to the next
Behavioural Neuroscience
this disciplinary area focuses on the relationships between mind and behaviour and their underlying biological processes, including genetics, biochemistry, anatomy, and physiology.
the discipline that systematically examines basic concepts, including the source of knowledge
personal observation of your own thoughts, feelings, and behavior
the practices, values, and goals shared by groups of people
Gestalt Psychology
a school of psychology emphasizing the study of thinking, learning, and perception in whole units, not by analysis into parts
Natural Sciences
any sciences that study nonliving matter, including physics, chemistry, astronomy, and geology
an approach that emphasizes the role of will and choice in determining thoughts, perceptions, and behaviours
Edward Tichener
→ the school of thought concerned with analyzing sensations and personal experience into basic elements
the brain and its activities, including thought, emotion, and behavior
→ William James
→ the school of psychology that focuses on the adaptive functions of behavior
→ John Watson; B.F. Skinner
→ a school of thought in psychology that emphasizes the study of observable behaviour over the study of the mind
→ Carl Rogers; Abraham Maslow
→ An approach that saw people as inherently good and motivated to learn and improve.
Biological Psychology
-The psychological perspective that focuses on the relationships between mind and behaviour, as well as their underlying biological processes, including genetics, biochemistry, anatomy, and physiology; also known as behavioural neuroscience.
Evolutionary Psychology
approach that emphasizes inherited, adaptive aspects of behavior and mental processes
Cognitive Psychology
focuses on the process of thinking, or the processing of information.
Developmental Psychology
explores the normal changes in behaviour that occur across the life span.
Social Psychology/Personality Psychology
describes the effects of the social environment, including social and cultural diversity, and individual differences on the behaviour of individuals
Clinical Psychology
perspective seeks to explain, define, and treat psychological disorders
Max Wertheimer
Gestalt psychology founder who focused on the “whole” of behavior
Sigmund Freud
→ developed psychodynamic theory and its applications to treat psychological disorders
→ nearly singlehandedly founded the study of personality in psychology
Hermann von Helmholtz
his work on the speed of nerve signalling supported that the mind had a physical basis
William James
→ coined the term “stream of consciousness”
→ chief proponent of functionalism
→ his textbook Principles of Psychology dominated the field for 50 years
Carl Rogers
developed client-centered therapy
John Locke
empiricist philosopher who believed that the mind was a “blank slate” at birth
William Wundt
→ his theories provided a foundation for structuralism
→ given credit for conducting the first experiments in psychology
Urlic Neisser
coined the term cognition in 1967
B.F. Skinner
believed that behavior could be understood and controlled through the manipulation of environmental stimuli.
A humanist is someone who believes in the importance of people and their ability to think, feel, and make decisions.
Functionalists analyze how each part of society or the mind contributes to the overall functioning and stability of the system.
a structuralist looks at the underlying patterns or systems that shape human experiences, behaviors, language, and culture. They believe that these structures are fundamental to understanding how individuals and societies function.
A behaviorist is someone who studies behavior, typically focusing on observable actions rather than internal mental processes.
Quiz |
Biologie Lab 1 |
Allotropes of CarbonAllotropes are different structural forms of the same element in 5he same physical stats. |
Unit 2 Animal Diversity |
unit d - macromolecules |
Test 1 |
révision France: une nouv place dans le monde |
jannelle monae - turntables |
fluently |
provflflf |
M.T. |
Test your knowledge |
Molecules with Hydrogen (Memorize) - type answer |
Molecules with Hydrogen (Memorize) |
Au XVe et XVle siècle, les européens organisent plusieurs expéditions pour explo |
Knowledge Test NJ - Advanced |
Anthro Quiz |
Lab Equipment |
Gut Brain Axis |
Digestive System |
glossary 2 |
Spanish M2- travel |
history 6 |
David |
En la ciudad |
mmpm |
it mangaement 4-6 |
Computational and Systems Neuroscience |
actors |
german 18 |
A330-300 - copy |
Dugga |
Unit 6 del 2 |
Rullmat Lus6 |
90 Day words |
Spanish |
m2 |
Unit 6 del 1 |
Spaans: beroepen |
Psykologi |
Rullmat Lus5 |
RullMat Lus4 |
RullMat Lus3 |
The returned (french show) |
RullMat Lus1 |
RullMat Lus2 |
Aller |
sat words |
exercise |
WC Hinduism test |
