medicare funds some or all fees with health services like doctors, doc visits, free fee treatment in public hospitals
give resources to daily living like carers and be socially connected assitive tech like wheelchairs
subsidised meds paid by fed gov provide treatments for health outcomes
phi pays funding for private hospitals fed gov gives 4 incentives to make it more afforable
decide what services will be cheaper with mc, keeps funds for more important services better goals and health outcomes
each person gets a plan, only nesscary funds spent on them so it can continue in future
constantly reviewing meds
phi rebate provided by gov, gives lifetime cover minmises gains provided through private health systems
medicare provides services for all aussie citzens
only people with a lifelong or signifcant disabilty can access a plan
subsidised meds for everyone concession payment
fed gov and phi rebate increase access to phi for those on lower income
medicare safety net people need constant cover like doc visits doc visits and fincial support
pbs safety net protects people for big expenses for pbs listed meds
people on lower income recieve more finacial support within phi rebate