Bio repro
release of an egg from an ovary into a woman
when an embryo sinks into the soft lining of the uterus
site of sexual pleasure
correct name for what people mistakenley name the vagina
tube connecting the ovary and uterus
muscular bag with soft lining
ring of muscles at the lower end of the uterus
function of the ovaries
releases an egg cell into the oviduct
function of the cervix
keeps baby inplace while woman is preggo
contains sperm cells
bag of skin containing the testes
contains fluids with nutrients
sperm duct
tube the spermy wermy cells travel through
tube connecting bladder to outside of body and connects sperm ducts
penis UwU
External reproductive organ
where are sperm cells produced?
where are egg cells🐣 produced?
how many approximately sperm cells are in one ejaculation?
500 mil
true or false: egg cells are the biggest cell
t or f: egg cells can swim
false!!!! they can't move babycakes
t or f: sperm cells have a specially strengthened head
t or f: sperm cells are big
false the are small and stream lined
t or f: there are millions produced
true or false: sprem cells run on little legs
false- if you said true what is wrong with you??? they swim with a tail
t or f: sperm cells are completely natural, vegan, gluten free and organic
false they have chemicals in them to break through the jelly coat of the egg cell
what happens to the mans penis during si
it becomes hard/stiff and erect
what happends to the vagina during si?
becomes relxed and moist
how many cells does the egg have to reach to be an embryo??
why can't the mother's blood mix with the baby's???
they could have dif blood types and dif blood pressure which if mixed would damge the baby.
why don't you want to damage your baby?
because they have a no-return policy;DDD
how many cm in diamiter does the cervix need to be to go into labour???
10 cm in diameter
baby develops in until born
develops in pregnancy where all nutriens go to the baby and waste goes from baby
name of baby after embryotic stage
part of female repro stsyem where bebe will come out of
umbilical cord
carries nutriens, oxygen and waste between placenta and foetus
amniotic fluid
liquid that surround baby, protecting it from harm such as abuse
entrance to vajayjay. this dialates when le bebe is ready to be born
Cuestionario |
unit 1 vocabulary |
parte y estructura de un reseña crítica |
partes y estructura de una resela crítica |
Nl H8 |
istologia |
Religie |
acidi e basi |
istologia - copia |
Estructura, Orden y Protocolo |
istologia |
pcn 3 |
Views |
Histology Quiz 1 - copia |
TLE reviewer |
L'acte Administratif Unilateral |
farsa de ines pereira |
poesia trovadoresca |
marketing |
Os Maias |
Fernando Pessoa |
Alberto Caeiro |
drinkar jag inte kan |
enzymes |
Glándulas |
hani8 |
cerebral circulation |
Teori - kopia |
Funciones de la lengua.Las funciones de la lengua som las calificaciones fe lenguaje, se divide en 5. |
examen |
Derivadas de una potenciaderivadas de una potencia con f(x)=x² |
reflex |
spinal cord |
mitosis |
Comidas |
Historia |
sistema nervioso y endocrino |
genesis 39 |
Derivadas |
Dietetica alimentación en embarazo, lactancia materna |
Anatomía Dental |
Discursos |
sujetos |
Teori |
g |
objetos |
Medicina Aerea |
Exam sur Islamexam |
japanisch Adjektiv |
brain locations |
Japanisch |
mecanica automovel |
nevrous system |
Fusto del Pelo |
Lana Struttura Morfologica e Radice del Pelo |
Fichas bibliográficas |
traduza |
Traduza e conjugue os verbos no passado e futuro |
condiciones de estancia de los extranjeros en México |
sociedades mercantiles |
títulos de crédito |
obligaciones y contratos |
derechos reales, posesión y prescripción |
derecho privado |
derecho económico |
derecho ambiental |
303 |
causas de la primera guerra mundialcuáles son las principales causas de la primera guerra mundial |
medicina |
judendomen begrepp |
tipos se violencia |
Find amino acid name with the abreviation |
Vamos! Adelante! 4 Unidad 5; Bloque AVamos! Adelante! 4 Unidad 5; Bloque A Vokabeln von deutsch zu spanisch |
relaciones sociales y afectivas en la comunidad |
