Topic 1 - System Fundamentals - Quiz
Which software system implementation method offers immediate availability of the new system?
Direct Changeover
Which method of software system implementation allows for backup if the new system fails?
In which method of software system implementation are all features tested before full adoption by the organization?
Which software system implementation method allows for training to be conducted in stages?
In which implementation method does the failure impact only a small part of the organization?
Which implementation method allows for comparing output from both old and new systems to verify correctness?
Which of the following is a possible problem encountered during data migration?
Software compatibility
What is an example of a disparity in data structure during data migration?
Data stored in arrays in one system and linked lists in the other
What risk is associated with incomplete data transfers during migration?
Loss of data integrity
Data corruption
How can differences in validation rules impact data migration?
They can result in data being rejected or altered during migration
Why is data migration necessary when transitioning to a new system?
To ensure data continuity
Which of the following is an example of different data conventions that can pose challenges during migration?
Dates in different formats between countries
What defines a legacy system?
Outdated technology that is no longer supported or available for purchase
Why might modernizing legacy systems be challenging?
Because modernization can be expensive or time-consuming
Which of the following is an example of a legacy system?
Floppy disks
What is a characteristic of legacy systems?
They are outdated and no longer supported
What challenges might organizations face with legacy systems?
Difficulty in integrating with modern technologies
Which type of software requires a one-time fee and may not have automatic updates?
Local software
What distinguishes remote software, or SAAS (Software-as-a-Service)?
It is accessed through a web browser
What is a characteristic of SAAS (Software-as-a-Service) subscription model?
Cheaper cost compared to local software
What is a potential disadvantage of SAAS (Software-as-a-Service)?
Lack of control over system availability
What distinguishes local software from SAAS in terms of updates?
Installation required
What is the primary focus of static testing?
Verifying documentation and planned specifications
Which testing method involves executing code to ensure it produces the required results?
Dynamic testing
What is the purpose of alpha testing?
To confirm software works as intended
What distinguishes beta testing from alpha testing?
Beta testing seeks to model real-world usage
Which type of testing is conducted by potential end-users outside of the company?
Beta testing
What is the primary focus of white box testing?
Testing a software program's code
What is the purpose of user acceptance testing?
To validate software meets business requirements
Which type of testing uses automated testing software?
Automated testing
What is the primary advantage of automated testing?
Can rapidly complete complex/tedious tasks
What is a disadvantage of manual user documentation?
Can be damaged or lost
What is a benefit of online user documentation?
Can be much longer than manual documentation
What is a characteristic of help files as a type of user documentation?
Easily accessible in software program
What is a potential disadvantage of in-person user training?
Students may become bored or lose pace
What is a benefit of self-instruction for user training?
Which of the following is a cause of data loss?
Human Error
What is the purpose of failover systems in preventing data loss?
To provide a secondary system that can be switched to if the primary system fails
How does redundancy help prevent data loss?
By creating duplicates of a system's components and data
Which method of preventing data loss involves storing data in the "cloud"?
Offsite/online storage
What is the purpose of physical security in preventing data loss?
To secure data from physical tampering
What is a stakeholder in the context of a business?
A person with an interest or concern in something, especially a business
What is the purpose of gathering requirements for software functionality?
To identify tasks a program should be able to achieve
Which method involves observing the system in use in the real world to gather requirements for software functionality?
Direct Observation
What is a potential drawback of using interviews to gather requirements for software functionality?
Costly in terms of time and resources
What is a potential challenge of using surveys to gather requirements for software functionality?
Users may not take it seriously
What is the primary purpose of a prototype in software development?
To get feedback from stakeholders
What is iteration in the context of software development?
A cyclical process involving prototyping, testing, and refining
What does software deployment involve?
Releasing a new product or updates to end-users
What is a bug in software development?
An unexpected or incorrect behavior in the software
What does usability refer to in software development?
