1. Authorisation
2. Supervision
3. Enforcement
Gross Profit -- Total Expenses
1. Compare figures e.g assets & liabilities
2. Compare years e.g more money made
3. Compare performance to competitors
1. Gross Profit Margin
2. Net Profit
3. Mark up
4. Return on capital employed
Total amount of sales made expressed as '£'
Amount of sales expressed as a quantity.
1. Outflows greater than Inflows
2. Inconsistent cashflow throughout the year
1. Overdraft arrangements
2. Reviewing & changing outflows
3. Negoitating terms with creditors
Inventory opening + Inventory closing
1. Data is historic
2. Does not take into account external factors
3. Easy to manipulate
1. Variable cost per unit x Quantity
2. Contribution per unit x Number of units sold
Sales Revenue - Total variable costs
1. Easy to calculate
2. Helps calculate break-even
3. Can be used to make decisions
1. Does not take into account fixed cost
2. Does not take into account unexpected costs
Total cost of production - Number of units made x variable . cost per unit