planet earth vocab
the edge where tectonic plates meet
diverging boundry
A boundary where two of Earth’s plates are moving apart
converging boundry
plates moving toward eachother
converging boundry type 1
One plate carries oceanic crust and one carries continental crust
converging boundry type 2
Two plates with continental crust move up against each other
transform boundry
Plates slide sideways past each other
Part of earth’s surface that is much
higher than land around it
mountain range
a series of mountains
downfold in a rock
layers of sediment that have formed over millions of
time periods created by geologists based on the sequence of rock
continental drift
theory that the continents have slowly drifted
folded mountains
similar moumtain formations found on different continents
glacier deposits
deep scratches in rocls that show glaciers once covered the land
coal deposits
coal deposits that seem to have been once connected
traces of once living things preserved in rock
scientist who studies early lofe forms
animal that once lived on the ocean floor, 300 million years ago
index fossils
particular fossils used to determine time periods
continental and oceanic crust
Mid atlantic ridge
mostly underwater mountain range south of the north pole
continental drift
movement of continent land masses
interior plain
a wedge shaped area of land extending from the canadian sheild to the rocky mountains
Precambrian Sheild
Rock formation formed between 544 and 4500 million years ago
Metamorphic rock
rocks that have changed from pressure and heat
Sedimentary Rock
Rock formed from sediment deposited from water or air
Igneous Rock
rock formed from hot molten rock
expert in seismology or the study of earth quakes
colour of powder left behind when you rub across of rough surface
Mohs Hardness scale
ten minerals ranked by hardness
features material or object has
naturally occuring solid materials being laid down or deposited by wind
device that detects the waves of energy that spread through earth
the slpit of a material into two smooth surfaces
process of eroded ,aterials being laid down or deposited by wind
process that moves soil from one place to another
process that wears down rocks and other material
molten rock that flows out of a volcano
mineral breakage into rough and uneven surfaces
layer of solid rock beneath the loose rock fragments
moving mass of snow and ice
process of sediments being deposited on surface features
salt , sand, gravel, and mud caried by flowing river
biological weathering
wearing away of rocks by living things
chemical weathering
when water in the air combines with chemical substances in the air
mechanical weathering
when rock is broken aprt by physical forces
molten rock inside of earth
print out of seimograph
surveyors level
device that measures minute changes in the angle of ground slopes
point on the surface directly above the focus
first place the rock breaks below the surface in a earthquake
trembling or vibrations of the ground
layer that cover the earth
firts layer that makes up the interior of the earth
outer core
liquid section of the central layers
inner core
central layer of earth beleived to be solid
scientists who study the interior and surface of the earth
idea of something that cant fully be known or seen
Cuestionario |
Escribe la palabra rusa según la pronunciaciónpalabras |
Family |
examen |
Aerobic and anaerobic respiration |
Respiración celular |
ttm parcial 2 |
photosynthesis |
Tejido Epitelialla histología es la ciencia que estudia a los tejidos ogánicos |
Área, perímetro y volumenso |
Vocabulario - Animales |
Week 2 |
week 1 |
cuerpo de animales en ingles |
Abbreviations |
geo 2 |
AK >:( |
latin chap 5 |
v 17 |
pharmacocinétique |
Hipertension ArterialEs el factor de riesgo mas comun para enfermedades cardiovasculares y fuerte. En mexico 25.5 millones de hipertensos: -60% sabe que tiene HA.
-40% NO sabe aue tiene HA. |
Spanish vocabulary |
Trombosis venosapresencia de un trombo en una vena y la respuesta inflamataria en la pared vascular que lo acompaña - puede originar embolia pulmonar |
WHF 5 |
chem 1 |
Vocabulario 3vocabulario |
Phrasal verbsidioms |
venas varicosascuando las valvulas no funcionan correctamente, la sangre regresa por la vena. Esta se inflama por la sangre que se acomula allí, lo cual provoca las varices con el paso del tiempo |
Engelska del 1 |
Giving AdviceMaking recommendation |
Vocabulario 2 |
roles noyaux hypothalamusapprendre les differents roles des noyaux |
vocabularioVocabulario rn ingles |
Piaget |
18 |
adverbios de lugar |
2 examen |
adverbios de tiempokskaka |
adverbios de tiempomsmama |
verbi |
franska skriv 25/4-24franska prov skriv vt 7 |
parmacodynamiepharmacodynamie |
Research Themes in Tourism and Hospitality |
spagnolo |
ozcan |
verbenverben |
grupos funcionalesc |
Dosha VATA |
Tienes dislexia? |
ayureda |
psychi developpement 1 |
latijn 12 |
numbers |
Spanish words |
programmazione |
identify systems according to function |
human skull |
functions of the skin |
layers of rhe skins |
propedéutica |
Unit 10 math test- concepts |
skin |
science 9 testget it right |
Spanish Vocab 6B |
Patologia |
examenexamen de monetaria |
QuímicaPara estudiar |
Unit 10 math test- VOCAB |
unidad 2 |
Guia 6La autoridad del estado |
Psicología infantil |
Anexos OACI |
español |
pranayama |
système urinaire |
Guia 5 |
comportamientoexamen |
economia |
fisica conceptosfísica conceptos |
Biologia. |
Skeletal |
guia economia internacional |
conceptos básicos de químicaconseptos basicos de que es la quimica en que se usa para la medicina, que es la bioquímica y los conseptos de materia, sustancia,mezcla, elemento,atomo,electron y proton |
ak h 3 |
Inglés |
Aparatos ReproductoresMasculino y femenino |
Biología |
Modelos atomicos |
cholera |
bio |
latin@ |
2.11 principes de bases pharmaco |
Matte, Måttenheter och proportionalitet |
Politics and Participation |
verbos |
Kennistoets blok 4 open vragentoetsBegrippen voor kennis openevragen toets blok 4 |
Hiragana あall tha hiragana I know |
Storia |
Mariana |
Alemão |
Bio repro |
unit 1 vocabulary |
parte y estructura de un reseña crítica |
partes y estructura de una resela crítica |
Nl H8 |
istologia |
Religie |
acidi e basi |
istologia - copia |
Estructura, Orden y Protocolo |
istologia |
pcn 3 |
Views |
Histology Quiz 1 - copia |
TLE reviewer |
L'acte Administratif Unilateral |
farsa de ines pereira |
poesia trovadoresca |
marketing |
Os Maias |
Fernando Pessoa |
Alberto Caeiro |
drinkar jag inte kan |
enzymes |
Glándulas |
hani8 |
cerebral circulation |
Teori - kopia |
Funciones de la lengua.Las funciones de la lengua som las calificaciones fe lenguaje, se divide en 5. |
examen |
Derivadas de una potenciaderivadas de una potencia con f(x)=x² |
reflex |
spinal cord |
mitosis |
Comidas |
Historia |
sistema nervioso y endocrino |
genesis 39 |
Derivadas |
Dietetica alimentación en embarazo, lactancia materna |
Anatomía Dental |
Discursos |
sujetos |
Teori |
g |
objetos |
Medicina Aerea |
Exam sur Islamexam |
japanisch Adjektiv |
brain locations |
Japanisch |
mecanica automovel |
nevrous system |
Fusto del Pelo |
Lana Struttura Morfologica e Radice del Pelo |
Fichas bibliográficas |
traduza |
Traduza e conjugue os verbos no passado e futuro |
condiciones de estancia de los extranjeros en México |
sociedades mercantiles |
títulos de crédito |
obligaciones y contratos |
derechos reales, posesión y prescripción |
derecho privado |
derecho económico |
derecho ambiental |
303 |
causas de la primera guerra mundialcuáles son las principales causas de la primera guerra mundial |
medicina |
judendomen begrepp |
tipos se violencia |
Find amino acid name with the abreviation |
Vamos! Adelante! 4 Unidad 5; Bloque AVamos! Adelante! 4 Unidad 5; Bloque A Vokabeln von deutsch zu spanisch |
relaciones sociales y afectivas en la comunidad |
mening |
Meteorologia |
Lana Generalità Vello e Tosa |
Carbs and Lipid |
BIO 2102 Exam 2 |
mac |
Detresse respiratoire |
Clinical ChemistryQuiz |
Ny |
revisionchp 8 revision ( biology) |
CGnö |
español |
amelie |
Napoleon plus Sverige under revolutionerna |
Key Words |
ecoulement sanguin/hemorragie |
Science-Chemistry |
anatomia |
Deribadas de una potencia |
biologia |
sports unit 3 - sports development |
Chapter 15 |
Vocabulary |
Verbe anglais |
Diritto CostituzionaleDEF: costituzione --> è l'atto normativo fondante che definisce la natura, la forma, la struttura, l'attività e le regole fondamentali di un'organizzazione, ovvero il vertice della gerarchia delle fon... |
Verbe en anglaiscarte de verbe en anglais, traduction en français |
traumatisme cranien |
mapeh |
Kapitel 8 sport, Freizeit und Ferien |
collapsus cardio vasculaire etat de choc |
Control de Transito Aéreo |
la photosynthese |
Nature of Research |
Källvärdering, underrättelse |
extra till prov |
ph and molecules |
homeostasis |
informatica |
Islam |
organelles |
Membrane |
body cavities |
Fragebogen Allgemeinwissen |
Introduction to Research in Tourism |
9 regions |
anatomical |
body systems |
scienze |
Micro minerales macro y oligo elementos |
Vitaminas |
Alcohol drogas |
Elementos naturales y Sintéticos |
Metodos de separación |
Materias, sustancias y mezclas |
Psicología 1er Parcial |
Sistema ventricular |
preposiciones |
manual uzo de la fuerza |
MeningesAnatomía bloque 4 |
Hidrostática |
Drenaje del cerebroAnatomía, bloque 4 |
derechoquiz para examen derecho |
IrrigaciónAnatomia. Bloque 4 |
Operaciones |
Yamileth |
islam |
Vías del dolor |
Patología de Intestino delgado y Colon |
Vías del dolor |
examen preventiva departamental |
Histoire 3Évalue mes connaissances a l'aide de question |
Sistema Nerviosoinformación del sistema nervioso |
words |
kana |
Imagen 2do parcial |
recepción del Derecho Romano |
anatomia |
Overview of Body |
nomenglatura inorgánica |
compuestos inorgánicos |
técnicas de intervenção policial |
unit 11 |
históriaola |