chapter 40
population ecology
focuses on factors affecting how many individuals of a species live in an area
community ecology
deals with the whole array of interacting species within a community
ecosystem ecology
emphasizes energy flow and chemical cycling among the various biotic and abiotic components
landscape ecology
deals with arrays of ecosystems and how they are arranged in a geographic region
global ecology
the biggest, examines the influence of energy and materials on organisms across the biosphere
bodies of water effects on climate
ocean currents heating or cooling, coastal regions wetter than inland regions
mountains influence on climate
air flow over land, moisture distribution
major ecological associations that occupy broad geographic regions of land or water
terrestrial biomes are defined by
vegetation type
aquatic biomes are defined by
physical environment
climate aspects that affect the distribution of biomes
annual mean precipitation
annual mean temperature
climograph shows how these vary to create biomes
general features of terrestrial biomes
vertical layering of vegetation, major physical or climatic features, dominant vegetation
tropical forest features
high temp and precipitation, vertically layered plants compete for light, the highest diversity
can be cold or hot, low precipitation, low widely scattered vegetation, plants developed denfense against herbivores
rainy winters dry summers, shrubs small trees fire adapted
temperate grassland
moderate precipitation summers are wet winters are dry, grazers prevent trees, burrowing animals are common
northern coniferous forest
cold winters, large range in annual temperature, some depend on fire to regenerate, plant diversity is low
temperate broadleaf forest
moderae precipitation, humid summers, deciduous trees, birds migrate in winter
low precipitation and temperature, veg is mostly herbaceous, frost prevents root growth
induated by water, highly productive, humans destrpy by drainage, pollution, filling
light decreses as move deeper, thermocline (warm on top, cold on bottom) nutrient rich, humans destroy by runoff
streams and rivers
clear cold water, downstream is warmer, humans pollute water quality
intertidal zones
submerges twice daily, upper strata experience more exposure to air and greater variations in temp and salinity
coral reefs
aquatic version of rainforest humans destrpy by ocean acidification and pollution
oceanix pelagic zone
covers 70 percent of earth, mixed by wind currents
marine benthic zone
sea floor
interactions between organisms and the environment limit
the distrubtion of species
movement of individuals away from centers of high population density or from their area of origin
species transplants
organisms that are intentionally or not relocated from their original distribution
biotic factors that affect the distribution of organisms
interactions with other species, predation, competition
abiotic factors that affect the distribution of organisms
temperature, water and oxygen, salinity, sunlight, rocks and soil
the number of individuals per unit area or volume
a group of indiviuduals per unit area or volume
the pattern of spacing among individuals within the boundaries of the population
mark and recapture method
way of estimating population sizes
density relies on
immigration, emmigration, births, deaths
common patterns of dispersion
clumped, uniform, random
clumped dispersion
individuals aggregate in patches, influenced by resource availibility and behaviour
uniform dispersion
individuals are evenly dispersed, influenced by social interactions such as territoriality
random dispersion
individuals are spread independently, occurs in the absence of strong attractions or repulsions
study of vital stats of a population and how they change over time
survivorship curves 3 types
low death in early years, high in older years
death rate is constant
low death in higher years and high in younger years
reproductive rates focus only on
intrinsic rate of increase
rate of reproduction is at its maximum
growth is close to exponential when population is small and resources are plentiufl
logistic growth model
per capita rate of increase declines as the carrying capacity is reacahed
population dynamics are heavily influenced by
life history traits and population density
selects for life history traits that are sensitive to population density
selects for life history traits that maximize reproduction
a regional group of connected populations of a species that fluctuate in size and stability over time
Quiz |
geral |
examenguia para practicar |
PAMELITA :PResponde correctamente lo que se te pide, si respondes mal 5 cuestionamientos, me compras una aguita jaja :p |
Special Senses Lab |
Enzimas |
Reading quiz #1 Judiasm |
MirandaLongitud de la médula espinal en el hombre |
Motivation für Marc |
leyes |
verbos ㅏ가다 - 가요 |
italiaans |
quelles sont les caractéristiques du curcuma en ayurveda |
quelles sont les caractéristiques des épices en ayurvéda ? |
quels sont les aliments associés aux saveurs en ayurveda ? |
quelles sont les caractéristiques des six saveurs en ayurveda |
quelles sont les 6 saveurs en ayurveda |
English - copia |
Semana Cultural |
biología |
linfoma |
Ordinario Infectología |
Final vocab quiz |
proceso de planeación |
geografia |
me compras un javon de cartónlo necesito es lo que me hace falta para mi cuarto |
geografiajekenejek |
Examen de InferencialTema diseño de experimentos, Diseño de un factor con un analisis de varianza Anova, presentaciom de resultados con Grafico de Medias y Prueba de Multiples Rangos Tukey. |
MatemáticasTarea de matemáticas 5 grado de primaria |
Who Said That? |
simple past - copia |
English |
Quimica |
simple pastsimple past afirmative, negativo y interrogativo .