Week 5- Skin Care 2: Electric & HF |
First Aid - copy |
The Founding Father'sGovernment |
Pentecostalism in the USReligion |
United States GovernorsGovernors |
Week 4- Skin Care 2: Contagious Disorders, other disorders, Auto-immune Disorder |
Wk 5 Skin Penetration |
United States of America Road SystemsRoads |
Railroad HistoryRailroad |
Maryland Judicial SystemMaryland |
Maryand GeographyMaryland |
Maryland Zoning LawsZoning |
Wk 3 Comedones, Disincrustation, Extractions |
United States city populationState Government |
State LegislaturesState |
13th Amendment casesLaw |
Cases that Challenge US ConstitutionLaw |
Employment LawEmployment Law |
blodet |
Church LawLaw |
CitizenshipCitizenship |
Week 3- Skin Care 2: intro to skin conditions |
Constitutional AmendmentsUnited States Constitution |
Local Government Typesnone |
State Constitutionsnone |
State Courtsstate |
gas fundementals |
United States Federal CourtsCourts |
United States Federal JudiciaryCourts |
UESCA Running Coach Certification - copyUESCA Running Coach Certification - copy |
Periodic Table |
physique |
Inmuno |
in Vivo and ex Vivo Imaging Techniques |
sociologi |
Bookie's Nutrition Quiz |
Révision histoire guerre froide |
panspermia em português |
Abiogenese em portugues |
Macro Economie |
sociologi som vetenskap |
شريعة اسلامية |
Äbiogenesy |
Biologie |
Genetik |
Environmental Science |
First Aid - copy |
Dangerous Goods - copy |
Narkotika och psykisk ohälsa |
Science Lab Safety symbols |
First Aid |
go fishing |
Superhumans |
Romarriket, Antiken |
german 17 |
Titles and Authors 2024 |
Théorie de l'apprentissage examen mi-session |
Koine Greek Ch. 24 Subjunctive Mood |
Koine Greek Ch. 23 Perfect & Pluperfect Tenses |
politique |
Art |
Glosor |
EnglishStudy |
Tina 🤪what is the ionzation energy ? |
Chemistry |
Hebrew Actions |
Japanese (Restaurant Reponse Cards)Japanese phrases for restaurant interactions |
12th night |
frans1 h3 |
FAR Inventory |
Radioactivity |
pnf3 - kopia |
Weimar and Nazi Germany History |
pnf3 |
VolcanoClassification of volcanoes, volcanoes style of eruption, types of volcanoes eruptions, classification of volcanoes, PHIVOLCS |
VolcanoesEruptions of volcanoes, the philippines is located along the ring of fire, classification of volcanoes |
😭 |
Sammansatta joner |
kemi syror och baser |
hff |
sj judet onsdag |
CHAPTER 2: ALFRED ADLER: Individual Psychology |
10-42 sWs |
IR french verbs |
ER french |
buss |
vocabulary |
Hebrew |
Modalities |
History (20th Century) |
pedagogia |
introduction |
2.2 |
History (1800s) |
RullMat DIZEL |
Literary Terms A |
2.1 |
1.1 |
catabolismo |
metabolismo y catabolismo |
metabolismo y catabolismo |
UE7- intro à l'histoire de la médecine |
instuderingsfrågorinstuderingsfrågor |
Upper Extremity |
Matematiktentamenplugg till tentamen, HB |
Essential |
history 5 |
History (The Renaissance) |
History (Medieval Period) |
espagnolo facil n°2 |
Fortnite |
nytt mag o tarm test 3 |
english |
enlish |
socials exam pt 2 |
LNG2002 |
"Patricia va a California" Chapters 1-6 Vocab |
British in North Americastudy |
Dinner |
Lunch |
Breakfast - Classic |
video lecture Q's |
Cells Quiz Qs (part 1) |
355 Midterm 1Exam on Februrary 21, 2024 |
questionto know |
KNSS 307 physical growth maturation and aging |
rasproblem |
Biologi åk.8biologi |
ledo prov 3 |
Unit 1 Cancer |
HS Quiz #2 |
Kirvie |
religious studies midtermmidterm |
linux |
Organic Synthesis HT - copy |
kut ak twee dagen van tevoren 😊 - copy |
Antiken, Grekland |
B |
social |
1.2 - 1.39e |
Social Vocab |
mixtures |
Avoirudk |
Qualitative Research Methods Mid TermMethods
Case Studies
Ethical Research
Textual Analysis
Field Research
Focus Groups |
Anththo quiz week 6 |
glosor |
Historia |
InsuranceInsurance Planning |
Gov't Unit 1 (Part 2) |
Gov't Unit 1 (Part I) |
Nervsystemets neurontransmittorer |
UE7- fonctionnement psychique |
english quiz - copy |
english quiz |
Medications |
cyber security 6 |
Homework |
noah |
English |
acid/bases |
Meningar |
6008 EthicsExam Practice |
Kemi prov frågor |
6008 Steps in the Audit Life CycleExam Preparation |
Korea 1 |
6008 Business Impact AnalysiExam Practice |
Business formulae |
Juridik inför tenta |
mouvement circulaire |
6008 Risk AssessmentExam Practice |
cyber security 4 & 5 |
privatjuridik fastighetsrättkj |
Vocabulary |
1. Divers modes d’alimentation des animaux Les divers modes d’alimentation des a |
DT 5 - ProcedursederingProcedursedering m läkemedel |
ogl202 - kopia |
kut ak twee dagen van tevoren 😊kaulo ak |
Causes of the rise of nationalism on india |
literära begreppbegrepp svenska 2 |
Frans |
interaction motricité lefevbre CM |
mariia |
PhysicsPhysics[Materials] |
glosor |
DG |
6008 IT GovernanceExam Practice |
CHM 7-9 |
6008 The NIST FrameworkExam Practice |
biology |
Labratory Equipment |
Prendre |
faire |