-vowel sounds are repeated
-first letter continent (why a wheel)
-repeating one word a lot
-combined letters to sound nice
-personalized (first person)
-talking to yourself
-2 contradicting words
-suprisingy true
-rhythm scheme (- - | - - | - - | )
- 8 line and 8 line poem (2 octaves)
- 8 lines in a poem
-6 lines in a poem
-first person poem about feelings
-tragity and drama
- basically shackspear
-a word that describes a sound (splat)
The description of something you can picture
comparing two things (includes like)
saying two things are the same (the…was a…)
the placement of down beats in the poem
10 syllables, starts on strong beat (^-^-^-^-^-)
add to the ending rhyme words (a-b-a-b-c-d-c-d…)
contain 3 quatrain, end with a couplet
the 3 main body pieces of a poem`
last two lines rhyming at the end of a poem
compare two things (as a …)
style, used to tell a story
story about how cool someone is
a poem with a 5-7-5 rhythm scheme
14 lines with a couplet
old, grendel poem-no author
compare girl to summer-imagery-shake
compare life to theater-similes-shake
battle, comparison,bible-other
play on words, imagery,descriptive-other
glass mountains, shiny,imagery, free verse-other
- simple, practice,putoff poem,imagery-other
bible, imagery, protection,peace,metaphor,analogy-david