The study of how society allocates its scarce resources.
The study of the behaviour of individuals and groups within an economy.
Scarcity - wants are unlimited but resources are limited.
The resources used by firms in the production process. They are the inputs to the production process.
All natural resources such as coal. Economic activity used renewable + non-renewable.
Workforce of economy. Its the physical and mental effort expanded by humans.
Man made resources wanted for what they contribute to the output e.g. machines
Decision-making and risk-taking factors. This is done by humans for profit.
The person who makes the decsions and takes risks, if they pay off the recieve reward.
The income earned by the owners of the factors of production for their use.
Something that is desired
Absolute minimum resources necessary for long term physical well-being
An organised way in which a country allocates resources and distributes goods and services across a given geographical area.
consumer based economy that relies on the consumption choices of tje consumers
a system where the goverment determines where goods should be produced and at what price.
The satisfaction lost from the next best alternative foregone.
goods that have an opportunity cost
a good that has no opportunity cost and doesn't require a sacrafice
a diagram that illustrates the maximum amount of one good that can be produced given a certain amount of another good, when all resources are being efficiently utilised.