mening |
Meteorologia |
Lana Generalità Vello e Tosa |
Carbs and Lipid |
BIO 2102 Exam 2 |
mac |
Detresse respiratoire |
Clinical ChemistryQuiz |
Ny |
revisionchp 8 revision ( biology) |
CGnö |
español |
amelie |
Napoleon plus Sverige under revolutionerna |
Key Words |
ecoulement sanguin/hemorragie |
Science-Chemistry |
anatomia |
Deribadas de una potencia |
biologia |
sports unit 3 - sports development |
Chapter 15 |
Vocabulary |
Verbe anglais |
Diritto CostituzionaleDEF: costituzione --> è l'atto normativo fondante che definisce la natura, la forma, la struttura, l'attività e le regole fondamentali di un'organizzazione, ovvero il vertice della gerarchia delle fon... |
Verbe en anglaiscarte de verbe en anglais, traduction en français |
traumatisme cranien |
mapeh |
Kapitel 8 sport, Freizeit und Ferien |
collapsus cardio vasculaire etat de choc |
Control de Transito Aéreo |
la photosynthese |
Nature of Research |
Källvärdering, underrättelse |
extra till prov |
ph and molecules |
homeostasis |
informatica |
Islam |
organelles |
Membrane |
body cavities |
Fragebogen Allgemeinwissen |
Introduction to Research in Tourism |
9 regions |
anatomical |
body systems |
scienze |
Micro minerales macro y oligo elementos |
Vitaminas |
Alcohol drogas |
Elementos naturales y Sintéticos |
Metodos de separación |
Materias, sustancias y mezclas |
Psicología 1er Parcial |
Sistema ventricular |
preposiciones |
manual uzo de la fuerza |
MeningesAnatomía bloque 4 |
Hidrostática |
Drenaje del cerebroAnatomía, bloque 4 |
derechoquiz para examen derecho |
IrrigaciónAnatomia. Bloque 4 |
Operaciones |
Yamileth |
islam |
Vías del dolor |
Patología de Intestino delgado y Colon |
Vías del dolor |
examen preventiva departamental |
Histoire 3Évalue mes connaissances a l'aide de question |
Sistema Nerviosoinformación del sistema nervioso |
words |
kana |
Imagen 2do parcial |
recepción del Derecho Romano |
anatomia |
Overview of Body |
nomenglatura inorgánica |
compuestos inorgánicos |
técnicas de intervenção policial |
unit 11 |
históriaola |
English vocabulary 2 |
Spanish |
tenta |
anato |
Análisis de estados financieros-Parcial II |
v17 |
Geschichte GrenzeGeschichte zu Deutschland und der Grenze nach dem 2. Weltkrieg. |
VíasAnatomia. Bloque 4 |
Y7 Speaking Checkpoint |
vacacionesplanificación de las vacaciones de verano |
Sustancia blancaAnatomía bloque 4. |
Aardrijskunde H3 Paragraaf 2,3,4,5,7 (van Dautsen) |
date Naissance Empire Colonial |
Anatomia |
date Naissance d'un Regime |
Objetivos básicos II |
Aeronaves y Motores |
termodinâmica |
fracture compliquée ( fracture du coccyx/sacrum/rachis dorso lombaire) |
epilepsie |
cell wall |
Glosor v. 18 |
tedescoverben |
Glosor v. 17 |
tedescoSubstantive |
tedescoAdjektive und Adverbien |
Lezioni storia medievale |
Martina |
L'accouchement |
central europa |
nec 2020 chapters |
vocabolario italiano |
Fisiologia del ejercicio |
Proyecto de Vida |
Before interview practiceBefore interview practice |
sopa de letras |
tipos de suelo |
Redacción |
Biología |
Aerodinámica |
Corteza cerebralAnatomía bloque 4 |
Kayla Juliet |
Ciencias de la comunicación |
Núcleos de la baseAnatomía bloque 4 |
attori, film, cantanti, geografia, sport, scienze |
Columna dorsal Columna lumbar Ligamentos Músculos de la pelvis Costillas Múscul |
DiencefaloAnatomía Bloque 4 |
Navegacion Aérea |
Cerebelo |
evelyn-lpz999 |
vocabulario en inglés (partes del cuerpo)poner palabras en ingles y español |
Tallo cerebralAnatomia bloque 4 |
didactica |
Urgence cardio vasculaire et vasculaire |
Key financial ratios |
Galdem |
L'Ellenismo e Alessandro Magno |
Reactions allergique |
edition |
Medula espinal |
Italian wordsItalian vocab |
Italian gender |
El verbo doler |
¿Te duele algo? |
hh |
grammatik |
ارقام السورة |
fysiologi |
pronomen |
Oregelbundna verb |
Zoo and Exotic Animal Husbandry |
English vocabulary 1 |
Le diabete |
Memoria |
Aportaciones de Darwin para explicar la evolución de los seres vivos |
URNActivo y Pasivo |
BiologíaPara estudiar |
all topics |
drinkar |
Chapter 12 : Experiments |
Tricky questionsTricky questions |