federal funding to states was authorized on a matching basis for vocational education programs
services were mandated for people with the most sever disabilites. client assistance programs were implemented. increased funding for rehablitiation and disabiliry research. Mandated program evaluation and employment rights for people with disabilities through Title V.
501- affirmitace action in federal hiring
502 - enforcement of accessibility standars for federal
503 - affirmitive action by federal contrant recipient
504 - equal opportunites
the idea of empowerment, self-determination, and informed choice at individual and agency levels was implemented. state VR agencies had to establish the standards for "qualified personnel" and ensure an emphasis on masters degree and counselor certification. state federal funding match was set at 78.7% Rehabilitation engineering services are to provided, as well as training of rehabiliation counselors from minority backgrounds
state-federal vr programs were linked with workforce investment systems of the one-stop centers