Masonry 1st Degree Section 2
Why were you divested of all metals when made a Mason?
For two reasons: First, that. I should carry nothing offensive or defensive into the lodge with me. Second, at the building of King Solomon's Temple, there was not heard the sound of axe, hammer, or any tool of iron.
How could a building of such s stupendous magnitude be erected without the aid of some iron tool?
Because the stones were all hewn, squared and numbers in the quarries where they were raised; the tiinbers felled and prepared in the forest of Lebanon, and carried by sea in floats to the Joppa, and from thence by land to Jerusalem, where they were set up by wooden maul prepared for that purpose; and when the building was erected, its several parts fitted with such exactness, that it had more the appearance of being the handiwork of the Supreme Architect of the Universe than that of human hands
Why were you neither naked nor clothed?
Because Masonry regards no man for his worldly wealth or honors; it was, therefore, to show that it was the internal and not the external qualification of a man that should render him worthy to be a Mason.
Why were you neither barefoot nor shod?
This was according to an ancient Israelites custmn. We read in the book of Ruth, that this was the n1anner in former times concerning redeeming and concerning changing for to confirm all things; a man plucked off his shoe and gave it to his neighbor, and this was a testimony in Israel. This, therefore, was done to show the sincerity of our intention in the business we were then engaged upon.
Why were you neither barefoot nor shod?
This was according to an ancient Israelites custmn. We read in the book of Ruth, that this was the n1anner in former times concerning redeeming and concerning changing for to confirm all things; a man plucked off his shoe and gave it to his neighbor, and this was a testimony in Israel. This, therefore, was done to show the sincerity of our intention in the business we were then engaged upon.
Why were you hoodwinked and cable-tow about your neck?
For three reasons: First, that as I was then in darkness, so should I keep the world without in future as relates to the secrets of Masonry, until they should obtain the, as lawfully as I was then about to do; Second, that my heart should be taught to conceal before my eyes beheld the beauties of Masonry; third, should I have refused to the forms and ceremonies of Masonry, being found unworthy to be taken by the hand as a brother, by the help of the cable-tow, be conducted out of the Lodge without being allowed to discover even the form thereof.
Why were you caused to give three distinct knocks?
For two reasons: First to alarm the Lodge and inform the Worshipful Master that I was prepared of initiation; second, to remind of a certain text in Scripture, "Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you."
How did you apply that text to your then situation?
I asked the recommendation of a friend to be made a Mason; through his recommendation I sought initiation; I knocked at the door of the Lodge, and it was opened unto me.
Why were you received on the point of a sharp instrument?
It was to signify that as an instrun1ent of torture to the flesh, so should the remembrance thereof be to my conscience, should I ever to presu1ne to reveal any of the secrets of Masonry.
Why were you caused to kneel and attend prayer?
Because no n1an should ever enter upon any great undertaking without first invoking the blessing of Deity.
Why were you asked in whom you put your trust?
Because, agreeable to an ancient Masonic custom, no Atheist could be a Mason; it was, therefore, necessary that I should profess my belief in Deity, otherwise no oath would be binding upon me.
Why were you taken by the right hand, ordered to arise, follow your guide, and fear no danger?
It was to show that although at that tiine I could neither foresee nor prevent danger, I was in the hands of a trusty friend, in whose fidelity I might with safety confide.
Why were you conducted once about the altar?
That the brethren might see I was duly and truly prepared.
Why were you caused to meet with several obstructions on your passage?
Because in every regular and well governed Lodge there is a representation of King Solomon's Temple, in which we learn there were guards stationed at the South, West, and East gates to see that none passed or repassed but such as were duly qualified and had their permission. It was therefore necessary that I should meet with these several obstructions, in order that I might be duly examined before I could be made a Mason.
Why were you caused to kneel on your naked left knee?
Because the left was supposed to be the weaker part of man; it was, therefore, to show that it was the weaker part of Masonry I was then entering upon, it being that of an Entered Apprentice.
Why were you caused to lay your right hand on the Holy Bible, Square, and Compasses?
Because the right hand was supposed by our ancient brethren to be the seat of fidelity, which was said sometimes to be represented by two hands joined, and others by two human figures holding each other by the right hand. The right hand therefore was made use of as a token of our sincerity, and a pledge of our fidelity on the business we were then engaged upon.