How effectively and efficiently a product can be used
Cuestionario |
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. |
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geral |
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English |
Quimica |
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Español |
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American Government Branchs |
English vocabulary B1 |
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Ingles |
ekologi |
Prefixes |
English vocabulary level A1 |
Getallen |
Cooking ingredients and expressions |
genetic variation and mutations |
pratiques et réalité sociale |
new jobits for work |
Noun formation |
Hector AH |
Injuries |
Obras |
verbos |
l'ouverture vers d'autres traditions juridiques |
Regular Verbs |
german seperable |
Generación del 27 |
german adjectives 2 |
zodziai RUBAI |
german adjectives |
partie 1 : les racines anciennes de la familles (1er siecle a 5eme) |
Physical activities |
meios de transporte |
mathematique |
Natural disasters |
spelling bee #1 |
Parts of the city |
reflexão e absorção da luz |
Histoire du droit de la famille et des personnes |
dna vs rna structure |
replication and transcription |
Evolution |
Figures of SpeechIf like me you're having a hard time remembering the figures of speech, here's a little something to help. |
Voc Anglais 3 |
mitosis |
Voc Anglais 2 |
meiosis |
mitosis |
notas musicales |
Voc Anglais 1 |
Revolutionerna instuderingsfrågor & begrepp |
in |
Kapha Dosha in Ayurveda |
les 6 saveurs en ayurvéda |
Quels sont les déséquilibres et maladies du dosha Vata |
Désequilibre du dosha Vata |
dosha PITTA |
dosha Kapha ayurveda |
ayurveda |
Pronombres personales |
Pam |
Subjects and academic fields |
Examen Comipems |
Natural habitats |
Ways of transport |
Jobs |
informática |
Examen Geografía |
Meals of the day |
Weather |
Holidays |
Parts of the home |
Population quiz |
génesis 41 |
sobré el agua |
inter |
interculturel |
vocabulario ruso |
interculturel |
planet earth vocab |
Escribe la palabra rusa según la pronunciaciónpalabras |
Family |
examen |
Aerobic and anaerobic respiration |
Respiración celular |
ttm parcial 2 |
photosynthesis |
Tejido Epitelialla histología es la ciencia que estudia a los tejidos ogánicos |
Área, perímetro y volumenso |
Vocabulario - Animales |
Week 2 |
week 1 |
cuerpo de animales en ingles |
Abbreviations |
geo 2 |
AK >:( |
latin chap 5 |
v 17 |
pharmacocinétique |
Hipertension ArterialEs el factor de riesgo mas comun para enfermedades cardiovasculares y fuerte. En mexico 25.5 millones de hipertensos: -60% sabe que tiene HA.
-40% NO sabe aue tiene HA. |
Spanish vocabulary |
Trombosis venosapresencia de un trombo en una vena y la respuesta inflamataria en la pared vascular que lo acompaña - puede originar embolia pulmonar |
WHF 5 |
chem 1 |
Vocabulario 3vocabulario |
Phrasal verbsidioms |
venas varicosascuando las valvulas no funcionan correctamente, la sangre regresa por la vena. Esta se inflama por la sangre que se acomula allí, lo cual provoca las varices con el paso del tiempo |
Engelska del 1 |
Giving AdviceMaking recommendation |
Vocabulario 2 |
roles noyaux hypothalamusapprendre les differents roles des noyaux |
vocabularioVocabulario rn ingles |
Piaget |
18 |
adverbios de lugar |
2 examen |
adverbios de tiempokskaka |
adverbios de tiempomsmama |
verbi |
franska skriv 25/4-24franska prov skriv vt 7 |
parmacodynamiepharmacodynamie |
Research Themes in Tourism and Hospitality |
spagnolo |
ozcan |
verbenverben |
grupos funcionalesc |
Dosha VATA |
Tienes dislexia? |
ayureda |
psychi developpement 1 |
latijn 12 |
numbers |
Spanish words |
programmazione |
identify systems according to function |
human skull |
functions of the skin |
layers of rhe skins |
propedéutica |
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skin |
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Spanish Vocab 6B |
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QuímicaPara estudiar |
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unidad 2 |
Guia 6La autoridad del estado |
Psicología infantil |
Anexos OACI |
español |
pranayama |
système urinaire |
Guia 5 |
comportamientoexamen |
economia |
fisica conceptosfísica conceptos |
Biologia. |
Skeletal |
guia economia internacional |
conceptos básicos de químicaconseptos basicos de que es la quimica en que se usa para la medicina, que es la bioquímica y los conseptos de materia, sustancia,mezcla, elemento,atomo,electron y proton |
ak h 3 |
Inglés |
Aparatos ReproductoresMasculino y femenino |
Biología |
Modelos atomicos |
cholera |
bio |
latin@ |
2.11 principes de bases pharmaco |
Matte, Måttenheter och proportionalitet |
Politics and Participation |
verbos |
Kennistoets blok 4 open vragentoetsBegrippen voor kennis openevragen toets blok 4 |
Hiragana あall tha hiragana I know |
Storia |
Mariana |
Alemão |
Bio repro |
unit 1 vocabulary |
parte y estructura de un reseña crítica |
partes y estructura de una resela crítica |
Nl H8 |
istologia |
Religie |
acidi e basi |
istologia - copia |
Estructura, Orden y Protocolo |
istologia |
pcn 3 |
Views |
Histology Quiz 1 - copia |
TLE reviewer |
L'acte Administratif Unilateral |
farsa de ines pereira |
poesia trovadoresca |
marketing |
Os Maias |
Fernando Pessoa |
Alberto Caeiro |
drinkar jag inte kan |