Exan Review
Phase 1 of Muscle Reading:
Preview, Outline, Question
Phase 2 of Muslce Reading:
Focus, Reflect, Answer
Phase 3 of Muscle Reading:
Recite, Review, Review Again
In addition to underlining and highlighting, there are other ways to mark up a text. List 3.
1. Circle important words or concepts
2. Use side notes
3. Use abbreviation
Explain at least 3 techniques you can use when reading is tough.
1. Estimate the total number of pages that you'll read.
2. Schedule reading time
3. When you can't read everythinf, read something.
Three major steps of effective note taking.
Observing, Recording, Reviewing
Describe 3 techniques for dealing with the thoughts connected to test anxiety.
1. Over Prepare
2.Dispute your thoughts
3. Praise yourself
Levels of thinking.
1. Remebering
Ways to Improve Concentration
Setting the Physical Stage(appropriate noise level)
Setting the Mental Stage(relaxation)
What is self-efficacy
Your belief in your ability to determine the outcomes that are strongly influenced by your own behaviour
Short-term memory
limited capacity and disappears fast.
Long-term memory
Allows you to recall info from day to day, week to week. Permanent memory store.
Thinking about thinking, learning about learning
3 Memory Techniques
Be Selective
Learn Actively
Create Pictures
Deep Learning
In-depth understanding to learn the connections between concepts
3 Ways to Stop Procrastination
1. Trick yourself into getting started
2. Think ahead
3. Create Goals
5 ways to get the most out of now
1. Get ready the night before
2.Ask: Can I do just one more thing
3.Learn to say no
4.Pay attention to your attention
5.Set limits on your screen time
Intrinsic Motivation
The internal feeling you get when accomplishing or getting a task done.
Extrinsic Motivation
The external feeling when doing a task or activity. For external rewards or to avoid punishment
Growth Mindset
The idea that intelligance is malleable and capable of change. Can stick with a difficult task and purse long-term goals.
Fixed Mindset
People see intelligence or talents that cannot be altered, and they tend to give up when faced with a challenge.
Academic Tenacity
The ability to work hard and achieve long term education goals even in the face of setbacks.
Intention Statements
Statements of your commitment to do a specific task or take certain action.
Discovery Statements
A record of what you are learning about yourself as a student(strengths & weaknesses).
Learning Styles
How we prefer to perceive and procees information. Perceive, process & make sense of them.
Characteristics of a Master Student
1. Engage in Learning
2. Manage out of class time
3. Adopt a growth mindset
4. Be tech-savvy
5. Nurture Grit
What is self-monitoring
Checking in with yourself regularly to see if you really understand the material.
What is Muscle Reading
A three-phase technique you can use to extract the ideas and information you want.
What is daily review
include short pre-and post-class reviews of your notes. Focus on two types of materials: materials you've just learned and materials that involves simple memorization.
What is a major review
Done the week before final exams. Helps deepen your understanding of the material.
What is critical thinking?
It is a learned skill, it is an essential element of being a self regulates learner and a master student
What does SOAR stand for?
Benefits of Critical Thinking
Promotes social changes
Frees us from self-deception
Is essential for information literacy
Explain how Growth mindset & Fixed mindset are similar & different.
These mindsets can be changed and they are both learned.
Growth mindset: Is the idea that intelligence is malleable and capable of change.
Fixed mindset: Is the idea that intelligence or talents cannot be altered and tend to give up when faced with a challenge.
Why is persisting at difficult tasks important to academic tenacity?
It is important because if you're able to tolerate frustration and regulate your behavor, you're likelihood of success will increase and you will also enhance your growth mindset and develop your academic tenacity.
What is Elaboration?
Encoding new information by asking yourself questions such as, how does this connect to what I previously learned?
What is the processing model?
It is a cognitive theory that focuses on how information is encoded into our memory.
It also describes how our brain filters info, from what we are paying attention to in the moment, and what get stored into our short-term or working memory.
Describe 3 techniques for dealing with the physical feelings connected to test anxiety.
1. Use guided imagery
2.Care for your body as much as your mind.
3. Breathe.
According to the text, critical thinkinf and thorough thinking are two distinct and different activities. True or False?
False, critical thinking and thorough thinking point to the same array of activities such as: sorting out conflict claims, weighing the evidence etc.
Why is breaking down a big task down into smaller units important for getting your work completed?