Why were you presented with the Lambskin Apron, which is the true badge of a Mason?
Because the lamb has in all ages been deemed an emblem of innocence; he, therefore, who wears the lambskin as a badge of Maso my, is thereby continually reminded of that purity of life and conduct which is essentially necessary to his gaining adn1ission into that celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Architect of the Universe presides.
Why were you requested to deposit something of a metallic kind?
It was to remind me of my then extremely poor and penniless situation, should I ever afterwards meet a friend, more especially a brother, in like circumstances, that I should contribute as liberally to his relief as I could do without any inconvenience to myself.
Why were you placed in the Northeast corner, as the youngest Entered Apprentice?
Because in operative Masonry the first stone of a building is usually placed in the Northeast corner, I was therefore placed there to receive those first instructions upon which to build my future moral and Masonic edifice.
Quiz |
maatschappijleerja |
Physics: energy equations |
escalatorinterview questions |
Technologycomic strip of spaghetti measure |
My vocab |
econ |
r |
test 2 |
scheikunded |
Sports |
scheikunde min ionen |
U.S States |
History |
French going down the hill :(me no no wanna |
german |
Movies and Tv |
Anglais |
engels |
eng |
Biologie vragen bss 3.4 |
Biologie vragen bss 3.3 |
Biologie vragen bss 3.2 |
a-level bio❤️🔥 |
Biologie vragen bss 3.1 |
Dekolonisatie |
Israël en Palestina |
Aardrijkskunde vragen par 3.3 |
Computer ScienceSection 1.1.1 |
Masonry 1st Degree Section 1 |
Le produit de l'ettiquetage er de la stigmatisation |
la déviance |
middeleeuwen namen |
oudheid namen |
scheikunde plus ionen |
german school subjects |
internationaal recht - ARW 2 |
materials and their structure |
Space |
Presidents Quiz 19-46 |
Weimar study guide |
psychology |
Facing a Fear - FictionFacing a Fear |
The Magic Book -FictionThe Magic Book |
factores productivos |
CranberriesCranberries |
MatterMatter |
Photosynthesis |
unit 2 civics |
Kända titlar från de 4 periodernaHej |
CarrotsCarrots |
JellyfishJellyfish |
EU-recht - ARW 2 |
french vocab |
steriod metabolism |
CatsCats |
Science 🧪🧬🔬😭Studying for Science testtt 😭 |
Coagulation |
engelskavv |
Final exam |
Show me Tell me |
AS PSYCH | mock exam revision |
Eco H3 pa 1 t 3 + H4 |
S.C. Younger and older you |
s |
Liz sociologyLIZ |
De nouveaux espaces de conquette (Theme 1) |
The brain parts and functionsPsycholgy |
Duits B dieren (hfd 4) |
Angleščina (Harrison Bergeron) |
Verpleegtechnische Handelingen |
Law revision |
maatschapij toetseweek 2begrippen |
The new rightSociology |
Flashcards |
Thème 4 Histoire |
Geschiedenis vragen par 2.4 |
L'environnement (Theme 5) |
Geschiedenis vragen par 2.3 |
no begrepp v 3onsdag 17 jan |
latijn |
Vmodel |
Module 4 |
sebscience |
Greek |
aarderijkskunde |
Beställning, kontrollering och utlämning av glasögon |
mth kennistoets |
biologie transport begrippen. |
sav |
Thai |
italian |
bill |
farsi |
ActSci |
Science Quiz- Jan 16th |
Spainish Weather🎀 |
privatjuridik avtalsrätt |
Air Brake NL (2024) |
Tekniska landvinningar inom glasögon |
Glaskunskap & Glasdesign |
Spanish Revision |
bea |
Japanese |
What means |
Periodic tableperiodic table of elements flashcards |
Geographie humaine |
spanish |
Latijn Woorden Kwartaal 2Latijn woorden Kwartaal 2 |
géo humaine |
french |
Maatschappij tentamen Politiek & Nederland en de Wereld |
Latin prepositionspreposition revision for latin test |
unit 2 ac 1.1 crime |
ggg |
Instuderingsfrågor nervsystemet |
lawyuh |
Language of Science (Part 2) Biology |
Grundläggande optik |
svt |
Business extra info |
maatschapijleer |
noms/verbes |
Symbole physique |
Unité physique |
formules |
grade 10 bio |
grade 10 bio |
Nouns |
