to compare one thing to another
compare two things without like or as
giving human like charcteristics to inanamite objects
a story with a hidden message
two subjects that are diffrenet from each other
combines contradictory words with opposing meanings
the name of an object or concept is replaced with a word closely related to it
uses more words than neccesary to explain something (like the light of the day= the sun)
uses soft or flowery language to create an indirect expression
making something seem smaller or less important
words, expressions and clauses in a certain succession in order to provide emphasis (time after time , it is what it is )
a list of words with similar abstract or physical qualities or meanings in order to emphasize commonalities among the words. (you will not be excused. i will not excuse you. that bottle looks heavy, that bottle is quiet heavy looking
presenting a series of ideas or feelings in such a way that what follows always says a little more (ascending gradation) or a little less (descending grada- tion)
the ententional use of exageratin (I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse)