1. air fills the lungs and so the alveoli have a high PPO2
2. the cappilaries have a high PPCO2
3. gases move from a high concentration to an area of lower concentration
4. the O2 diffuses into the capillaries and the CO2 diffuses into the alveoli
Diaphragm contracts
volume of the thoracic cavity increases
external intercostals contract
pressure decreases
1.more force
2.more than at rest
3.sternocleidomastoid, pectoralis minor
4. more than at rest
diaphragm relaxes
volume of thoracic cavity decreases
external intercostals relax
pressure increases
1.diaphragm relaxes
2.further and more than at rest
3.internal intercostal muscles, rectus abdominus contract
4.more than at rest
- increased volume of air inspired/expired
- increased frequency of breaths
- increased minute ventilation
- response to and in coordination with the cv system
- more capillaries on alveoli
- increased diameter of capillaries around the alveoli
- the diaphragm and intercostal muscles grow stronger enabling them to lift the rib cage higher
-muscles contract with greater force
maintains elevated ventilation rate
helps gradually lower your breathing rate
helps grdually lower the tidal volume back to resting levels
helps repay O2 debt
increased breathing rate
increased blood flow and therefore O2 to the working muscles
increased rate of diffusion by increasing the concentration gradient