Anthro week 1 flashcards: |
Appendicular muscles and actions |
Test science dynamique - statique |
Geschiedenis h5/6 |
han || greetings |
Science end of unit solvents |
Goverment names testno description needed |
science - copy. |
franska revolutionen |
school stuff innit spanish |
Meningar |
Effectonderzoek in de gedragswetenschappen |
Spanish |
Vital Signs and Observations |
Citations Jan 2024 |
InjuriesCommon injuries for ankle, knee, hip & groin, spine, shoulder and elbow & wrist. |
Economics - Aggregate supply and demand, inflation, macroeconomic policies (12) |
Periodic table |
test |
Atomic structure |
tyska bajs |
Conservation of energy |
Conservation of energy |
동사 (verbs) |
ACCT 674 - Chapter 1 - The Accountant's Vital Role in Decision Making |
Economics - Market structure (CHAPTER 6) |
biology quiz on 1/17/2024 |
spanish vocab one |
cna chapter 7 and 10 |
vocab lesson 15 |
celloif you want to learn more about cello notss |
Vocab |
Human Evolution - Biodiversity |
geschiedenis hoofdstuk 5 en 6 |
Bio |
Cell structure and Transport |
history years |
history statistics |
Science Cells test revision |
liverpool base destinations |
science physique |
french test.easy |
History: Crime and punishmentCrime and punishment questions about the entire topic |
kracht en beweging |
Psych |
Victorian railway v coultas |
entreprenuer ship word terms |
frans |
Onderzoeksmethoden deel 3Onderzoeksmethoden deel van 6 + 10 |
Cybercrime |
tule sisään lämphöön |
Plant evolution - Biodiversity |
Physique-chimie révision chapitre 1&2 |
Ideal and non ideal solutions -Chemistry of life |
Reproduction |
Boeing 777 |
french |
french |
Onderzoeksmethoden deel 2Onderzoeksmethoden 4 + 5 + deel van 6
Colleges 3 + 4 |
Vocabulary LPIC |
Extra Words from EX |
Word Roots and Combining Forms Indicating Color |
Spainish 🎀💵 |
human geo vocab 1 and 2 |
Important words (french) |
What's your understanding of SoftwareSoftware is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks. It is the opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer. Software i... |
Ne PasVocab for Nes Pas quiz. |
Kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod |
Tort Law- defences to private nuisance |
Vetenskaplig metod tenta 13/1-23 |
The orgin of life and evolution - Biodiversity |
Spanish hwspanish hw |
abdomen the third section of an insect’s body adaptations special features, likgdytvdt | |
french vocabfrench |
business finance formulae |
recap of term one 2023 |
history quiz 1 |
buisiness |
Duits h2 Werkwoorden 3e of 4e naamval3e of 4e naamval werkwoorden |
Bio- interactions of nanomaterials |
History Test 2 Quiz 3 |
pe theory |
history test two number 2 |
KNSS 307(Fundamental Concepts) |
nobela |
Phonetics |
english |
Thermodynamics - Chemistry of Life |
nervsystemetnervsystemet |
reductionism and holism |
Onderzoeksmethoden deel 1Onderzoeksmethoden hoofdstuk 2 + 3
Colleges 1 + 2 |
Jarentallen Duitserijk So |
Cognition |
Perception |
what do you do in the summer |
Spanish Preterite tenseA test on the Preterite tense in Spanish |
한글 |
ruska avantgarda |
ogl202 |
english reviewer (comparing and constrasting) |
linux ogl202 |
Cell organelle and the cytoskeleton- Cell Biology |
french language study |
zguegou |
Isomerism |
Mocking with Moq |
BidZ Termenlijst 2 |
human motor control and sports |
Biologie practicum 9 januari |
physics ep |
toets 2 |
Psycho 105 - Second semester |
CLD Permit |
fire final |
poetry |
Study guide English |
Les sports |
gemara word quiz |
Halogens |
Of Mice And Men |
english vocab/ mla formatuse this for exams |
Les vacances |
Faire des courses |
La météo |
Spanish vocab |
toets |
French personal pronounsTest your understanding on French subject pronouns. |
english |
ABCa-z for asl |
biologie hf 2 2.5 |
Physique-chimie révision chapitre 1&2 |
likes and dislikes |
likes and dislikes |