An area located in the Temperal lobe where it comprehends speech and language; and formation of language
This happens when damage to the wernicke's area. It causes fluent sounding speech but incomprehensible content(word salad)
Located in the frontal lobe. Responsile for speech motor planning
Band of communication fibers allows to hemisperes to communicate
areas of body that requir greater muscle coordination
Sensory information
primary motor control
auditory info
visual lobe
o2 exchange, power souce for speech production
-energy= Pressure x volume ex. when we flatten the diaphram we in crease volume then pressure decrases in thoracic cavity resulying air to flow in
- rest = tidal volume
- activity = inspiratory or expiratory reserves volume
- total lung capacity= tidal+insopiratory+expiratory
muscle for chewing, eardrum tension, soensory face and head
expressions, sensory of tongue and pharnyx
hearing and balence
motor pharnyx, swallowing, sensory for tongue and pharnyx
Motor of swallowing, laryngeal control, respatory cardiac, gasto systems
shoulder arm and throut movements
Tongue movements
- no impeding of air
- 10-15 % of vital capacity
- equal amount of time inhale/exhale
-impeding air
-40% of vital capacity
-shortened inhalation to about 10%
AKA vocal box
2 speech related processes; valve to open flow of air, open and closing of vocal folds
where o2 exchange happens look like little sacs of capillaries
Branches of the main bronchus
The Two branches that go into out lungs
the muscle under out lungs