si o no si es la forma correcta |
polisci final |
Español |
planet earth questions |
American Government Branchs |
English vocabulary B1 |
English Vocabulary level A2 |
GiurisprudenzaLa costituzione è l'atto normativo fondamentale che definisce la natura, la forma, la struttura, l'attività e le regole fondamentali di un'organizzazione, ovvero il vertice della gerarchia delle fonti... |
Ingles |
ekologi |
Prefixes |
English vocabulary level A1 |
Getallen |
Cooking ingredients and expressions |
genetic variation and mutations |
pratiques et réalité sociale |
new jobits for work |
Noun formation |
Hector AH |
Injuries |
Obras |
verbos |
l'ouverture vers d'autres traditions juridiques |
Regular Verbs |
german seperable |
Generación del 27 |
german adjectives 2 |
zodziai RUBAI |
german adjectives |
partie 1 : les racines anciennes de la familles (1er siecle a 5eme) |
Physical activities |
meios de transporte |
mathematique |
Natural disasters |
spelling bee #1 |
Parts of the city |
reflexão e absorção da luz |
Histoire du droit de la famille et des personnes |
dna vs rna structure |
replication and transcription |
Evolution |
Figures of SpeechIf like me you're having a hard time remembering the figures of speech, here's a little something to help. |
Voc Anglais 3 |
mitosis |
Voc Anglais 2 |
meiosis |
mitosis |
notas musicales |
Voc Anglais 1 |
Revolutionerna instuderingsfrågor & begrepp |
in |
Kapha Dosha in Ayurveda |
les 6 saveurs en ayurvéda |
Quels sont les déséquilibres et maladies du dosha Vata |
Désequilibre du dosha Vata |
dosha PITTA |
dosha Kapha ayurveda |
ayurveda |
Pronombres personales |
Pam |
Subjects and academic fields |
Examen Comipems |
Natural habitats |
Ways of transport |
Jobs |
informática |
Examen Geografía |
Meals of the day |
Weather |
Holidays |
Parts of the home |
Population quiz |
génesis 41 |
sobré el agua |
inter |
interculturel |
vocabulario ruso |
interculturel |
planet earth vocab |
Escribe la palabra rusa según la pronunciaciónpalabras |
Family |
examen |
Aerobic and anaerobic respiration |
Respiración celular |
ttm parcial 2 |
photosynthesis |
Tejido Epitelialla histología es la ciencia que estudia a los tejidos ogánicos |
Área, perímetro y volumenso |
Vocabulario - Animales |
Week 2 |
week 1 |
cuerpo de animales en ingles |
Abbreviations |
geo 2 |
AK >:( |
latin chap 5 |
v 17 |
pharmacocinétique |
Hipertension ArterialEs el factor de riesgo mas comun para enfermedades cardiovasculares y fuerte. En mexico 25.5 millones de hipertensos: -60% sabe que tiene HA.
-40% NO sabe aue tiene HA. |
Spanish vocabulary |
Trombosis venosapresencia de un trombo en una vena y la respuesta inflamataria en la pared vascular que lo acompaña - puede originar embolia pulmonar |
WHF 5 |
chem 1 |
Vocabulario 3vocabulario |
Phrasal verbsidioms |
venas varicosascuando las valvulas no funcionan correctamente, la sangre regresa por la vena. Esta se inflama por la sangre que se acomula allí, lo cual provoca las varices con el paso del tiempo |
Engelska del 1 |
Giving AdviceMaking recommendation |
Vocabulario 2 |
roles noyaux hypothalamusapprendre les differents roles des noyaux |
vocabularioVocabulario rn ingles |
Piaget |
18 |
adverbios de lugar |
2 examen |
adverbios de tiempokskaka |
adverbios de tiempomsmama |
verbi |
franska skriv 25/4-24franska prov skriv vt 7 |
parmacodynamiepharmacodynamie |
Research Themes in Tourism and Hospitality |
spagnolo |
ozcan |
verbenverben |
grupos funcionalesc |
Dosha VATA |
Tienes dislexia? |
ayureda |
psychi developpement 1 |
latijn 12 |
numbers |
Spanish words |
programmazione |
identify systems according to function |
human skull |
functions of the skin |
layers of rhe skins |
propedéutica |
Unit 10 math test- concepts |
skin |
science 9 testget it right |
Spanish Vocab 6B |
Patologia |
examenexamen de monetaria |
QuímicaPara estudiar |
Unit 10 math test- VOCAB |
unidad 2 |
Guia 6La autoridad del estado |
Psicología infantil |
Anexos OACI |
español |
pranayama |
système urinaire |
Guia 5 |
comportamientoexamen |
economia |
fisica conceptosfísica conceptos |
Biologia. |
Skeletal |
guia economia internacional |
conceptos básicos de químicaconseptos basicos de que es la quimica en que se usa para la medicina, que es la bioquímica y los conseptos de materia, sustancia,mezcla, elemento,atomo,electron y proton |
ak h 3 |
Inglés |
Aparatos ReproductoresMasculino y femenino |
Biología |
Modelos atomicos |
cholera |
bio |
latin@ |
2.11 principes de bases pharmaco |
Matte, Måttenheter och proportionalitet |
Politics and Participation |
verbos |
Kennistoets blok 4 open vragentoetsBegrippen voor kennis openevragen toets blok 4 |
Hiragana あall tha hiragana I know |
Storia |
Mariana |
Alemão |
Bio repro |
unit 1 vocabulary |
parte y estructura de un reseña crítica |
partes y estructura de una resela crítica |
Nl H8 |
istologia |
Religie |
acidi e basi |
istologia - copia |
Estructura, Orden y Protocolo |
istologia |
pcn 3 |
Views |
Histology Quiz 1 - copia |
TLE reviewer |
L'acte Administratif Unilateral |
farsa de ines pereira |
poesia trovadoresca |
marketing |
Os Maias |
Fernando Pessoa |
Alberto Caeiro |
drinkar jag inte kan |
enzymes |
Glándulas |
hani8 |
cerebral circulation |
Teori - kopia |