It is important for getting your work done because it makes your work more manageable and less intimidating when it's in smaller steps. It also helps avoid stress, and the feeling of being overwhelmed.
Cuestionario |
BIO 3 |
Presentation 2 |
differential association theory and psychdynamic explain |
chapter 26colonization of land |
kap 15 |
Navy shit |
reversible reactions and equilibrium |
spaans zinnen hz3 |
Vocabulaire de LORE |
p |
Anatomi och Fysiologi CNS |
r |
Chapter 4 - Tissues |
Computer Science1.2.1 |
Geo Unit 1 (Interrelationships, Pattersn + Trends, SEEP) |
instuderingsfrågorna |
module 3 study guide |
UE7-l'image du coprs au fil du temps |
rate of reaction |
energy changes in reactions |
Zone 4 Lecco |
Zone 3 Lecco |
Zone 2 Lecco |
Zone 1 Lecco |
sun |
latn. 6 |
ekonomi |
work |
chapter 25origin and diversification of eukaryotes |
chapter 24early life and the diversification of prokaryotes |
anatomy |
chapter 23broad patterns of evolution |
Finska 50 ord 1 |
istalacion aire acondicionado |
science |
Bio Diversity Quiz - copy |
Chemistry chp 1Names of significant discoveries and who discovered them |
Bio Diversity QuizAnswer the following questions.g |
MichaelaHistory unit one test memorization |
Mesocorticolimbic System |
key terms 12.2 |
berlin |
plant id week 1plant ID flashcards |
Ballet Terms |
french mardu gras |
chapter 22speciation |
les inégalités sesles inégalités |
church historyidk |
ses l'ecolechap sur l'école |
Frans être & faire |
provsjukvård |
chapter 21evolution of populations |
polish |
vocab |
Quiz 6 |
Revenue Recognition IFRS 15 |
géographie définitionsgéographie définitions G4 G5 |
electricity and chemical change |
Revision - Christian Teachings and Beliefs |
hairlove |
Gramatische Grundbegriffe |
redox reactions |
anat générale |
Quiz 5 |
embryo |
bio cell |
Latin Chapter 4 Vocab - copy - copy |
Physical Geography: Case studies |
Latin Chapter 4 Vocab |
memory chaleng |
dates histoiredates h3 a h6 histoire |
histoiredéfinition h3 a h6 |
Strategie H2 |
duits schritt 12 tot schrit 16german |
Judendomen |
consonants |
Survey of Philippine Literature |
Medical Terminology |
unit d - digestive system |
russian Vocablery |
Russian Vocab |
Système digestif |
devoir |
chapter 20evidence for evolution |
servir |
partir |
sentir |
Sortir |
using moles |
Dormir |
Pouvoir |
vouloir |
Midterm Practice Day 1I am choosing 6 questions per chapter of the testbank. |
KINE1102- midterm lecture 7 |
Quiz 4 |
reacting masses and chemical equations |
Système respiratoire |
Quiz 3 |
KINE1102- mideterm lecture 6 |
Quiz 2 |
Conceptual Underpinings |
Strategie H1 |
Quiz |
chapter VI A Deductions |
HaloalkanesCFC's |
iil |
Room Categories |
Formes Taekwon-do |
KINE1102- midterm lecture 5 |
neymar |
anatomi |
KINE 1102- midterm lecture 4 |
chapter 19darwin and his theories |
spelling words |
spelling words eli |
Metabolism |
KINE1102- midterm lecture 3 |
biologie: planten |
6003 OS & Appl Security Week 7 Service Security Conceptsexam Practice |
adjectives - JPN |
Blood quiz - copy |
Español Examen |
Literary Terms C |
tj judet onsdag |
maths revison |
Science-Biology |
UE7-la vaccination toute une histoire |
compounds mixtures and chemical change |
introduction to elements |
Presentation 1 |
psychological explanations for offending behaviour |
lärande och utveckling 3 |
Imunoimuno |
Blood quiz |
Name the formulas |
Set 5 Vocab |
Nonfiction text features |
6003 OS & Appl Security week 7 Windows ServicesExam Study |
1.1 Nature of Economics |
sciencebb |
Physical science quiz |
chapter 1history if life, evolution, typological and population thinking |
states of matter |
no |
KINE1102 midterm lecture 2 |
Latin |
WHF 2 |
4.8 (Frans naar Nederlands)Als ik spelfouten heb gemaakt, laat maar weten.
