- applies to all humans regardless of other factors, inherent to being human
Positive: you have to do something (provide
education) for human rights
Negative: you have to refrain from doing something (freedom of speech).
In countries undergoing this
- Women are more likely than men to become unemployed
- working conditions for women deteriorate
- girls are often withdrawn from schools
Households are integrated into wider social relations
- they are culturally constructed
- Power relations in the family unit between man and women
- non government intereaction
most illiterate people are women
- girls are most likely to be discouraged of continuing education
- often poorly payed
- feminization of labour
not taking into account the different experiences of conflict for men and women
women are playing a central role in the formation of global economy
inequality of women based on countries and regions do not work on globalization
Gender development Index: calculates male and female HDI's