p.s. je hoeft er niet bij te zetten of woorden mannelijk of vrouwelijk zijn als er les, of l' staat. :) |
KINE1102 midterm |
home work |
4.6 (Frans naar Nederlands)Als ik spelfouten heb gemaakt, laat maar weten.
p.s. je hoeft er niet bij te zetten of woorden mannelijk of vrouwelijk zijn als er les, of l' staat. :) |
öva mera på |
4.4 (Frans naar Nederlands)Als ik spelfouten heb gemaakt, laat maar weten.
p.s. je hoeft er niet bij te zetten of woorden mannelijk of vrouwelijk zijn als er les, of l' staat. :) |
4.2 (Frans naar Nederlands)Als ik spelfouten heb gemaakt, laat maar weten.
p.s. je hoeft er niet bij te zetten of woorden mannelijk of vrouwelijk zijn als er les, of l' staat. :) |
nytt mag o tarm glosor test 4 |
French and British Fur Trade: Chapter 4squiggle |
social feb 22 |
Computer Science1..4.2 |
UE7-Paléoanthropologie: aux origines de l'Humanité |
Franska prepositioner |
4.1 (Frans naar Nederlands)Als ik spelfouten heb gemaakt, laat maar weten.
p.s. je hoeft er niet bij te zetten of woorden mannelijk of vrouwelijk zijn als er les, of l' staat. :) |
Computer Science1.4.1 |
Cell Biology 25 (Manual flashcards) |
Cell Biology 25 |
Computer Science1.1.2 |
Philo |
Apah africa people-artworks |
temptations |
missouri laws |
B1 |
A321-200 |
Katakana Combination QuizKatakana combinations sounds to practise |
anouk |
4 kirja |
french |
science review A |
W&S |
Socio |
Les vêtement Par Sylvia Duckworth |
marketing |
Vocab |
Cognition 2 |
Quiz - système lymphatique et immunitaire |
Quiz au sujet du sang et le coeur |
EXPH exam 2 |
Elliot Sokoloski |
espagnol |
bb |
Ali |
Nk |
gabby |
history in gaza |
history conflict in gaza |
komparerade adjektiv |
Chapter 12- The Heart |
adjektiv B |
adjektiv A |
Chapter 4 health science |
deklination 4 |
grupp 15 nominativ singular till genitiv singular |
deklination 3 grupp 15 |
deklination 3 grupp 9 |
deklination 3 grupp 8 |
deklination 3 grupp 7 |
deklination 3 grupp 4 |
deklination 3 grupp 3 |
deklination 3 grupp 1 |
fortsättning deklaration 2 |
deklination 2 |
Macbeth quotes |
deklination 1 |
chapter 4+5 |
Biologie lab 2 |
Othello's character |
Desdemona / Othello |
Psychology Midterm |
Biologie Lab 1 |
Allotropes of CarbonAllotropes are different structural forms of the same element in 5he same physical stats. |
Unit 2 Animal Diversity |
unit d - macromolecules |
Test 1 |
révision France: une nouv place dans le monde |
jannelle monae - turntables |
fluently |
provflflf |
M.T. |
Test your knowledge |
Molecules with Hydrogen (Memorize) - type answer |
Molecules with Hydrogen (Memorize) |
Au XVe et XVle siècle, les européens organisent plusieurs expéditions pour explo |
Knowledge Test NJ - Advanced |
Anthro Quiz |
Lab Equipment |
Gut Brain Axis |
Digestive System |
glossary 2 |
Spanish M2- travel |
history 6 |
David |
En la ciudad |
mmpm |
it mangaement 4-6 |
Computational and Systems Neuroscience |
actors |
german 18 |
A330-300 - copy |
Dugga |
Unit 6 del 2 |
Rullmat Lus6 |
90 Day words |
Spanish |
m2 |
Unit 6 del 1 |
Spaans: beroepen |
Psykologi |
Rullmat Lus5 |
RullMat Lus4 |
RullMat Lus3 |
The returned (french show) |
RullMat Lus1 |
RullMat Lus2 |
Aller |
sat words |
exercise |
WC Hinduism test |
Week 5- Skin Care 2: Electric & HF |
First Aid - copy |
The Founding Father'sGovernment |
Pentecostalism in the USReligion |
United States GovernorsGovernors |
Week 4- Skin Care 2: Contagious Disorders, other disorders, Auto-immune Disorder |
Wk 5 Skin Penetration |